he's still conflating DSDs and personality with something called gender. for an XY child, testosterone effects have already begun in utero. the child is born an already definitively male child. mutilating his genitals is merely a cosmetic surgery, a superficiality. further, is child then given female hormones starting at birth? no, he's apparently allowed [!!] to develop normally [=as boy, because he's XY] for ten or twelve years before being slammed with drugs to change gears. it's a misconception that the boy child age 0-10 isn't biologically developing very differently from a girl child. as far as twin studies, even identical twins are not identical--as he noted--but so what? if Sally likes the color red, and her identical sister Ally likes blue better, is he going to chalk that up to biology? i don't think he understands how to design or interpret twin studies. and even if there is a bio-component---it's likely for example that susceptibility to [environmental triggering of, likely, they think now] developing type 1 diabetes has a genetic component but it doesn't mean it's determined. it isn't entirely determined, because the other twin gets it only 40% of the time. here's genetic determination for you: Huntingtons. cystic fibrosis. sickle cell. having red hair! that's why these traits can be tested for in utero. but other traits can't. autoimmune disease isn't entirely genetically determined, and personality isn't. and that's what we're dealing with here. personality. why can't this guy get this. why does he have to invent a concept, 'gender,' to try to explain personality difference. well, because it has to be medicalized. if it's not medicalized, they can't make insurance companies pay for all this intervention.

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I med God at The Gap once, he was buying chinos

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Yeah, and if they’re not outright worshiping their omnipotent male god (which means worshiping themselves by proxy), they’re worshiping themselves directly by applying their technological procedures to human bodies. They can’t make even ONE vagina, and this guy says that’s what they’re making with penectomy and colon tissue. Twenty years ago, when reading about the first institution of anti-abortion laws in the U.S. during the Nineteenth Century, I realized that it was due in no small part to the industrial organization of exclusively male medical practitioners. Control of the marketplace (human bodies, primarily female) is what they organized, and a legally captive clientele. Shitcanning religion and adopting materialism hasn’t improved their exploitative behavior, unfortunately. Thanks for reminding us that they have an ideology akin to religion that they’re practicing with their sexual lobotomies! ☮️❤️🐾

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Are you familiar with Suzanne Forbes-Vierling's work on the slavery bond market? There were also laws criminalizing concealing a pregnancy and judges condemning abortion of a quick child in the 17th century (Matthew Hale)

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Wow. No. Should I be? I enjoy your clear, concise, scientifically accurate presentations of this subject matter. It’s kinda hard now for me to stomach alone and on my own! I remember thinking back then that I’d like to start a menstrual extraction group, but I’m rather hopeless, socially speaking, and wouldn’t know how. I just think that basic scientific knowledge of our bodies is essential for females, and if we all knew how to perform ME, then wouldn’t the medical deities’ power over us be greatly diminished, and eventually could be brought to an end? The one-way valves required for safety are commonplace these days in medical supplies, such as urine collection bags for persons with quadriplegia. On another note, would you be able and willing to recommend a genetic testing firm who could analyze my (and two sisters’) DNA for possible indications of incest? I gave a DNA sample to 23 & Me in 2020, though I really would rather not have (long story!) and when I asked for a referral from my doctor’s office, that’s who they recommended, even though my concern was about medical records privacy. So, I don’t think they’ll be much help on this one. You’re a Cal grad (my dad’s alma mater) and I just thought you might know of some directly. I’ll look up Suzanne Forbes-Vierling and Matthew Hale. Thanks for recommending!

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Yes I've seen her present at a few conferences. Very eye opening with implications for surrogacy that she goes into. I don't know of one but there's this woman on tiktok who looks at the donor conceived children problem and how you end up with pods of 100 siblings where some of the offspring donated and ended up conceiving incestuously by accident. There's basically nothing preventing that. Next time she pops up on my FYP I'll link you because I can't remember the username. But I see her videos a lot lately. She interviews them a lot and so she may have references

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There is, I believe, also a great deal of inadvertent incest in inner cities with large populations of multi-generational single mothers. "Who's your Daddy" is bad enough, but then you get "Who's your brother/sister/cousin." Consanguinity has well-known effects on IQ, behavior, and certain physical anomolies. Happens everywhere (look at certain Arab groups, isolated pockets of rural America, and the Hapsburgs), but this is an occult (in the sense of hidden) consequence of welfare policy and too many Daddies. I'm from Detroit, originally. Once the Grandmothers and Aunties lose track of who's related to whom, things get really messy.

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Maybe we shouldn't incarcerate so many men for dumb shit. Maybe we should pay mothers for the work they do for society.

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Mmmm, it's complicated.

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Dumb s--t such as minor juvenile crime or pot smoking, agreed. But "dumb s--t" like rape (check), armed robbery (check, twice), multiple burglaries (check check check) and thefts from vehicles (numerous batteries and a spare tire) deserve incarceration/incapacitation. Let's ask, as a society, "Where's your Daddy?" As I said, I'm from Detroit. And I survived, mostly.

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I've never heard of a menstrual extraction! I just looked it up, and yes, this is something women should be able to do for themselves in each other.

I don't think many men understand how often women have sex with them when they don't really want to- to maintain the relationship, to avoid an argument, etc. I don't think people realize how often rape/semi-consensual sex happens with in a relationship. Women should be able to clear their uterus themselves until they get in a better space emotionally and physically with their relationships.

I would also like to see more home births. Women guiding and supporting other women through their birthing experiences.

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We have to pick up where the Second Wave got side railed by the fetishists! ☮️❤️🐾

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Hi Exu, thank you for another amazing video. I thought you'd be interested in this thread on Reddit of 'top surgery' causing huge side effects - https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/comments/t88g9q/some_thoughts_about_top_surgery_regrets/

Hadn't heard of this before!

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This is so sad/horrible.

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Dr Safer continues to make me feel very unsafe. This is all fairly new to me, but I've been wondering if I was detecting some sort of anti-gay & anti-lesbian agenda in this Religion of Trans. Can it be true that these people are willing to mutilate their own genitals, or to mutilate someone else's genitals, because they can't tolerate love and erotic fun between persons of the same sex? The human race was making huge progress in accepting gay rights, but now we're seeing a nasty backwards plunge.

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A doctor that refers to cutting up children as "cool" is seriously unfit. There are better ways to refer to medical advances without implying that you see the person on the other end of the knife as a neat toy. Christ...

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