mom fantasizes that she 'grounds her.' but controls whether a 21yrold can go on a date. any kind of 'date.' a chaste, celibate date because Jazz is now essentially a eunuch i guess. which the datee will figure out early on, and then i think be gone. yeah, no. i only got 4 minutes in. i don't know if it's Jazz' wrong-sex hormones [what 'healthy child experiment,' Exulansic? i didn't watch everything previous] or her nuts mother controlling him, but it's no wonder Jazz can't hold it together. [i know a woman who was that over-involved with her 'anxiety disorder' daughter--phoning her 20 times a day--who had as a result so little confidence that she couldn't do college, and hooked up with a severely mentally ill [schiz] boyfriend and had a baby with him]. his parents cannot and will not ever see they are ruining him. there still is a box canyon, a one-way street, ahead for Jazz.
yes, Exulansic, great makeup and etc. you've created a unique brand of stand-up here. sky's the limit for your show biz career.
Hey, TT! Someone came onto my channel, claiming you are a transman, that is all there is to it. My immediate response, "hide from channel." So, 'garcon" I will take all of your menu recommendation.
I'm going to reply to myself just to get this datapoint out. Dr. Stephen B. Levine said in his testimony before the Florida medical board that the women who committed suicide 10 to 20 years later, as reported in the Cecelia Dheine Swedish study in 2011, had a 40 times higher rate of death by suicide. The men were less ('only 19 times!") and they combined the states. In other words, in the study of death records of women who'd had surgeries to alter their bodies to appear male a decade or more in the past, it was found that compared to the control group of just regular deceased Swedes, the women ("transmen") had a 40 TIMES HIGHER rate of killing themselves. This was discovered over a decade ago. WTH?
Ya know what? I've been accused of same! And, as well of being a rich Stepford wife, collecting thousands in alimony for decades. Hahahahaha right back at them. Come over here, I say, and work my land like I do.
The waxing scene was the best thing about this episode with the practitioner and her Eastern European accent. She wasn't fooled; she's seen it all. Her droll manner and how she was just going to keep to herself all that she sees. This show is just getting creepier. There are so many layers of lies being negotiated. I couldn't watch this show without your commentary.
Thank you garçon! Wow that "date" was cringe-inducing. Dayron is so very NQR. It really struck me this episode how stunted Jazz's brain function is. He is still a 7 year old playing dress up in mommy's closet. Also his speech seems more slurred this season than I've noticed before.
i imagine there's someone out there who has never seen or heard of South Park, and watches this episode, thinking you must have made those cartoons yourself.
To be honest, it really doesn't have the same connotations in France as it does in English-speaking countries. It's just a remnant of another phrase from an older time, and when I was a teenager it wasn't seen as rude at all. I hate to say it, but wokeism is severely infecting the Romance languages now too and there are people who will loudly and publicly scream that they find it offensive. (I personally don't, but then I'm also not a server. Generally, neither are the people who scream about how 'offensive' it is, but I digress).
I will say, it's more likely that Parisians would be offended by the fact that you're a foreigner who dares to address them at all (I am not French, just fluent) than anything else, lol.
I guess my previous comment deserved this comment.
Allow me to expand: I was a teen/20 something girl once (yes, Jazz is male, bear with me)
When I was a girl/ young woman, looking cute and being pretty was the top priority.
I believe Jazz feels the same way I did; Jazz wants to attract a romantic partner and love/be loved. Girls try to look cute to attract romantic partners.
I think Jazz (and others featured) end up on these threads reading comments.
I wanted to leave a supportive comment. There's no way anyone could know what motivated me, of course.
Jazz does look cute, very well put together and attractive.
Jazz has never been allowed to me male. Jazz has been trying to present as female for years.
Jazz did well here.
I am strongly opposed to trans-ing children. It is criminal.
My first Twitter ban in 2019 was from saying boys shouldn't be allowed in girls locker rooms.
That said, we have choices to make on how we will treat the young adults who have transitioned.
Where will they find support if we throw stones at them?
Their abusive families?
These young adults need support. I think most of them will detrans.
I feel sorry for what was done to Jazz.
This is my clumsy way of offering up something positive and supportive in a nightmarish situation.
I'm probably still doing it wrong, and in a way that will piss off someone.
I think to save face they'll put Jazz in a confessional saying he's not ready for anything serious or a relationship and that will be that. It's a storyline, and that's all. I don't think Jazz experiences sexual attraction at all. I could be wrong, but that's my feeling.
Can highly relate to the feelings of unease and disgust and revulsion mixed with compassion and fear for Jazz. We all understand how hollow and empty his future is, because we have experienced what he never will and we are able to grieve what he doesn't (and may never) realize he has lost. The man they cast to go on the date is however, a different story. He is a creep.
You know there is literally no one here who is going to pass on your support to Jazz, right? Jazz doesn't see these comments. Being supportive of a 21 year old with multiple surgical mutilations as he acts as part of the marketing juggernaut funded by the trans lobby for the sole purpose of getting the public comfortable enough with what happened to this kid that they won't mind when it happens to other kids is exactly the wrong approach to take if you really and truly support leaving healthy kids intact.
Write the fan letters on Jazz's insta. This is exactly the wrong place for your comment.
JAV, I've seen Catherine on here quite a bit and though I've often disagreed with her, you are being disingenuous in your interpretation of her comments. She is NOT pro trans & is VERY critical of the trans agenda and of what has been done to poor Jazz. I think you owe her an apology for mocking her religion, as well. Let's keep things civil here, please.
Jazz is lovely looking, even as obese as he sadly now is, it is very evident that he always had a lovely face. His hair is beautiful and shiny and clean and well-cared for, unlike his weird friend. And I think he put together a nice outfit for the date. His brother is equally nice-looking and there's nothing wrong at all with saying that or in being positive. So I understand what you meant.
It's just a shame he wasn't allowed to just be a handsome or even a beautiful boy instead of turning him into a sexless eunuch as a child. That's the ugly part.
I don't think any of us should fear pissing anyone off anymore. I'm beyond that point. It is necessary to push through it, or we wont save any more unfortunate children from the same fate. The Jeanettes of this world need to be stopped.
And yes, I am going to generalize here and take that risk again because it is manifestly stupid to pretend the minority of women have any influence over reality; most, if not all of us have been taught that any conversation about our reproductive organs in anything even approaching a public forum is shameful and should be avoided.
Medical research didn't bother to even look at the clitoris until the 1990's. The last significant medical breakthrough in women's reproductive health care took place in 1865, with the hysterectomy.
Hysterectomies are still offered as a cure-all despite the fact that we have "discovered" that our wombs do more than carry offspring. (we still don't understand all they do)
Vaginal musculature is obviously a relative mystery to 90% of the surgeons who undertake to "construct neovaginas" Not one "neovagina" has vaginal rugae and therefore not one of them is capable of expanding or contracting during sexual function.
And yet we hear about this fakery from these people ad nauseum. Usually they're crowing about how their "vaginas" are just like the real thing even though it is obvious to every one of us that they're not.
I've had sex with my fair share of men, and not one of them has ever managed to bump into my cervix. Why? Because I expand, I contract I do that without thinking about it and if I should happen to decide I need to expel something from inside my vagina, I "spit" it out. My vagina, like yours, is as muscular as my closed fist. I've had a baby. He wasn't small. My vagina was as wide as breadbox and immediately afterwards shrank back to normal. We are fucking miraculous. I'm so tired of allowing these jerks to steamroll over women's lives as though we are anything but the superior sex. And we can't be constructed from bits of bowel or inverted dick.
So until these preening cocks can produce a "neovagina" that can spit a ping pong ball across the bedroom, I do not want to hear another word about their sexual organs.
You touched a nerve. Sorry to go off. I think it's important we all keep all of this in mind and maybe we should start talking about our vulvas more openly.
YES!!! one of the main reasons I have no contact with trans people is because all they do is talk about what it's like to be trans!!! I also have a vagina...58 years, one c-section and mine has been less spoken about and less EXPOSED than this persons!!!person's!!!! GRRRR
Garçon, those turquoise earrings set off your face, very striking look with the black silk and braids! And what delectable courses we have here. A gender gibberish word salad, a family abuse pattern soup, a starfucking fish-chaser, and ah. what a main course! *Une graisse de boeuf dansante au campagne.*
The date would not have made it this far without the studio. He's after status.
I did wonder about that but apparently, in one of the next episodes, Jazz says they don't need to shave as they don't have any hair. This was mentioned in an online forum that also discusses the programme. Not sure which episode it will be in though but it's yet another contradictory statement, along with one from the last series when Jazz confirmed they had had sex and tried out the new 'vagina'. I didn't believe it at the time and now we are meant to forget that and to believe Jazz is 'intact' and has never had sex of any sort. Who knows what to believe, it's all a tissue of lies and obfuscations.
Looking mighty sparkely this evening, Garcon!
mom fantasizes that she 'grounds her.' but controls whether a 21yrold can go on a date. any kind of 'date.' a chaste, celibate date because Jazz is now essentially a eunuch i guess. which the datee will figure out early on, and then i think be gone. yeah, no. i only got 4 minutes in. i don't know if it's Jazz' wrong-sex hormones [what 'healthy child experiment,' Exulansic? i didn't watch everything previous] or her nuts mother controlling him, but it's no wonder Jazz can't hold it together. [i know a woman who was that over-involved with her 'anxiety disorder' daughter--phoning her 20 times a day--who had as a result so little confidence that she couldn't do college, and hooked up with a severely mentally ill [schiz] boyfriend and had a baby with him]. his parents cannot and will not ever see they are ruining him. there still is a box canyon, a one-way street, ahead for Jazz.
yes, Exulansic, great makeup and etc. you've created a unique brand of stand-up here. sky's the limit for your show biz career.
Healthy child sex experiment is how I referred to what they did to him when he was 11 with the puberty blockers
Hey, TT! Someone came onto my channel, claiming you are a transman, that is all there is to it. My immediate response, "hide from channel." So, 'garcon" I will take all of your menu recommendation.
I'm going to reply to myself just to get this datapoint out. Dr. Stephen B. Levine said in his testimony before the Florida medical board that the women who committed suicide 10 to 20 years later, as reported in the Cecelia Dheine Swedish study in 2011, had a 40 times higher rate of death by suicide. The men were less ('only 19 times!") and they combined the states. In other words, in the study of death records of women who'd had surgeries to alter their bodies to appear male a decade or more in the past, it was found that compared to the control group of just regular deceased Swedes, the women ("transmen") had a 40 TIMES HIGHER rate of killing themselves. This was discovered over a decade ago. WTH?
Hahaha they can't decide if I'm a trans man in denial or a trans woman pretending to be a woman.
Ya know what? I've been accused of same! And, as well of being a rich Stepford wife, collecting thousands in alimony for decades. Hahahahaha right back at them. Come over here, I say, and work my land like I do.
I really don’t like daeron good fucking god.
The waxing scene was the best thing about this episode with the practitioner and her Eastern European accent. She wasn't fooled; she's seen it all. Her droll manner and how she was just going to keep to herself all that she sees. This show is just getting creepier. There are so many layers of lies being negotiated. I couldn't watch this show without your commentary.
I agree. I could never watch this show without the commentary!
Thank you garçon! Wow that "date" was cringe-inducing. Dayron is so very NQR. It really struck me this episode how stunted Jazz's brain function is. He is still a 7 year old playing dress up in mommy's closet. Also his speech seems more slurred this season than I've noticed before.
what does NQR mean?
Not Quite Right.
thank you, and I agree!!! Dating app man is too creepy
Imagine going on a date where you and YOUR BROTHER wear what is basically couple's matching outfits
A psychic channeling the archangel Michael? This is a new low even for Jeannette.
Honestly surprised no one has done a spirit portrait for Jazz to show "her" feminine aura. Seems like only yesterday those hucksters were on CNN
Certain proof.
And EVEN SO Jeannette seems unable to get the message that even St. Michael* is sending her,
that Jeannette needs to just BTFO Jazz.
*the show producers deliberately writing it in the script
Plot twist, gets burned at the stake for practicing witchcraft.
Amaizing what jazz gets to say to Jeannette about her freedom...i didnt thinkjazz would be able...
i imagine there's someone out there who has never seen or heard of South Park, and watches this episode, thinking you must have made those cartoons yourself.
is the joke that garcon means boy in french?
Doesn't that mean "waiter?"
No, garçon translates from french to literally "boy"
Ah! Thank you!
I speak French - it also means waiter. It's a colloquialism and a pun.
Well that's fun! Hence in English the finger-snap and preemptory "Boy!" to call for service?
To be honest, it really doesn't have the same connotations in France as it does in English-speaking countries. It's just a remnant of another phrase from an older time, and when I was a teenager it wasn't seen as rude at all. I hate to say it, but wokeism is severely infecting the Romance languages now too and there are people who will loudly and publicly scream that they find it offensive. (I personally don't, but then I'm also not a server. Generally, neither are the people who scream about how 'offensive' it is, but I digress).
I will say, it's more likely that Parisians would be offended by the fact that you're a foreigner who dares to address them at all (I am not French, just fluent) than anything else, lol.
Thanks for the insight!
omg when Dayton called Jazz a cowBOY, i LOST IT!!
yes Jazz is required once per episode to talk about how much he loves his vagina. also we must see him doing something physical.
He moves like a fat old man.
Jazz looked cute 🌻 🌻 🌻
Cult victim looks good in a dress, film at 11
I guess my previous comment deserved this comment.
Allow me to expand: I was a teen/20 something girl once (yes, Jazz is male, bear with me)
When I was a girl/ young woman, looking cute and being pretty was the top priority.
I believe Jazz feels the same way I did; Jazz wants to attract a romantic partner and love/be loved. Girls try to look cute to attract romantic partners.
I think Jazz (and others featured) end up on these threads reading comments.
I wanted to leave a supportive comment. There's no way anyone could know what motivated me, of course.
Jazz does look cute, very well put together and attractive.
Jazz has never been allowed to me male. Jazz has been trying to present as female for years.
Jazz did well here.
I am strongly opposed to trans-ing children. It is criminal.
My first Twitter ban in 2019 was from saying boys shouldn't be allowed in girls locker rooms.
That said, we have choices to make on how we will treat the young adults who have transitioned.
Where will they find support if we throw stones at them?
Their abusive families?
These young adults need support. I think most of them will detrans.
I feel sorry for what was done to Jazz.
This is my clumsy way of offering up something positive and supportive in a nightmarish situation.
I'm probably still doing it wrong, and in a way that will piss off someone.
Oh well.
Don't feel bad. I appreciate the empathy. Jazz did indeed put real effort into the dress and the sunflower.
Then I watched a studio-manipulated young man propose to kiss Jazz and put real effort into appreciating the dress and the boots and the sunflower.
I hate that for Jazz. I hate all of this for Jazz. I totally agree with you and I still hate it.
I didn't like the studio-provided date, either.
Something is off with him.
They story line will probably involve Jazz being hurt by this guy.
Bread and circuses.
Torturing the bull before slaughter more like.
I think to save face they'll put Jazz in a confessional saying he's not ready for anything serious or a relationship and that will be that. It's a storyline, and that's all. I don't think Jazz experiences sexual attraction at all. I could be wrong, but that's my feeling.
Jazz may not feel physical sexual attraction, but I do believe Jazz wants someone to love and give love to in return.
A romance.💕🎉✨️
Can highly relate to the feelings of unease and disgust and revulsion mixed with compassion and fear for Jazz. We all understand how hollow and empty his future is, because we have experienced what he never will and we are able to grieve what he doesn't (and may never) realize he has lost. The man they cast to go on the date is however, a different story. He is a creep.
You know there is literally no one here who is going to pass on your support to Jazz, right? Jazz doesn't see these comments. Being supportive of a 21 year old with multiple surgical mutilations as he acts as part of the marketing juggernaut funded by the trans lobby for the sole purpose of getting the public comfortable enough with what happened to this kid that they won't mind when it happens to other kids is exactly the wrong approach to take if you really and truly support leaving healthy kids intact.
Write the fan letters on Jazz's insta. This is exactly the wrong place for your comment.
I'll say whatever I want.
My my my, it's funny how you're not the least bit worried about being "kind" or "supportive" when you're talking to an actual person who can hear you.
What are your pronouns, Sir?
What's that little purple cross for? Aren't you accountable to sky daddy?
JAV, I've seen Catherine on here quite a bit and though I've often disagreed with her, you are being disingenuous in your interpretation of her comments. She is NOT pro trans & is VERY critical of the trans agenda and of what has been done to poor Jazz. I think you owe her an apology for mocking her religion, as well. Let's keep things civil here, please.
Why are you choosing to come off like a little pencil-dick incel?
Jazz is lovely looking, even as obese as he sadly now is, it is very evident that he always had a lovely face. His hair is beautiful and shiny and clean and well-cared for, unlike his weird friend. And I think he put together a nice outfit for the date. His brother is equally nice-looking and there's nothing wrong at all with saying that or in being positive. So I understand what you meant.
It's just a shame he wasn't allowed to just be a handsome or even a beautiful boy instead of turning him into a sexless eunuch as a child. That's the ugly part.
I don't think any of us should fear pissing anyone off anymore. I'm beyond that point. It is necessary to push through it, or we wont save any more unfortunate children from the same fate. The Jeanettes of this world need to be stopped.
I have had a vagina for 60 years longer than Jazz and I have talked about it less in a lifetime than Jazz does in an episode.... it is sickening.
spot on.
We should be talking about why that is.
Because his whole life revolves around pretense.
I have never worried about my vagina losing deepth or width.
none of us have.
And yes, I am going to generalize here and take that risk again because it is manifestly stupid to pretend the minority of women have any influence over reality; most, if not all of us have been taught that any conversation about our reproductive organs in anything even approaching a public forum is shameful and should be avoided.
Medical research didn't bother to even look at the clitoris until the 1990's. The last significant medical breakthrough in women's reproductive health care took place in 1865, with the hysterectomy.
Hysterectomies are still offered as a cure-all despite the fact that we have "discovered" that our wombs do more than carry offspring. (we still don't understand all they do)
Vaginal musculature is obviously a relative mystery to 90% of the surgeons who undertake to "construct neovaginas" Not one "neovagina" has vaginal rugae and therefore not one of them is capable of expanding or contracting during sexual function.
And yet we hear about this fakery from these people ad nauseum. Usually they're crowing about how their "vaginas" are just like the real thing even though it is obvious to every one of us that they're not.
I've had sex with my fair share of men, and not one of them has ever managed to bump into my cervix. Why? Because I expand, I contract I do that without thinking about it and if I should happen to decide I need to expel something from inside my vagina, I "spit" it out. My vagina, like yours, is as muscular as my closed fist. I've had a baby. He wasn't small. My vagina was as wide as breadbox and immediately afterwards shrank back to normal. We are fucking miraculous. I'm so tired of allowing these jerks to steamroll over women's lives as though we are anything but the superior sex. And we can't be constructed from bits of bowel or inverted dick.
So until these preening cocks can produce a "neovagina" that can spit a ping pong ball across the bedroom, I do not want to hear another word about their sexual organs.
You touched a nerve. Sorry to go off. I think it's important we all keep all of this in mind and maybe we should start talking about our vulvas more openly.
"And we can't be constructed from bits of bowel or inverted dick." - precisely. The absolute ARROGANCE to think they ever could.
YES!!! one of the main reasons I have no contact with trans people is because all they do is talk about what it's like to be trans!!! I also have a vagina...58 years, one c-section and mine has been less spoken about and less EXPOSED than this persons!!!person's!!!! GRRRR
Me too but now menopause makes me like a virgin in the desert.
Garçon, those turquoise earrings set off your face, very striking look with the black silk and braids! And what delectable courses we have here. A gender gibberish word salad, a family abuse pattern soup, a starfucking fish-chaser, and ah. what a main course! *Une graisse de boeuf dansante au campagne.*
The date would not have made it this far without the studio. He's after status.
* Translate! Translate!! *
*A dancing beef fat in the countryside*
Is what google translate saos
Tragi-comic. Sadly apt.
So was the salon lady in on the joke and pretending there was pubic hair down there on the puberty blocked body?
Totally in on the joke!
Actually I wonder if the drugs do induce pubic hair. They do stimulate breast growth. But either way, it's not going to look normal. Because it isn't.
I did wonder about that but apparently, in one of the next episodes, Jazz says they don't need to shave as they don't have any hair. This was mentioned in an online forum that also discusses the programme. Not sure which episode it will be in though but it's yet another contradictory statement, along with one from the last series when Jazz confirmed they had had sex and tried out the new 'vagina'. I didn't believe it at the time and now we are meant to forget that and to believe Jazz is 'intact' and has never had sex of any sort. Who knows what to believe, it's all a tissue of lies and obfuscations.