Ex, If Jazz decided to detransition, could he? If he quit the estrogen, and was on a certain amount of testosterone, would his breasts deflate and would he develop somewhat normal? That would be an interesting video topic.
I suspect he would end up sounding like a TIF because his voice has reached its adult size. I genuinely don't know what's in his best interests medically now going forward. He needs specialized care, ideally from people experienced with CAIS who respect the fact that he's MALE.
Jazz's brain will never mature as it would have were it not for him having taken puberty blockers and gone through normal puberty. He is now in his early twenties and clearly is not as emotionally mature as others his age. That in itself is tragic.
you and holly.m.hart: yes. so you and Exulansic: i believe Jazz' surgeon [Marcy something?] has admitted that a child given blockers prior to X age/Tanner stage will not experience typical adult sexual response. it's key to know on what date Marcy knew this. similarly, on what date did Marcy/others know this information about brain stunting? blockers are still being given. lawyers will need to know when this information was known.
"Doctors" as a group or a part often don't know or attend to very obvious things. I don't think it's obvious or commonly known about the Tanner stages and sexual response. I'll bet many pediatricians and gyn's don't know. Similarly about the brain----equally something most docs don't know or care much about.
Marcy is clearly not telling new patients any of this.
I'd also love a Sander update, it looks like he's dating a stereotypically cute blonde chick after the show tried to get him to be into Peppermint. (Peppermint meanwhile still has all her stories of hanging with Sander saved as highlights on her IG). Jeannette did a real number on all those kids. I don't know why she didn't just leave them alone.
Janet has the slickest Munchausen syndrome because she's well spoken. She got it from her mother. Her mother talks about her father having Munchausen syndrome and having her on diet pills her whole childhood. He thought she was too fat.. I wonder what Janet's mother's method was on Janet.
What Jazz didn't grasp here is that his friends would mature and move forward in their lives, and he would not. Their ideas and interests would evolve and change as their brains matured, which his would not do. They would inevitably leave him behind (which, as we have seen, they did) and he would not be able to keep up, because his parents and his so-called doctors stunted his growth and maturation to an unimaginable extent. (And at around the 8 minute mark of this video we see that Jeanette is well aware of this.) This is one of the worst things about pediatric "gender transition", that it erects an invisible and unbreachable wall between the trans identified children and their peers. Which the children aren't able to foresee, or understand when it arrives.
On a podcast yesterday, the host and her guest were speculating why trans people aren't demanding access to institutions such as marriage the way we gays did. Though the guest is a high-powered conservative intellectual and op-ed writer, it didn't occur to him that trans people already have access to marriage and benefit from antidiscrimination laws in many jurisdictions.
However, the guest and his interlocutor missed the mark in another way. I submit that the people who are most susceptible to gender ideology and the trans myth are singularly mired in their gender identity obsession. My theory is that the sucking, bottomless void that is the trans obsession with being perceived as the opposite sex (or "gender") and the constant battle to keep their doubts and other people's at bay prevents them from following a normal relationship trajectory in their lives.
It is already quite evident that sex and romance have no place in the lives of most people suffering from gender dysphoria before or after transitioning. Normal adolescents' awakening libido propels them to seek sexual and/or romantic partners. To be blunt, horniness leads to togetherness.
When transitioning requires the suppression of one's sexual urges with puberty blockers, the scrambling of one's natural biological libido by cross-sex hormones and surgery that presumably removes the organs that produce sexual pleasure, pairing up and settling down to raise a family is unlikely to be a priority for trans people. Can they even see that far over the horizon of their life's journey?
"To be blunt, horniness leads to togetherness." Another way to put that is that sexual feelings lead to pair bonding. Jazz will never be able to pair bond in the way that those who have gone through puberty can. He will only have a juvenile understanding of what sex and romance and an adult relationship is all about.
Interesting factoid: in the UK, same-sex-attracted trans people won the right to enter into a marriage TEN YEARS before non-trans people did. A court case in 2004 ruled that a trans-identified male was legally entitled to have all his documentation changed from M to F so he could register a marriage to his male partner. This set a precedent which enshrined in law the right for trans people to be legally treated as the opposite sex for nearly all purposes provided they followed a bureaucratic process (which used to take 1-2 years but over time got so watered down that it now takes about 3 months).
Meanwhile, same-sex marriage was only legally allowed in 2014...
Operating as designed… Magnus Hirschfield came up with the idea of transsexualism so that homosexuals could “hide out in plain sight” from Germany’s strict anti-sodomy law, much like Ayatollah Khomeini’s 1968 fatwa declaring medical sex reassignment as an alternative to the death penalty for homosexuals.
He will also never have sexual feelings and will not understand what it is that is missing in his attempt to have romantic relationships, but his partners will.
TLC just televised abuse and put crappy music in the background. Jeanette wanted to keep a child to be her child forever and Jazz is the one who suffers because of it. It's a crime what they did to this kid who will never give up the grift because it is way too late. Jazz needs to get far away from these people if he ever wants to heal
He will never actually be able to "heal", that's the problem. Having never gone through puberty, he can never be a real adult or have real adult relationships.
I’m not sure Jazz ever had a concept of what he wanted. He could have probably reversed course at any time before the blockers, but his mother was constantly pushing him to keep going and “see what happens”, because he was an experiment. He tries very hard to be what his mother wants him to be. When he says he wants big boobies, and later after he has the vaginoplasty, he brags that his “vagina is seven inches deep” and Dr Marcy Bowers says, “Jazz, real women don’t brag about things like that.” That behavior is caused by not being a girl. They obviously didn’t teach him anything about sex, earlier in his life. Janette didn’t want him to be a woman, just keep him a baby girl. When the parents were talking about him dating, it almost seemed like OOPS! There was no mention of periods or getting pregnant on a date…surreal moment there…he’s not a girl!
Another time he was talking to his mother about his future, he wanted love, and he wanted to be something, have a fulfilling life. He said, “I’m already an activist, and an influencer”. They keep stressing that he is going through all this to “help other children who have gender dysphoria.” I certainly hope any child watching this in the future will decide to just accept themselves as they are, and NOT become like Jazz.
As for fetishism, Jazz was way too young to develop a fetish, those people are much older when they develop a fetish.
Also, I got the impression that Ari is embarrassed by the whole thing, can see right through it, and just does the bare minimum of being part of this sideshow.
Maybe it’s because I didn’t grow up with grandparents but that interaction with the grandma at the fitting room seemed weirdly intense? Too intense for a chat about crushes. It read more like, you’re wrong, here’s how you’re supposed to feel, got it?
Also the constant “I’m not ready for Jazz to….” who gives a shit what you’re ready for? Jazz is a separate human.
Also Jazz doesn’t relate like a girl relates to other girls. He demands this emotional labor and focus all the time. He competes about breast size and singles out a small chested girl?(!) Girls don’t do this unless they have personality disorders. There’s teenage attention seeking and then there’s histrionics.
And all of this caught on camera too. It's disgusting and tragic. What reality tv has done to make the ills of society worse, it's incalculable. Oddly enough, people don't believe me when I tell them about the series I Am Jazz. Maybe "innocence" is a kind of bliss? But not when a child is abused for years on national television.
History will not look kindly upon this devouring "mother".
These people flaunt emotional incest. Emotional incest that has gone to seed.
This "doctor" needs his license revoked. Nothing about his practice is ethical or moral. It's illegal to sterilize children, and illegal to sterilize the mentally ill.
Gramma is a particularly evil monster. I suspect she fancies herself or perhaps works as a therapist.
Munchausen cannot succeed without medical cooperation with the offender. Jazz's parents and the Arena-minded media joined forces with medical greed to mutilate and destroy this sweet little boy.
Munchausen also cannot be cured. The perpetrators and their allies deny wrongdoing, even in the face of clear physical evidence. Here we are.
Thank you for this post! I wanted to say something similar, but you said it all. The future is here (imo anyway) and it's terrifying. It's kind of sad that I often feel justified for deciding not to have children long ago. How many of us feel this way when we consider Jazz's waking nightmare as well as other negative aspects of modern society? Such a shame. Has the trade-off been worth it, human race? Nevertheless, thanks to Ex for educating us!
Gramps is worried (probably correctly) that the only folks interested in Jazz will be chasers - he just couldn't come out and say that. "He would have to be different..."
Another piece of evidence that Jazz is not a girl: saying "bouncy bouncy" about her potential breast development in front of Greg. I can't imagine myself or any teenage girl talking that way in front of her father - unless, of course, she was conditioned to have no boundaries. So icky and mortifying.
I also love how the paragraph about Jazz became a whole paper. It was probably 3 sentences total.
People understandably focus on Jeanette, because her behavior is so over the top, but I think Greg is just as culpable for the incredible lack of boundaries in that household, which so many future episodes document.
The implant failing won't make him develop as a male - it will allow him to develop. There is no male or female puberty, it's all puberty. Or in his case, not puberty.
The three post-menopause whiskers on my lip do not make me a sequential hermaphrodite.
Man, I developed soooooo much body hair at puberty (thanks German/Eastern European genes, lol), including a noticeable mustache (no Ron Swanson mustache, lol, but certainly noticeable to the boys in my middle school class). Guess I went through "male puberty". 😂
Jazz is clearly heterosexual. Did anyone ever stop to think? Maybe that’s why he wanted breast so bad. This is why I constantly call this fetishization. His parents are sick for going along with this evil and so are the doctors that did this to him. Jazz would’ve been a very nice looking young man. He’s not interested in boys. every single person that had a role in this should be in prison and I’m not just talking about family. It should be the family, The doctors and the staff and producers at TLC this is wrong. Jaz’s parents love money so much that they are literally slowly killing their son puberty is needed. as we all have seen in the recent years of jazz’s downfall. This is just horrible. It’s not fair. This is heartless to do this to someone they supposedly love. their love of money and fame is showing just how evil they really are. Everyone should be held liable that took part in the show and this has caused so many Fans of the show to go out and do this to themselves. If this was a show about addiction, glorifying addiction, drugs, and alcohol. This wouldn’t be praised if people decided to take on that behavior and end up dying from an overdose or cirrhosis of the liver. The families would be ready to sue TLC and rightfully so. this is so wrong to televise a child being mutilated.
He might be bisexual. But since he does not really have any sexual feelings due to the puberty blockers, his relationships are never going to be truly romantic. Prepubescent children get crushes, but they are not anything like the sexual attraction that pubescent and post-pubescent people get.
I just realized: are Jazz's lips plumed with filler?
Both Greg and Jeanette have full lips that protrude more than the average person's. It's definitely not filler.
Ex, If Jazz decided to detransition, could he? If he quit the estrogen, and was on a certain amount of testosterone, would his breasts deflate and would he develop somewhat normal? That would be an interesting video topic.
I suspect he would end up sounding like a TIF because his voice has reached its adult size. I genuinely don't know what's in his best interests medically now going forward. He needs specialized care, ideally from people experienced with CAIS who respect the fact that he's MALE.
well, he could have mastectomies, no? the main thing to me seems to be that they took his genitals.
They denied his brain the natural, healthy development his peers underwent. That seems important.
Jazz's brain will never mature as it would have were it not for him having taken puberty blockers and gone through normal puberty. He is now in his early twenties and clearly is not as emotionally mature as others his age. That in itself is tragic.
you and holly.m.hart: yes. so you and Exulansic: i believe Jazz' surgeon [Marcy something?] has admitted that a child given blockers prior to X age/Tanner stage will not experience typical adult sexual response. it's key to know on what date Marcy knew this. similarly, on what date did Marcy/others know this information about brain stunting? blockers are still being given. lawyers will need to know when this information was known.
They knew the whole time. They're doctors.
"Doctors" as a group or a part often don't know or attend to very obvious things. I don't think it's obvious or commonly known about the Tanner stages and sexual response. I'll bet many pediatricians and gyn's don't know. Similarly about the brain----equally something most docs don't know or care much about.
Marcy is clearly not telling new patients any of this.
I'd also love a Sander update, it looks like he's dating a stereotypically cute blonde chick after the show tried to get him to be into Peppermint. (Peppermint meanwhile still has all her stories of hanging with Sander saved as highlights on her IG). Jeannette did a real number on all those kids. I don't know why she didn't just leave them alone.
Janet has the slickest Munchausen syndrome because she's well spoken. She got it from her mother. Her mother talks about her father having Munchausen syndrome and having her on diet pills her whole childhood. He thought she was too fat.. I wonder what Janet's mother's method was on Janet.
"Wait a minute, the orchid got bigger" - Well played
What Jazz didn't grasp here is that his friends would mature and move forward in their lives, and he would not. Their ideas and interests would evolve and change as their brains matured, which his would not do. They would inevitably leave him behind (which, as we have seen, they did) and he would not be able to keep up, because his parents and his so-called doctors stunted his growth and maturation to an unimaginable extent. (And at around the 8 minute mark of this video we see that Jeanette is well aware of this.) This is one of the worst things about pediatric "gender transition", that it erects an invisible and unbreachable wall between the trans identified children and their peers. Which the children aren't able to foresee, or understand when it arrives.
On a podcast yesterday, the host and her guest were speculating why trans people aren't demanding access to institutions such as marriage the way we gays did. Though the guest is a high-powered conservative intellectual and op-ed writer, it didn't occur to him that trans people already have access to marriage and benefit from antidiscrimination laws in many jurisdictions.
However, the guest and his interlocutor missed the mark in another way. I submit that the people who are most susceptible to gender ideology and the trans myth are singularly mired in their gender identity obsession. My theory is that the sucking, bottomless void that is the trans obsession with being perceived as the opposite sex (or "gender") and the constant battle to keep their doubts and other people's at bay prevents them from following a normal relationship trajectory in their lives.
It is already quite evident that sex and romance have no place in the lives of most people suffering from gender dysphoria before or after transitioning. Normal adolescents' awakening libido propels them to seek sexual and/or romantic partners. To be blunt, horniness leads to togetherness.
When transitioning requires the suppression of one's sexual urges with puberty blockers, the scrambling of one's natural biological libido by cross-sex hormones and surgery that presumably removes the organs that produce sexual pleasure, pairing up and settling down to raise a family is unlikely to be a priority for trans people. Can they even see that far over the horizon of their life's journey?
"To be blunt, horniness leads to togetherness." Another way to put that is that sexual feelings lead to pair bonding. Jazz will never be able to pair bond in the way that those who have gone through puberty can. He will only have a juvenile understanding of what sex and romance and an adult relationship is all about.
Interesting factoid: in the UK, same-sex-attracted trans people won the right to enter into a marriage TEN YEARS before non-trans people did. A court case in 2004 ruled that a trans-identified male was legally entitled to have all his documentation changed from M to F so he could register a marriage to his male partner. This set a precedent which enshrined in law the right for trans people to be legally treated as the opposite sex for nearly all purposes provided they followed a bureaucratic process (which used to take 1-2 years but over time got so watered down that it now takes about 3 months).
Meanwhile, same-sex marriage was only legally allowed in 2014...
Operating as designed… Magnus Hirschfield came up with the idea of transsexualism so that homosexuals could “hide out in plain sight” from Germany’s strict anti-sodomy law, much like Ayatollah Khomeini’s 1968 fatwa declaring medical sex reassignment as an alternative to the death penalty for homosexuals.
He will also never have sexual feelings and will not understand what it is that is missing in his attempt to have romantic relationships, but his partners will.
TLC just televised abuse and put crappy music in the background. Jeanette wanted to keep a child to be her child forever and Jazz is the one who suffers because of it. It's a crime what they did to this kid who will never give up the grift because it is way too late. Jazz needs to get far away from these people if he ever wants to heal
He will never actually be able to "heal", that's the problem. Having never gone through puberty, he can never be a real adult or have real adult relationships.
Jazz seems to have wanted a "Barbie" puberty where he would just get big breasts. No hair involved except on Barbies head.
I’m not sure Jazz ever had a concept of what he wanted. He could have probably reversed course at any time before the blockers, but his mother was constantly pushing him to keep going and “see what happens”, because he was an experiment. He tries very hard to be what his mother wants him to be. When he says he wants big boobies, and later after he has the vaginoplasty, he brags that his “vagina is seven inches deep” and Dr Marcy Bowers says, “Jazz, real women don’t brag about things like that.” That behavior is caused by not being a girl. They obviously didn’t teach him anything about sex, earlier in his life. Janette didn’t want him to be a woman, just keep him a baby girl. When the parents were talking about him dating, it almost seemed like OOPS! There was no mention of periods or getting pregnant on a date…surreal moment there…he’s not a girl!
Another time he was talking to his mother about his future, he wanted love, and he wanted to be something, have a fulfilling life. He said, “I’m already an activist, and an influencer”. They keep stressing that he is going through all this to “help other children who have gender dysphoria.” I certainly hope any child watching this in the future will decide to just accept themselves as they are, and NOT become like Jazz.
As for fetishism, Jazz was way too young to develop a fetish, those people are much older when they develop a fetish.
Also, I got the impression that Ari is embarrassed by the whole thing, can see right through it, and just does the bare minimum of being part of this sideshow.
For a true "rainbow" party they should have had John Palmtree turn out to be a trans-identified girl.
Maybe it’s because I didn’t grow up with grandparents but that interaction with the grandma at the fitting room seemed weirdly intense? Too intense for a chat about crushes. It read more like, you’re wrong, here’s how you’re supposed to feel, got it?
Also the constant “I’m not ready for Jazz to….” who gives a shit what you’re ready for? Jazz is a separate human.
Also Jazz doesn’t relate like a girl relates to other girls. He demands this emotional labor and focus all the time. He competes about breast size and singles out a small chested girl?(!) Girls don’t do this unless they have personality disorders. There’s teenage attention seeking and then there’s histrionics.
And all of this caught on camera too. It's disgusting and tragic. What reality tv has done to make the ills of society worse, it's incalculable. Oddly enough, people don't believe me when I tell them about the series I Am Jazz. Maybe "innocence" is a kind of bliss? But not when a child is abused for years on national television.
His mother is SICK. His whole family is SICK.
History will not look kindly upon this devouring "mother".
These people flaunt emotional incest. Emotional incest that has gone to seed.
This "doctor" needs his license revoked. Nothing about his practice is ethical or moral. It's illegal to sterilize children, and illegal to sterilize the mentally ill.
Gramma is a particularly evil monster. I suspect she fancies herself or perhaps works as a therapist.
Munchausen cannot succeed without medical cooperation with the offender. Jazz's parents and the Arena-minded media joined forces with medical greed to mutilate and destroy this sweet little boy.
Munchausen also cannot be cured. The perpetrators and their allies deny wrongdoing, even in the face of clear physical evidence. Here we are.
This Transchausen contagion now infects society.
What will the future bring?
Thank you for this post! I wanted to say something similar, but you said it all. The future is here (imo anyway) and it's terrifying. It's kind of sad that I often feel justified for deciding not to have children long ago. How many of us feel this way when we consider Jazz's waking nightmare as well as other negative aspects of modern society? Such a shame. Has the trade-off been worth it, human race? Nevertheless, thanks to Ex for educating us!
Gramps is worried (probably correctly) that the only folks interested in Jazz will be chasers - he just couldn't come out and say that. "He would have to be different..."
Another piece of evidence that Jazz is not a girl: saying "bouncy bouncy" about her potential breast development in front of Greg. I can't imagine myself or any teenage girl talking that way in front of her father - unless, of course, she was conditioned to have no boundaries. So icky and mortifying.
I also love how the paragraph about Jazz became a whole paper. It was probably 3 sentences total.
People understandably focus on Jeanette, because her behavior is so over the top, but I think Greg is just as culpable for the incredible lack of boundaries in that household, which so many future episodes document.
The implant failing won't make him develop as a male - it will allow him to develop. There is no male or female puberty, it's all puberty. Or in his case, not puberty.
The three post-menopause whiskers on my lip do not make me a sequential hermaphrodite.
Oh oh. I see blood in Greg's right eye. Maybe they should have waited a day or two to film.
Man, I developed soooooo much body hair at puberty (thanks German/Eastern European genes, lol), including a noticeable mustache (no Ron Swanson mustache, lol, but certainly noticeable to the boys in my middle school class). Guess I went through "male puberty". 😂
Thank you, Ex, for everything you do! (maybe you've heard that too often, but just saying it anyway) ❤️❤️👍🏼👍🏼🌷🌼🌻
Jazz is clearly heterosexual. Did anyone ever stop to think? Maybe that’s why he wanted breast so bad. This is why I constantly call this fetishization. His parents are sick for going along with this evil and so are the doctors that did this to him. Jazz would’ve been a very nice looking young man. He’s not interested in boys. every single person that had a role in this should be in prison and I’m not just talking about family. It should be the family, The doctors and the staff and producers at TLC this is wrong. Jaz’s parents love money so much that they are literally slowly killing their son puberty is needed. as we all have seen in the recent years of jazz’s downfall. This is just horrible. It’s not fair. This is heartless to do this to someone they supposedly love. their love of money and fame is showing just how evil they really are. Everyone should be held liable that took part in the show and this has caused so many Fans of the show to go out and do this to themselves. If this was a show about addiction, glorifying addiction, drugs, and alcohol. This wouldn’t be praised if people decided to take on that behavior and end up dying from an overdose or cirrhosis of the liver. The families would be ready to sue TLC and rightfully so. this is so wrong to televise a child being mutilated.
It's revealed in later seasons that he does, in fact, like girls. It's a next level tragedy all around.
He might be bisexual. But since he does not really have any sexual feelings due to the puberty blockers, his relationships are never going to be truly romantic. Prepubescent children get crushes, but they are not anything like the sexual attraction that pubescent and post-pubescent people get.