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Dec 31, 2022
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If that person is a professor, the only takeaway from his rant is that you really do not need to throw away your money on a college degree.

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Wait up, medical journalism is all about being a mouthpiece for this or that minority and subjective “experience”?

Thanks Dr!

That makes a lot of sense.

Take my money

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Thanks for your wisdom Prof Smugacious

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Damn. I would not want him as a professor. He grades based on his ridiculous opinions, apparently.

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oh my this just further proof that this ideological war is run men, yes the kinds born with pickles. starting at top with Dr. Smacheal Listerine, Dr. Tarci Oowers. This will be a long war.

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"And that is how I lost my teaching job because I got the whole university successfully sued for viewpoint discrimination"

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This is the level of educator omg the universities are doomed. His absolute ignorance is outrageous and dangerous to society, wherever he "teaches" he should be sacked ASAP, twat

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Wow, this is very very sad. The world has really gone insane. We should boycott universities with ignorant professors and start our own universities all female run.

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That’s been done- I’m a Smith College graduate and it makes me so fucking angry to say that even all women’s institutions are now accepting men who “identify “ as women! They finally found a way in!!!

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That is so awful, there has to be a way to stop this madness.

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Isn't it also true that women who started at Smith and then transitioned during their 4 years are also able to stay, even though they call themselves men? (not sure why they would want to, but there's no consistent logic in any of this).

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No logic at all, if they completely miss the point of an "all female" college.

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There’s no point left. I was in Northampton from 1979 -1983 and the Lesbian Alliance was a real force and presence on campus. What a pity to think that all that work went to shit !!!

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I’ve been so focused on the simple fact that men had finally found a way in to an all women’s institution that I didn’t think about the fact that women would be there and then transition into men ( though they are still women in my mind)! So Northampton is now swarming with men??? Fuck!!!

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It took a little over 150 years but they finally did it! All that work...😱

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It's so insane.They have their own spaces where real women are not included, so why can't women have the same? They just don't see us as human, imo. We're just in their way of everything they want to conquer, its a sickness.

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I really think we’re in the fight of our lives- now! If women don’t see what’s happening now and go out there and try to salvage the rights that other women fought long and hard for then I don’t know?

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I agree.

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I'm going to break out my journalism snob credentials here because I feel like it and this guy makes me itch.

The takeaway from this video should be: don't go to second rate journalism schools.

And don't trust the fact that a school has a good reputation in other areas to speak to their J-school quality. If you're trusting someone in North America because they have a journalism degree and they didn't go to Carleton or Ryerson in Canada or Columbia in the US? They didn't go to journalism school. You are stupid to trust them. Those are the only journalism degrees worth having and honestly? People get them primarily because they'll network you straight into mainstream journalism, and teach you to learn to accept being treated like "the burger flippers of the professional world"

That said: most journalists don't go to j-school, not unless they want to teach. This guy is a total dingus. He's the kid in the college newspaper newsroom who didn't get invited to parties and now feels he can speak for everyone else because he's earning $75,000 a year (if he's lucky) sitting on his tush in an office somewhere while everyone else gets real work done.

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Considering what is coming out of "journalism" schools, including Columbia, I'm not impressed. I think this guy is fairly standard. I started a list of what is taught to would-be "journalists," beginning with 1) Ask no questions! Ever! Even if the subject is noncontroversial!

That excellent takedown of NPR interviewing Richard Levine (there's an entire series by two men) is exactly what I'm talking about. Nothing but government propaganda and puff pieces, the state of American "journalism."

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I'm giving Columbia as much credit as I can here, to be gracious. People who can't cut it at Carleton go to Columbia. I don't think there's another journalism school in the US that's worth the price of admission.

Once upon a time I heard good things about UC Berkeley but I'm pretty sure they've gone full "queer theory" by now.

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Not only queer theory -- hiring people who should be institutionalized! such as Butler and Gross Lavatory -- but George W Bush's torture justifier is employed at Berkeley's law school. I'm guessing they have a lot more horrid people on their faculty but I don't want to know anymore about them!

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Oh, and look up Katherine McKercher's brilliant take on "spurious objectivity" This guy is a classic example of the problem we face.

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I will! Thanks

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Here's a link to her goodreads page, Catherine, with a "C" not a "K"

(that would have been an automatic fail if it were a journalism assignment)


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I found her on Twitter yesterday! Thank you for the link❤️

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To be fair to the professor, the tick tocks videos do undergo rigorous peer review, do they not...

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Like Pink Floyd said many years ago “Teacher, leave them kids alone “!!! He wants pats on the back for being such a good SJW- not today Satan!

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Just remember, journalism is an industry with one of the highest rates of sociopathy!

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I'm going to need a citation for that claim.

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Probably should have said psychopaths, but anyway you're going to have to get and read the book cited yourself. There's the list from the book, library probs can get you a copy. There's a difference between criminal psychopathy and functional psychopathy. Criminal psychopaths become Ted Bundy, functional psychopaths become Ted Turner. Jobs that have high prestige or power attract psychopaths. Journalism used to be looked down upon, not so much anymore. The ones that are ditching major outlets over conflicts of conscience are probably not psychopaths. I'm surprised people don't just logically conclude this. Like the reason cops but not soldiers have a high rate of psychopathy is probably because of the demographic that joins the military vs joins the police force. Or that EMTs, firemen, dispatchers aren't the same as cops either even though they're all filed rescue services. It's worth looking into the work James Fallon on psycho/sociopaths as well.

Lol also, google would turn up thousands and thousands of results.

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Well, I was attracted to print journalism for the opportunity to help people understand the truth in difficult situations. I have honestly never met anyone who went into it for ego. Most of us are working people with a sense of mission to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.

You are more likely to be killed as a journalist than in any other profession but the bomb squad. I doubt the veracity of this study but I can tell you take a very dim view of my profession.

To put it plainly, you've insulted me personally. I've had death threats as a journalist. I've also saved lives and changed public policy and I guarantee you would not recognize my name or my face.

That's true of most of us. But go ahead and hate us. You surely won't be alone. Just let's make a pact to give each other a wide berth because knowing people think this way just makes the world a harder place for me. Maybe that was your intention, maybe not. Either way, we need to be in different spheres.

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If you’re a journalist in Mexico or Iran or China, etc. my hat’s off to you. If you’re a journalist in the US, I was at greater risk of being murdered working grave shift in fast food. Journalists don’t even break top 10 here. Much like the “trans women are in The Most Danger” isn’t true unless you include the sex work. And then it’s the sex work that actually explains the entire murder rate, and then still you mostly have to be a sex worker not in the US. Cops have a high psychopathy rate AND a high chance of being murdered in the job. Do you think two facts cannot exist at the same time?

You should look into how journalists actually die since you are very clearly trying to make your profession out to be heroic. Bomb squad members die on the job for completely different reasons, not murder, they are not the target of the bombs or of the death threats that precede them. In the US, retail workers, cashiers, delivery drivers, cab drivers, food/bar workers, cops and law enforcement/security, gas station attendants, and non police emergency personnel are more likely to be murdered than any journalist in the US. I’ve had violence, rape, and death threats too, but that was for stuff like being a woman who didn’t smile when I was told, or intervening in domestic violence situations, once for not letting crackheads order as walk ups in the drive thru. I mean I’ve experienced the violence and assaults too but clearly not the murder, however neither have you since you're clearly typing here. I've actually talked to someone who murdered a cab driver with a rock over drugs and spent 25 years in jail for that. I've had multiple friends assaulted on the job by customers, not even robbers, just regular customers.

I don’t have disdain for journalists but I do have a general disdain for cowards and liars. My original two posts were not meant to be insulting, they were remembering and stating things I’d read, to which you took offense, partially over a “lol” apparently, and didn’t look further into the statement or the background provided upon request. I don’t care who you are, or what your face is, but I do care that you claim to direct policy while also having just balked at investigating something that made you personally uncomfortable, denied it without having read the source material, made a potentially counter factual claim in order to boost your clout, and then followed that up with an actual insult.

Journalism for years now has been full of cowards and liars and they're the ones that become most successful. What I can say with a high certainty is that media has been complicit in this bullshit and nearly no left wing journalist has touched the trans topic out of self preservation, women and children be damned. The English-speaking world is chock full of coward/lying journalists saying "female inmate impregnates other inmate" or "woman arrested for rubbing penis on garbage bin" or "Thomas breaks women's records" or Amy Robach who brought up Epstein but let that story be buried for her career. Four straight fucking years of Trump panic about policy that was roughly the same as the previous FIVE presidents and still trying to cash in on that shit 3 years after he's been out of office even though Biden wiped out sex-based rights in his first month.

So get off your high horse. Unless you're a foreign correspondent in a war-torn nation my socioeconomic class alone has put me in more danger at work than you. Matt Taibbi - a great journalist with a shitty history of sexual harassment that I hope he's grown out of and someone who's also mostly avoided the trans topic - wrote a good book called Hate, Inc. I know reading books as sources isn't your thing but try it before responding. (That was an actual insult.)

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I don't know what it is about hateful people that makes them keep devoting their energy to talking to those who have made it clear they have no interest in furthering a connection.

But I do know enough to recognize poison when I see it. And you're it.

Not reading your ramblings. I don't care what you think.

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Yeah, you don't care about facts that hurt your feelings either. Stay butthurt!

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And people who use lol to make their insults seem more palatable have always struck me as utterly insufferable.

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Wow, virtue signaling in action! So obviously waving his rainbow flag and desperately letting everyone know that he's a good ally! If I was this guy's student, and he gave me an F, I'd take that as a sign I'm going in the right direction.

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Well I never thought my lack of a university qualification, would be a plus.

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