I'm well aware of Putin's speech. So he, and the neofascist governor of Florida, are some kinds of heroes for cynically manipulating people on the trans issue? Hitler knew when to attack capitalists when he wanted to win over KPD members.
My only regret is that no bomb was available to wipe you off the face of the earth. The next war-criminal who runs for office and promises to bomb the shit out of you personally, that's who I'll be voting for. That person 100% has my vote.
Are you satisfied, psycho? Weren't you making remarks earlier about people's infighting "saving no one," or something similarly high-minded? Yet you saw fit to take a swipe at me for absolutely no good reason, other than that I voiced mild disagreement with you about capitalism? And you think you're in a position to lecture anyone about anything? When you can't even keep yourself from getting kicked off of Gettr for disseminating erroneous war propaganda? When you can't even have a calm exchange of views on a Substack blog without literally accusing the person you disagree with of supporting Nazism? "Everyone I disagree with is Hitler," ever heard that trope? You are a plainly dysfunctional loser.
The difference is that I've been on this forum advocating for religious pluralism and personal liberty. That's not "fascism." You decided to attack me without provocation, and have attempted to justify your blatant defamatory smear because you "don't like" me. You labeling me "fascist" is just another defamatory lie! Whereas my characterization of you is pretty clearly accurate.
"I don't want to be associated with any women anywhere who made sure to show we should be afraid of them "ruining us" if we 'go out of line'."
Unless you're publishing your own article making fun of the woman you inappropriately accused of having Nazi sympathies. Cuz I was out of line to object to that, right? And you want to punish me now by publishing an entire Substack article about it? But other than that, you're very high-minded.
I suggest you read a Jewish history book instead of writing paranoid rants. Jews are a historic people as well as a religious group, unlike most other religions. They share a long history, culture, and even genes. So specifying "religiously Jewish" is entirely valid. And telling us to "keep it in the synagogue" is probably the most antisemitic thing I've heard all month. --MamaJewBear.
You just don't get it do you. The trans lobby is not an actual church, that's just a cheap rhetorical phrase you use to describe those freaks. The fact that you compare an imaginary rhetorical device with our millennia old holy places that have survived antisemites big and small (you for instance) proves my point. Why not just keep all things Jewish out of YOUR mouth. Do us all that mitzvah.
You have not understood my message if you do not get that they are definitely a real church. The fact that you think your religion is real is not a reason for me not to group it with the other myths.
Are you that dimwitted or just being stupidly disingenuous. You know damn well my whole point is that Jews are a people, but you just don't get it and can't comprehend what the dispute is about and why some find Ute's cultural appropriations offensive. At least Ute combines her weird philosemitic Jewplay acting with knowledge of Jewish history and culture. You seem like a cultural illiterate and more pathological than pathologist.
hahaha, nothing sacred about Jews, Catholics, Hindus or any god believers. If your dumb religion had had any relevance to me I might know some sort of insult to serve up to show my utter contempt...
duhhh-ohhh, but you are the stupidly disingenuous dimwit if you don't understand what constititutes "religious belief". Are you saying Judaism isn't a religion? Not understanding what defines religion indicates you're no less indoctrinated or brainwashed than those who worship trans ideology.
Obviously they're not "a" people. The Jewish diaspora has many peoples within it, each with their own unique histories. There's Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Ethiopian... the list goes on. Maybe read a book on Jewish history?
I was brought up in a very religious (catholic) family, in a country where catholics were despised by the ruling class..we were 2nd class citizens. I NEVER believed in any of the cathecism drilled into me and left it far behind as soon as I left home. Years later when I go back there I am still pigeon holed as a catholic because others believe it to be cultural as well as religious.. I am an atheist but I have the 'burden' of being labelled catholic! There are many people like me, born into jewish or muslim families but who reject the religion they were born into and still they are pigeonholed! I know how they feel. It's like a millstone round the necks of non-believers. And it's why I am fastidious in not using quasi religious labels for anyone. I loathe this lazy stereotyping of people. Thank god for non-believers!!
I'm sorry you have been dragged into this faux argument Exulansic, it's so ridiculous, yet divisive and dangerous. And designed to shut down the voices they don't like. Stay strong and firm. Asking atheists to believe in any god or care about their particular rites is like asking us to believe that men can be women. We will not be coerced.
no one gives a shit, and you lecturing us about your religion's history is not going to make us give more of a shit. in America we have freedom of religion. Ute and Alix can both worship however they want. THE END.
sometimes you just gotta cut through the shit, man. bullying someone for their faith is NOT OK with me. there's no historical scholarship or multicultural awareness I could acquire that would convince me to renounce religious tolerance. I gotta "educate myself" on why *this* religious group is entitled to push *that* religious group around? lmao, fuck no, I don't. do these people even hear themselves? lol
Trans ideology is a religion you don't support and are committed to undermining. Just because a religious belief is institutionalised historically doesn't it make it any more worthy of respect than any other stupid and wrong belief, like the Earth being flat
Just because a religion has historical longevity doesn't give it any more integrity or reality than any other human constructed belief system. Consider the Pharoahs of Egypt, and their world view that probably existed for around 4,000 years. Which is longer than Christianity (which is around 2,500 years old) and intersects with the beginning of Judaism. What happened to their religious convictions? Or the Maya, or the Philistines or the Pagans....
Not the religion. The people. That's what has longevity. That's what Hitler tried to exterminate. Mayans are still there, the ones Europeans didn't succeed in exterminating.
You yourself are an abuser. You make unfounded accusations and then laugh about it and justify it by saying you don't like the person you smeared. You want this person to stop talking about you. Do you think I wanted you to accuse me of being a Nazi sympathizer? Because I didn't. And what's more, I did absolutely nothing to provoke that hateful attack. Seems to me you're getting a taste of your own medicine.
You can't even correctly identify what capitalism is. You think women getting angry with each other is capitalism, lmfao. Do you spend all your time running around crying "eeek, capitalism!" on blogs that are totally unrelated to capitalism? Because that's what it looks like. It seems you do that, and make unfounded Nazi accusations. Never mind the fact that the issue at hand pertains to Judaism, and invoking Nazis wantonly is a pretty insensitive thing to do under the circumstance.
Meanwhile, a person makes a completely reasonable response to your comment, and you fall apart telling this person off. So it appears that YOU can make unfounded accusations about people being Nazi sympathizers, but other people can't comment to you on Substack, a public forum, because...why? Because you don't like that person? And because you live in the world of your personal feelings and needs and you feel entitled to dictate the discourse around you? And cast aspersions onto other people wantonly because it amuses you? And then have the temerity to give people unsolicited advice about "wasting time on Gettr"? Perhaps we're emotionally well-adjusted enough not to spread misinformation and defame people on social media and we don't need such advice.
Ooops, did I do a capitalism? Am I a fascist now? Please give me some feminism advice! Show me how I can be better, I beg you!
Took? Ute sent me checks. She sent one entirely of her own volition. She then claimed that I owe her service or loyalty. It was an attempt, unbeknownst to me, to buy my time, attention, and access to my channel.
I suspended you for 24 hours for this comment because it is unrelated to my article and instead is clearly intended to simply harass another commenter whose name you recognized.
What exactly do you mean by that? What is your basis for making such a remark? You just linked to a piece about "NATO's secret Nazi armies" so you need to tell me what, precisely, you are trying to say about me. Because your comment appears to be some sort of smear.
How dare you impugn me, a total stranger who has done nothing do you whatsoever, in response to my anodyne remark about being in favor of capitalism. This is so out of line, and displays such poor judgement, that no one should take you seriously about anything. I looked at some of your articles and they're full of rambling hysterical nonsense, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you'd behave this way. You're just an internet psycho, and you can fuck ALL the way off.
Having had a dangerous man, use a private investigator to get my address, I can attest to just how unsettling it is. Having seen the results of a sex addicted man consistently undermine a woman's sense of self and sanity, I know not only the damage it does, but also the unquestioning arrogance and righteousness of the people that do this. They don't care about the women or families, they care about winning, about being the victor, about having information and power. Just one of the many things they do, to let you know they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, and that you are powerless to prevent it. They enjoy inflicting fear, and feeling they are in control of others. The fact that a woman would be so quick to act like this, makes me think that joeybrite see's Ute as having something she wants, possibly respect and a place in the hearts of many in the community. Thanks for laying this out, Exulansic, I imagine it has been a pretty unpleasant time. From youtube to here has been a relentless battle to see through the smoke and mirrors.
Thank you for the support. It is truly disturbing to me that she's built up a relationship between us in her head that is causing her to have elaborate fantasies about how her flakiness in NYC caused me to become 'obsessed' with her. Sounds like the repeated flakes were part of her acting out a fantasy of how to make a woman obsessed, perhaps because she knows herself to become obsessed when she is rejected. What have I stepped in this time... yikes. Keeping the gloves on!
Whats gone on in the Utegate brouhaha can be a lesson in why religious zealotry is damaging to everybody. The 2 women who instigated the whole nasty affair regarded their religious beliefs and affiliations as preeminently important beyond their affiliation to the GC community. They seemed to prioritise either their dedication to religions they believe in or theories of racial purity. Both were indifferent to how they might affect people in the incidental community that was the backdrop to enacting their animus.
In the same way Trans Ideologues hold foremost getting their agendas met, with utter disregard for whomever else might be adversely affected.
it doesn't matter what Alix's reason for attacking Ute is or was. attacking someone for their faith is inappropriate behavior. the idea that she could curry favor with other orthodox Jews by attacking non-orthodox Jews is insulting to Judaism in my opinion.
No different than Exulansic and everyone else attacking each other over personal nonsense. Exculansic's beef with Joey seems to be about sex. Who's the zealot?
As could have been predicted by any study of religious mob behavior, looks like Exulansic rallied her minions to defend her honor against a perceived attack on her cultlet.
So let me repeat for the hard-of-hearing minions. Jews are a historic PEOPLE, not simply a religion. Alix and others get annoyed, maybe too much so, with Ute's incessant overblown overcompensating play acting trying to prove she's the Jewiest Jewess since Queen Esther when she's clearly a pasty white crunchy granola Northern European [not that there's anything wrong with that]. Hence the distinction between between religiously Jewish and Jewish peoplehood. Eminem may be a rapper and imitate Black culture, but at least isn't trying to prove he's black.
But Exy and her minions can't grasp this simple reality, because they are blinded by their trite militant atheism (itself a religion thousands of years old) and love to signal how cool and edgy they are by religiously signaling with mindless rants against religion. You're so cool and avant garde. Oh, and mindless. Maybe you should look at why this Jew stuff annoys you so much.
Grandma and Grandpa came to the US to escape murderous Jew killing Poles, Russians, and Ukranians. Had they stayed and not been murdered by Slavs, Hitler would have gotten them, like 98% of their neighbors. WTF is your point? Besides, apparently, perhaps being a Putin stooge.
But with apparently a longstanding connection to Jewish peoplehood. Nazis knew the difference. Ute wouldn't have been faddishly eager to convert back then.
what about the "black" ppl that "convert" to white? Surely its just as "racist" accepting its fine to identify as white - and we don't feel outraged, we don't keep insisting they can only own Black?
I long for the day when we can all just be humans. Race is so irrelevant, like religious belief.
Hi X. Happy Passover. American Jews can be quite myopic when is come to Jewish culture. My father was a professor of Jewish theology at Boston College (with Mary Daly!) so my perspective is more well-rounded. I created a YouTube channel of his lectures which I recorded circa 2000. I also produced audiobooks of his work so I not only learned about Judaism at the kitchen table but dug deep into his academic work. He was also a linguist who was working on a book about Jewish languages before his death in 2004. https://www.youtube.com/c/DrDavidNeiman
Rabbis Marshall Meyer, Rolando Matalon and Eduardo Bronfstein, Masorti (US Conservative Movement) conducted my conversion, which included going to an Orthodox mikveh for the ceremony after a ritual emersion. The Orthodox mikveh on Manhattan's Upper West side would never have accepted these rabbis presence at conversions if they were not considered legitimate. There were no rainbows. Thanks.
I am very grateful to Exulansic for this excellent reporting of what happened in an extreme case of religious factionalism gone way out of control. At no time did Joey Brite make this specific demand that I call myself "religiously Jewish." The rabbis and Jewish leaders vociferously object to this, as it denigrates those who are secular but identify as Jews. The constant emails, 4 a day, from Alix and Joey in caps, over and over, with Miriam Ben-Shalom recruited to do the same again and again, day after day, made me ill, as my ex-husband's secrets had 25 years ago.
I did not give Ms. Alix's name at first when I called my local Chabad center, to ask if they demand of their adherents that personal defamation of converts from "the dancing rabbis" as Ms. Alix called them. It happens that you can look up all the upstate Chabad centers and find out which ones are headed by members of that rabbinic sect.
I stated in the preface of my memoir that I do not write this in order to "out" my former spouse, but to put the plight and abuse of trans widows into the public eye, as our numbers are increasing.
I do have the right, religiously, (as stated, oddly, by Joey Brite) to consult a rabbi on any matter; whether some meat I want to purchase is kosher, whether I have the candle lighting time correct, whether I am pronouncing words of a prayer appropriately. The rabbinic dynasty of this sect is huge--there are thousands and thousands with that name. He demanded to know the name of this person, and when I gave him her name, he claimed not to know her. I told him she does good work, and I hope in the belief in pikuach nefesh (to save a life) that they would not interfere with her work against sex trafficking and pornography. It is within the precepts of their religious structures to save girls from this.
I called to ask for information on the policies of Chabad, to tell him that I was in deep, deep distress, and to find out how I can get this personal attack on me to end. He said he had no idea who this is.
Then I published that I spoke to this rabbi, and Alix emails me the next day to say she's called him by phone. HIs number is out there on the Chabad website. Of course.
The next day, I get a call from Chabad, offering me shmurah matzah for Passover to be delivered to my home. You cannot make this up.
Because of the nonsense, publication of my book, which is about healing, Joey, read the excerpts. and about the joys of my motherhood when it was not erased. Joey is making huge assumptions about what I say in my book. It contains memories that are denied to my own sons because they are only in my head and my notebooks. The other parent of my children does not preserve memories from when he identified in his own body. My younger son does not recall most of his early childhood, a very painful fact. It is truly cruel and inexplicable to re-traumatise my sons and even my ex, who was led down this path by non-professional.
This not a sh--t show. It is a horror show. If my book is somehow withdrawn from publication, I will publish it in segments at uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com thanks TT, Ute
eh, I am such a Yiddeshe mameleh, always asking the rabbis. You, Ex, are the best, a gaon, a genius, a rad fem, and told me to es, es, mein kind. And I did. I live. I eat. I pray. That actress can suffer for how much better I play her part. ute
I don't know if this is more horrifyingly gross, or grossly horrifying. I feel violated just reading it, and I can only imagine how you feel. You have my condolences.
As a feminist I'm aghast at how women can be religious, let alone make that belief system more important than their commitment to feminism. I'll posit the Monty Python question - "what has Rome ever done for us?". Theres not a religion thats ever been created that sees women as equal humans to men. In every church men were in power and religion was a significant social control to keep women disempowered and colonised.
My disrespect for religion isn't an unthinking, unexamined phenomenon. I was, in fact very committed to Tibetan Buddhism as a young woman and dedicated 3 years to helping set up the first Buddhist community in New Zealand (still operating, though one of the Tibetan Lamas had to be hurriedly exported back to Nepal after sexually abusing some women devotees...) I had a baby I didn't plan or want, that was given up to adoption, because as a Buddhist I believed it would be bad karma and a negative action to have an abortion.
My husband has a degree in theology and was an ordained, practising Anglican Minister in the 1980s. There are many educated debates about religion in our household. We both came out of the other side of devout belief to become atheists. Atheism is not a religion.
"Does not respect the fact that I am not her subordinate, but her peer, and therefore when I insist on being respected as a peer, her response is to attempt to subordinate me." Spot on and rampant in many feminist circles.
I believe women get it from interactions with men, who see us as categorical subordinates when we are in fact their peers. One reason I support single sex education.
You seem to see conspiracy and hostility everywhere. You have come a long way from your old, dispassionate deconstruction of the trans cult and you are now floating in the shark-infested waters of interpersonal relations and dynamics, and you seem surprised that it's such a toxic environment. You became a minor star in the firmament of online social justice warriorhood and you seem to have bought into your fans' hype of you. I wish you'd concentrate on what you do best - the takedown of the transcult - rather than getting involved in playground shouting matches.
Calling out "STFU or I'll get a restraining order on you" and deconstructing the known conspiracy against Ute that existed between Alix and Joey is not "seeing conspiracy and hostility everywhere." Your attempts to gaslight me into thinking I am the one with the problem in this situation are unwelcome, unhelpful, and unrealistic.
I really appreciated Exulansic's support. I was near suicidal for a few days after what Joey Brite did to my sons, who have been through too much already. So easy for you to be negative here.
I have supported and championed Exulansic virtually from day one, and consider myself one of her staunchest advocates. There was a short stretch of time when I disagreed with her approach and I told her so, unaccustomed as I am to withholding criticism from people I consider mature enough to be able to take it. I may have been wrong; frankly, this was back in April and I can't recall the minutiae of the issues surrounding this altercation. If I was being 'negative', it was, I believed at the time, warranted. Exulansic doesn't pull her punches and neither do I, and I feel that our relationship - limited as it is, of course, to email correspondence, is the healthier for it. She doesn't want sycophants and I'm not accustomed to ass-kissing. And if I'm wrong about something, I'll gladly admit it. With the benefit of hindsight, I'm sure that there are aspects of my critique which were way off the mark. If that is the case, then I'm sure Ex will be gracious enough to forgive me. (Incidentally, why have you left it seven months before commenting?)
Oh yeah. Putin is a real radical feminist. Just like all the wife beating child molesting American MAGA freaks cheering him on.
I'm well aware of Putin's speech. So he, and the neofascist governor of Florida, are some kinds of heroes for cynically manipulating people on the trans issue? Hitler knew when to attack capitalists when he wanted to win over KPD members.
LOL. Who's triggered?
Way to make this whole thing about YOU and your Gettr expulsion, you rambling tankie psycho. You make Mamajewbear look sane.
My only regret is that no bomb was available to wipe you off the face of the earth. The next war-criminal who runs for office and promises to bomb the shit out of you personally, that's who I'll be voting for. That person 100% has my vote.
Are you satisfied, psycho? Weren't you making remarks earlier about people's infighting "saving no one," or something similarly high-minded? Yet you saw fit to take a swipe at me for absolutely no good reason, other than that I voiced mild disagreement with you about capitalism? And you think you're in a position to lecture anyone about anything? When you can't even keep yourself from getting kicked off of Gettr for disseminating erroneous war propaganda? When you can't even have a calm exchange of views on a Substack blog without literally accusing the person you disagree with of supporting Nazism? "Everyone I disagree with is Hitler," ever heard that trope? You are a plainly dysfunctional loser.
The difference is that I've been on this forum advocating for religious pluralism and personal liberty. That's not "fascism." You decided to attack me without provocation, and have attempted to justify your blatant defamatory smear because you "don't like" me. You labeling me "fascist" is just another defamatory lie! Whereas my characterization of you is pretty clearly accurate.
"I don't want to be associated with any women anywhere who made sure to show we should be afraid of them "ruining us" if we 'go out of line'."
Unless you're publishing your own article making fun of the woman you inappropriately accused of having Nazi sympathies. Cuz I was out of line to object to that, right? And you want to punish me now by publishing an entire Substack article about it? But other than that, you're very high-minded.
I suggest you read a Jewish history book instead of writing paranoid rants. Jews are a historic people as well as a religious group, unlike most other religions. They share a long history, culture, and even genes. So specifying "religiously Jewish" is entirely valid. And telling us to "keep it in the synagogue" is probably the most antisemitic thing I've heard all month. --MamaJewBear.
Yea? Do you flip out when I tell the trans lobby to keep it in church?
You just don't get it do you. The trans lobby is not an actual church, that's just a cheap rhetorical phrase you use to describe those freaks. The fact that you compare an imaginary rhetorical device with our millennia old holy places that have survived antisemites big and small (you for instance) proves my point. Why not just keep all things Jewish out of YOUR mouth. Do us all that mitzvah.
You have not understood my message if you do not get that they are definitely a real church. The fact that you think your religion is real is not a reason for me not to group it with the other myths.
So Hitler merely just crushed a silly myth, eh Eva Sierra Braun?
Don't get mad because you're not winning over converts to the Putin church.
No, myths aren't real. You can't crush a myth. Those were people. Are you a Holocaust denier or something? Out here calling it a myth. WTF.
Are you that dimwitted or just being stupidly disingenuous. You know damn well my whole point is that Jews are a people, but you just don't get it and can't comprehend what the dispute is about and why some find Ute's cultural appropriations offensive. At least Ute combines her weird philosemitic Jewplay acting with knowledge of Jewish history and culture. You seem like a cultural illiterate and more pathological than pathologist.
hahaha, nothing sacred about Jews, Catholics, Hindus or any god believers. If your dumb religion had had any relevance to me I might know some sort of insult to serve up to show my utter contempt...
"your dumb religion." LOL. You're not a bigot, of course.
All religions are dumb. They don't learn. They just schism. That's what happens when you believe things based on no evidence.
actually I'm not immune to bigotry. If I'm a bigot due to my distaste for the religious I'll happily own that label.
duhhh-ohhh, but you are the stupidly disingenuous dimwit if you don't understand what constititutes "religious belief". Are you saying Judaism isn't a religion? Not understanding what defines religion indicates you're no less indoctrinated or brainwashed than those who worship trans ideology.
Are you saying Jews aren't a people?
Obviously they're not "a" people. The Jewish diaspora has many peoples within it, each with their own unique histories. There's Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Ethiopian... the list goes on. Maybe read a book on Jewish history?
I was brought up in a very religious (catholic) family, in a country where catholics were despised by the ruling class..we were 2nd class citizens. I NEVER believed in any of the cathecism drilled into me and left it far behind as soon as I left home. Years later when I go back there I am still pigeon holed as a catholic because others believe it to be cultural as well as religious.. I am an atheist but I have the 'burden' of being labelled catholic! There are many people like me, born into jewish or muslim families but who reject the religion they were born into and still they are pigeonholed! I know how they feel. It's like a millstone round the necks of non-believers. And it's why I am fastidious in not using quasi religious labels for anyone. I loathe this lazy stereotyping of people. Thank god for non-believers!!
I'm sorry you have been dragged into this faux argument Exulansic, it's so ridiculous, yet divisive and dangerous. And designed to shut down the voices they don't like. Stay strong and firm. Asking atheists to believe in any god or care about their particular rites is like asking us to believe that men can be women. We will not be coerced.
Well said.
"The trans lobby is not an actual church"
Minus the tax exemption status the trans lobby very much is.
no one gives a shit, and you lecturing us about your religion's history is not going to make us give more of a shit. in America we have freedom of religion. Ute and Alix can both worship however they want. THE END.
So rude.
am I getting a bit one-note? lmao
No, it's the warmest chord I ever heard.
sometimes you just gotta cut through the shit, man. bullying someone for their faith is NOT OK with me. there's no historical scholarship or multicultural awareness I could acquire that would convince me to renounce religious tolerance. I gotta "educate myself" on why *this* religious group is entitled to push *that* religious group around? lmao, fuck no, I don't. do these people even hear themselves? lol
Trans ideology is a religion you don't support and are committed to undermining. Just because a religious belief is institutionalised historically doesn't it make it any more worthy of respect than any other stupid and wrong belief, like the Earth being flat
Clearly you give a shit, maybe two.
Think you need to visit the Museum of Tolerance.
Just because a religion has historical longevity doesn't give it any more integrity or reality than any other human constructed belief system. Consider the Pharoahs of Egypt, and their world view that probably existed for around 4,000 years. Which is longer than Christianity (which is around 2,500 years old) and intersects with the beginning of Judaism. What happened to their religious convictions? Or the Maya, or the Philistines or the Pagans....
Not the religion. The people. That's what has longevity. That's what Hitler tried to exterminate. Mayans are still there, the ones Europeans didn't succeed in exterminating.
Why don't Jews just ban conversion? Allowing it is abusive to the converts.
This is incredibly painful to read, I am sure it was even more painful to write. :(
You yourself are an abuser. You make unfounded accusations and then laugh about it and justify it by saying you don't like the person you smeared. You want this person to stop talking about you. Do you think I wanted you to accuse me of being a Nazi sympathizer? Because I didn't. And what's more, I did absolutely nothing to provoke that hateful attack. Seems to me you're getting a taste of your own medicine.
You can't even correctly identify what capitalism is. You think women getting angry with each other is capitalism, lmfao. Do you spend all your time running around crying "eeek, capitalism!" on blogs that are totally unrelated to capitalism? Because that's what it looks like. It seems you do that, and make unfounded Nazi accusations. Never mind the fact that the issue at hand pertains to Judaism, and invoking Nazis wantonly is a pretty insensitive thing to do under the circumstance.
Meanwhile, a person makes a completely reasonable response to your comment, and you fall apart telling this person off. So it appears that YOU can make unfounded accusations about people being Nazi sympathizers, but other people can't comment to you on Substack, a public forum, because...why? Because you don't like that person? And because you live in the world of your personal feelings and needs and you feel entitled to dictate the discourse around you? And cast aspersions onto other people wantonly because it amuses you? And then have the temerity to give people unsolicited advice about "wasting time on Gettr"? Perhaps we're emotionally well-adjusted enough not to spread misinformation and defame people on social media and we don't need such advice.
Ooops, did I do a capitalism? Am I a fascist now? Please give me some feminism advice! Show me how I can be better, I beg you!
Took? Ute sent me checks. She sent one entirely of her own volition. She then claimed that I owe her service or loyalty. It was an attempt, unbeknownst to me, to buy my time, attention, and access to my channel.
Do you ever wish you were a minor celebrity!
I suspended you for 24 hours for this comment because it is unrelated to my article and instead is clearly intended to simply harass another commenter whose name you recognized.
I'm in favor of capitalism personally.
What exactly do you mean by that? What is your basis for making such a remark? You just linked to a piece about "NATO's secret Nazi armies" so you need to tell me what, precisely, you are trying to say about me. Because your comment appears to be some sort of smear.
How dare you impugn me, a total stranger who has done nothing do you whatsoever, in response to my anodyne remark about being in favor of capitalism. This is so out of line, and displays such poor judgement, that no one should take you seriously about anything. I looked at some of your articles and they're full of rambling hysterical nonsense, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you'd behave this way. You're just an internet psycho, and you can fuck ALL the way off.
Having had a dangerous man, use a private investigator to get my address, I can attest to just how unsettling it is. Having seen the results of a sex addicted man consistently undermine a woman's sense of self and sanity, I know not only the damage it does, but also the unquestioning arrogance and righteousness of the people that do this. They don't care about the women or families, they care about winning, about being the victor, about having information and power. Just one of the many things they do, to let you know they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, and that you are powerless to prevent it. They enjoy inflicting fear, and feeling they are in control of others. The fact that a woman would be so quick to act like this, makes me think that joeybrite see's Ute as having something she wants, possibly respect and a place in the hearts of many in the community. Thanks for laying this out, Exulansic, I imagine it has been a pretty unpleasant time. From youtube to here has been a relentless battle to see through the smoke and mirrors.
Thank you for the support. It is truly disturbing to me that she's built up a relationship between us in her head that is causing her to have elaborate fantasies about how her flakiness in NYC caused me to become 'obsessed' with her. Sounds like the repeated flakes were part of her acting out a fantasy of how to make a woman obsessed, perhaps because she knows herself to become obsessed when she is rejected. What have I stepped in this time... yikes. Keeping the gloves on!
Whats gone on in the Utegate brouhaha can be a lesson in why religious zealotry is damaging to everybody. The 2 women who instigated the whole nasty affair regarded their religious beliefs and affiliations as preeminently important beyond their affiliation to the GC community. They seemed to prioritise either their dedication to religions they believe in or theories of racial purity. Both were indifferent to how they might affect people in the incidental community that was the backdrop to enacting their animus.
In the same way Trans Ideologues hold foremost getting their agendas met, with utter disregard for whomever else might be adversely affected.
Alix is not American and the attacks generated from her.
Joey is though and she was the instigator.
it doesn't matter what Alix's reason for attacking Ute is or was. attacking someone for their faith is inappropriate behavior. the idea that she could curry favor with other orthodox Jews by attacking non-orthodox Jews is insulting to Judaism in my opinion.
No different than Exulansic and everyone else attacking each other over personal nonsense. Exculansic's beef with Joey seems to be about sex. Who's the zealot?
If I were going to break my celibacy, it wouldn't be for a fundamentalist, geriatric sea turtle.
Oh snap!
As could have been predicted by any study of religious mob behavior, looks like Exulansic rallied her minions to defend her honor against a perceived attack on her cultlet.
So let me repeat for the hard-of-hearing minions. Jews are a historic PEOPLE, not simply a religion. Alix and others get annoyed, maybe too much so, with Ute's incessant overblown overcompensating play acting trying to prove she's the Jewiest Jewess since Queen Esther when she's clearly a pasty white crunchy granola Northern European [not that there's anything wrong with that]. Hence the distinction between between religiously Jewish and Jewish peoplehood. Eminem may be a rapper and imitate Black culture, but at least isn't trying to prove he's black.
But Exy and her minions can't grasp this simple reality, because they are blinded by their trite militant atheism (itself a religion thousands of years old) and love to signal how cool and edgy they are by religiously signaling with mindless rants against religion. You're so cool and avant garde. Oh, and mindless. Maybe you should look at why this Jew stuff annoys you so much.
Grandma and Grandpa came to the US to escape murderous Jew killing Poles, Russians, and Ukranians. Had they stayed and not been murdered by Slavs, Hitler would have gotten them, like 98% of their neighbors. WTF is your point? Besides, apparently, perhaps being a Putin stooge.
LOL. Don't go away mad just because you're busted as a Putin trollbot. Hope it pays well
I don't get it. Isn't Alix European too?
But with apparently a longstanding connection to Jewish peoplehood. Nazis knew the difference. Ute wouldn't have been faddishly eager to convert back then.
What an egregiously stupid hypothetical.
Nah, my dear, you can't grasp that you can't have your racist nationalism and accept converts, too.
The nationalism isn't racist because we accept converts.
If they accept converts, Jews are not merely born, therefore "Jews are born, not worn" is false.
There were comparisons made to Rachel Dolezal that were therefore unreasonable and unfair because no one can convert to Black.
what about the "black" ppl that "convert" to white? Surely its just as "racist" accepting its fine to identify as white - and we don't feel outraged, we don't keep insisting they can only own Black?
I long for the day when we can all just be humans. Race is so irrelevant, like religious belief.
Hi X. Happy Passover. American Jews can be quite myopic when is come to Jewish culture. My father was a professor of Jewish theology at Boston College (with Mary Daly!) so my perspective is more well-rounded. I created a YouTube channel of his lectures which I recorded circa 2000. I also produced audiobooks of his work so I not only learned about Judaism at the kitchen table but dug deep into his academic work. He was also a linguist who was working on a book about Jewish languages before his death in 2004. https://www.youtube.com/c/DrDavidNeiman
Jenna Jameson went through an orthodox conversion and therefore she is accepted by all denominations.
I personally accept Ute's conversion but it could have been performed by some trans dude in a rainbow prayer shawl. Some might question that.
Rabbis Marshall Meyer, Rolando Matalon and Eduardo Bronfstein, Masorti (US Conservative Movement) conducted my conversion, which included going to an Orthodox mikveh for the ceremony after a ritual emersion. The Orthodox mikveh on Manhattan's Upper West side would never have accepted these rabbis presence at conversions if they were not considered legitimate. There were no rainbows. Thanks.
I am very grateful to Exulansic for this excellent reporting of what happened in an extreme case of religious factionalism gone way out of control. At no time did Joey Brite make this specific demand that I call myself "religiously Jewish." The rabbis and Jewish leaders vociferously object to this, as it denigrates those who are secular but identify as Jews. The constant emails, 4 a day, from Alix and Joey in caps, over and over, with Miriam Ben-Shalom recruited to do the same again and again, day after day, made me ill, as my ex-husband's secrets had 25 years ago.
I did not give Ms. Alix's name at first when I called my local Chabad center, to ask if they demand of their adherents that personal defamation of converts from "the dancing rabbis" as Ms. Alix called them. It happens that you can look up all the upstate Chabad centers and find out which ones are headed by members of that rabbinic sect.
I stated in the preface of my memoir that I do not write this in order to "out" my former spouse, but to put the plight and abuse of trans widows into the public eye, as our numbers are increasing.
I do have the right, religiously, (as stated, oddly, by Joey Brite) to consult a rabbi on any matter; whether some meat I want to purchase is kosher, whether I have the candle lighting time correct, whether I am pronouncing words of a prayer appropriately. The rabbinic dynasty of this sect is huge--there are thousands and thousands with that name. He demanded to know the name of this person, and when I gave him her name, he claimed not to know her. I told him she does good work, and I hope in the belief in pikuach nefesh (to save a life) that they would not interfere with her work against sex trafficking and pornography. It is within the precepts of their religious structures to save girls from this.
I called to ask for information on the policies of Chabad, to tell him that I was in deep, deep distress, and to find out how I can get this personal attack on me to end. He said he had no idea who this is.
Then I published that I spoke to this rabbi, and Alix emails me the next day to say she's called him by phone. HIs number is out there on the Chabad website. Of course.
The next day, I get a call from Chabad, offering me shmurah matzah for Passover to be delivered to my home. You cannot make this up.
Because of the nonsense, publication of my book, which is about healing, Joey, read the excerpts. and about the joys of my motherhood when it was not erased. Joey is making huge assumptions about what I say in my book. It contains memories that are denied to my own sons because they are only in my head and my notebooks. The other parent of my children does not preserve memories from when he identified in his own body. My younger son does not recall most of his early childhood, a very painful fact. It is truly cruel and inexplicable to re-traumatise my sons and even my ex, who was led down this path by non-professional.
This not a sh--t show. It is a horror show. If my book is somehow withdrawn from publication, I will publish it in segments at uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com thanks TT, Ute
What you did is edge-case objectionable, maybe, and what Joey did is solidly out in left field.
eh, I am such a Yiddeshe mameleh, always asking the rabbis. You, Ex, are the best, a gaon, a genius, a rad fem, and told me to es, es, mein kind. And I did. I live. I eat. I pray. That actress can suffer for how much better I play her part. ute
I don't know if this is more horrifyingly gross, or grossly horrifying. I feel violated just reading it, and I can only imagine how you feel. You have my condolences.
As a feminist I'm aghast at how women can be religious, let alone make that belief system more important than their commitment to feminism. I'll posit the Monty Python question - "what has Rome ever done for us?". Theres not a religion thats ever been created that sees women as equal humans to men. In every church men were in power and religion was a significant social control to keep women disempowered and colonised.
My disrespect for religion isn't an unthinking, unexamined phenomenon. I was, in fact very committed to Tibetan Buddhism as a young woman and dedicated 3 years to helping set up the first Buddhist community in New Zealand (still operating, though one of the Tibetan Lamas had to be hurriedly exported back to Nepal after sexually abusing some women devotees...) I had a baby I didn't plan or want, that was given up to adoption, because as a Buddhist I believed it would be bad karma and a negative action to have an abortion.
My husband has a degree in theology and was an ordained, practising Anglican Minister in the 1980s. There are many educated debates about religion in our household. We both came out of the other side of devout belief to become atheists. Atheism is not a religion.
Is there one TRUE Scotsman among us?
Alix is Scottish but she's not a man. So close!
I don't believe one bit of this bs about Joey.
Really cool story!
Did you not see the evidence? Exulansic showed text messages on her cell phone.
"Does not respect the fact that I am not her subordinate, but her peer, and therefore when I insist on being respected as a peer, her response is to attempt to subordinate me." Spot on and rampant in many feminist circles.
I believe women get it from interactions with men, who see us as categorical subordinates when we are in fact their peers. One reason I support single sex education.
You seem to see conspiracy and hostility everywhere. You have come a long way from your old, dispassionate deconstruction of the trans cult and you are now floating in the shark-infested waters of interpersonal relations and dynamics, and you seem surprised that it's such a toxic environment. You became a minor star in the firmament of online social justice warriorhood and you seem to have bought into your fans' hype of you. I wish you'd concentrate on what you do best - the takedown of the transcult - rather than getting involved in playground shouting matches.
Calling out "STFU or I'll get a restraining order on you" and deconstructing the known conspiracy against Ute that existed between Alix and Joey is not "seeing conspiracy and hostility everywhere." Your attempts to gaslight me into thinking I am the one with the problem in this situation are unwelcome, unhelpful, and unrealistic.
I really appreciated Exulansic's support. I was near suicidal for a few days after what Joey Brite did to my sons, who have been through too much already. So easy for you to be negative here.
I have supported and championed Exulansic virtually from day one, and consider myself one of her staunchest advocates. There was a short stretch of time when I disagreed with her approach and I told her so, unaccustomed as I am to withholding criticism from people I consider mature enough to be able to take it. I may have been wrong; frankly, this was back in April and I can't recall the minutiae of the issues surrounding this altercation. If I was being 'negative', it was, I believed at the time, warranted. Exulansic doesn't pull her punches and neither do I, and I feel that our relationship - limited as it is, of course, to email correspondence, is the healthier for it. She doesn't want sycophants and I'm not accustomed to ass-kissing. And if I'm wrong about something, I'll gladly admit it. With the benefit of hindsight, I'm sure that there are aspects of my critique which were way off the mark. If that is the case, then I'm sure Ex will be gracious enough to forgive me. (Incidentally, why have you left it seven months before commenting?)
Watched your rebuttal to Brite on Odysee. You look coldly furious, and rightly so. I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of you.
Who died and made Joey Brite god?