Really weird like he‘s talking of choosing classes in a way his life was depending on whereas he chose to cut his genitals easily! As if choosing the wrong classes could destroy his future life path. Is he projecting something here i e treating choice of studies as replacement for choices he can‘t change anymore and regretting but so in denial that it shows somewhere else? Or is his capabilty to choose impaired due to development suppression during puberty? Anyway, Jeanette as usual: WE have to choose classes. I almost was about to believe she‘ll go to classes with Jazz...
Great points. Jeanette had that poor kid placed on puberty blockers which destroyed the executive reasoning function in his brain, then whines about his abilility to make decisions 🙄 How is she not able to connect the dots? She and the TLC producers should be in a prison cell.
he was never really presented with the genital surgery as a real choice. i suspect it was presented more as a medical/psychological necessity. medically indicated because of his mental condition. choice of classes does matter, but more so at a high priced place like Harvard with super competitive peers intent on future elite jobs. i don't see Jazz envisioning any future adulthood or job. indeed however as i've said, at a lower stress lower priced school its easier to fool around a bit and explore interests. yes Jeannette is fully living her life through him. yes, it's his emotional development that's suppressed, but hard to know how much is hormones and how much is toxic mom.
this show will be studied in future psych seminars as example of toxic mom.
Only 10 minutes into this, and poor Jazz! Yash says something totally bland and ordinary, and Jazz goes all fluttery and says Oh He's So Wise and Deep!! This won't go well, a serious manipulator with this inexperienced insecure person.
Or maybe not, a few minutes farther in, apparently Yash isn't responding to Jazz's contacts. Interesting.
Now -- goat yoga! What a scam! My partner and I used to have a herd of about 30 goats, we got them for brush clearing. They're great animals but they are high energy, full of mischief...I cannot imagine goat yoga as a thing. Goats and quiet calm meditation just don't mix! Florida surely IS different.
Why the eye roll? I'm not familiar with every breed of goat but I am familiar with the regular mutilation of rescues and "show" animals. It's not a crazy assumption based on what's done to everything else we raise for show.
I am 100% down for possum yoga, or turtle yoga. Opossums are very clean and particular about where they poop or pee, they go to a spot near running water. And turtles, well, they're turtles.
Jazz is as delusional about his academic abilities as he is his supposed new "sex."
We all know why Jazz suddenly doesn't know if Harvard is the school for him, and it has nothing to do with choosing classes. He's clearly not up for it academically, and he feels guilt because he was given that place over someone else who actually deserved it because of his trans identity.
It's not mean to call a spade a spade. He was a diversity pick.
It’s not mean, it’s honest. If I may, I don’t believe he feels any guilt about taking that spot which should have been given to a well deserving woman.
serious history question. Exulansic, others? what were the medieval/early modern castrato boys like as they got older? in china boys/men were made eunuchs and not all were forever childish. one eunuch became a famous chinese sea explorer and trader, Zheng He.
Some articles about Italian castrati singers mention physical and emotional side effects - although I would take any stories about them being 'overemotional divas' with a grain of salt. It has always been odd to me in the context of trans activism that music related publications will still publish pieces that describe the effects of castration on e.g. the skeleton, while society denies that the same might happen to the Jazz Jennings and Kim Petras of today.
he was a diversity pick. it's a known category of admit. Institutions like Harvard are open about wanting to create a diverse student population, but for example a native American student still will be a top top student, an unusual student. Jazz in contrast does not seem brilliant in any way. but no, he has no guilt. he's been told how special he is by adults. no, put it simply that he senses he is not like most of the other kids. He's not academically prepared, his parents don't read books, he doesn't know what he's interested in, he's never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. he's more like an eleven year old pre-puberty-sex-hormone-surge girl who's been dominated by mom and abandoned by dad.
why is this my favorite show now? it would be so fun if this was a livestream. I never would have watched this garbage if it wasn’t for you. Do you have a playlist of all your I am Jazz commentary because I would binge it?
Jazz looks and acts like an 11 year old in a grown woman’s body. It’s bizarre to watch because I’ve never seen a chronologically adult person with zero sexual development. The breasts and pseudofemale fat distribution are a hefty illusion, underneath is a naive male child. He has no mannerisms, facial expressions, behaviors or even speech that would indicate he has sexual awareness or feelings. Not even the jokes, mimicry or mockery you expect from middle school boys. As for Yash he responded exactly like a normal adult would around an 11 year old, completely platonic, older sibling type interactions with weird condescending comments sprinkled through that came across as attempts at grooming. I’ve never seen a man less interested in a potential mate. Mirror neuron or no mirror neuron Jazz was correct that Yash has no sexual/romantic interest in him. Jazz got along better with women at the speed dating thing because he was making friends.
My husband had watched a bunch of Ex before and binged the Jazz episodes a few months ago. He thought it was one of the saddest commentaries on modern life he'd seen in a long time. He's right.
And what’s even sadder, is the fact that the entire Jennings family keeps promoting this shit on young and vulnerable people! At least they got money, celebrity, connections and a place at Harvard- what will the thousands of kids that believe this get?
I’ve been trying to figure out why Jazz’s face doesn’t seem to match the body. The proportions and development is “off”. Almost like a child’s head on an adult body. But, even Jazz’s arms don’t seem to fit the torso. It’s unsettling to my brain.
Yes, this! I watched some of the show awhile ago, when Jazz was like, 16 or so, and then I jumped to these videos where he's 21, and he talks and acts exactly the same. Most people change and grow and mature a lot at that point in their lives!
Absolutely agree that it felt like I was watching a date with an adult and a child. I also can't imagine how I would feel having all my first dates televised, so poor Jazz is being sabotaged in every way. I can't imagine any woman being interested in a sexual relationship with him either.
I noticed that and that he seems very uncomfortable at that size. As a formally morbidly obese gal, I still did the female thing of trying to take up less space, even when it wasn't physically possible. So, yes it's definitely something jazz is born with.
I remember my friend’s dad giving us advice when we were 16: if you go to a club or bar and order a drink, always and only get a bottled beer, watch the bartender like a hawk as he uncaps it to be sure he doesn’t slip anything in there, then keep the bottle plugged with your finger every moment that you’re not drinking from it. If you accidentally set it down or if you leave it while you go to the bathroom, trash it and order a new one. I was very innocent/naive and was initially totally confused about the reasons for this and needed to have it spelled out for me that men drug and rape women like it’s nothing. Sometimes the bartenders will be in on it. That was 25 years ago.
These days I’ve been reading about men in English clubs who are stabbing young women in their legs with syringes to drug them.
Jazz really doesn’t know any better. His mother is like every fairytale wicked witch who offers a cup of poison potion to drink. But yeah, TLC is actively complicit. The network should be sued into bankruptcy.
Having spent 2 summers on a Hippie goat farm in the 70s, I can speak with authority on goats. The Nannies are generally mellow and the Billies are delicious.
Yes, I had a Billy named Clyde on our horse farm growing up. He always went for my my grandmother, Moma and Aunty's bums. He would bit their bum. I loved him so much though 😍
Ha ha! I’m in rural northern California, and when I first moved to this area, I noticed that our neighbor had a billy goat that was very popular with the female goats. He was handsome (?) and super friendly with people. Neighbor said his name was Spice, which seemed appropriate, considering his popularity. One day neighbor said that Spice wouldn’t stop butting against the side of his barn. A few months later after not seeing Spice for a few weeks, I asked our neighbor where he was and he answered, “Sausage!” 🤣
Tru dat. Once about 100 years ago I was at the Children's Petting Zoo on Belle Isle (a Frederick Law Olmstead park in the middle of the Detroit River) and was surrounded by some adorable little African Pygmy Goats. I thought they were just nuzzling me about the feet and ankles. Until I stepped away--they did a number on my blue jeans and had eaten my bootlaces.
Thanks again Exulansic for serving up the sass and snarkiness for us, while we join you and watch yet another episode of these people! I also enjoy the added bonus of your food choices! lol So happy to be a member of your substack.
The pre poured date rape drink complete with umbrella, went well with Jazz's childish blue party dress! It paired well with Yash's beer and haircut fashioned after the little boy from The Dutch Boy paint can. Jazz's face hasn't matured past a middle school aged boy. All I see is young boy in a rotund body who man spreads whenever he sits down. And his ear poking out of his hair has driven me crazy for many seasons. I know, I know, such a stupid little thing to be bothered by.
What a coincidence that models and someone in a band, would show up at a speed dating event featuring Jazz. What are the odds? I wish Jazz would go to Princeton and not go home for holidays, and try and make his life there. Unless of course he can't academically cut it there, and was just admitted because he's Jazz. Whatever school he transfers to, he's still going to have pick classes and choose a major. Does he get paid for his advocacy beyond which I assume his show pays him? He won't be able to ride that bus forever. It seems like the tide is turning and more and more detransitioners are coming forward. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part.
He shouldn't be at an elite university at all. That is all just his parents' doing. He should be at university for people that aren't academically exceptional , be off the show and away from his parents for at least 2 or 3 years. With a good therapist on standby.
And NOT a “gender affirming” therapist. Prisha Mosely, a well spoken detransitioner, speaks of finally getting a competent DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) therapist who was able to help her heal the trauma that was behind the vulnerabilty that unscrupulous “gender affirming” providers took advantage of that led to transitioning.
Perhaps he could get a job waxing bikini lines. Don't need a degree for that! I know, I'm cruel....But seriously, a morbidly obese, hormonally damaged eunuch w/o formal education has pretty limited job prospects. Mommie Dearest would blow a gasket at blue-collar work, and somehow I doubt that being a trans-rights activist pays much. Perhaps in a few years when the anger and regret kicks in he could counsel other kids NOT to follow his disasterous path. That's it! Anti-Trans Psychologist! Or class-action lawyer, suing the goat poop out of the doctors and drug companies making millions off delusions.
Goat yoga instructor for people with limited mobility. Weird pseudo scientific service / therapy job is always an option. And, eventually, 'author of tell all book' (ghost writer obviously needed)
I always wondered why it was just assumed by the family that Jazz likes men. Jeanette's face didn't look too thrilled about the women at speed date. She wanted another girl and tried to make one; in the process she destroyed a little boy and made a joke of her family. I won't be surprised if Jazz ends up with a woman and sues everyone.
I think Jeanette will hate it if Jazz dates a woman. At the moment she controls Jazz, and she thinks she can control men. Jeanette will see a female partner as competition for her control over Jazz, and a woman won't be as easy for Jeanette to manipulate.
That crossed my mind too! Even though dating a woman would be heterosexual, Jeanette would see it as gay. He definitely seemed happier around the women at the speed dating.
Allegedly the family is quite religious and this may have played into their decision to trans Jazz - if they interpreted his behavior as effeminate at age 2 and figured they had to do something to avoid ending up with a gay son. Seen in that light it makes sense that it would be upsetting to them to think that he may have been heterosexual all along.
I understood they were Jewish. If they're religious and Jewish, the surgeries Jazz has had would be a much bigger problem than any whiff of homosexuality. There's a whole thing in orthodox Judaism about not altering your physical body. Up until the 1980's orthodox Jews looked askance at organ transplants. Even now, tattoos are, well, not exactly forbidden but decidedly not okay. Choosing to alter your body is seen as an insult to God.
My Jewish husband went a little bonkers when I came home with a tattoo on my 45th birthday!!! He got over it fairly quickly because he had to- oh, well!
There is no telling who he would have even dated if it his development wouldn't have been stunted, and it's so sad. Maybe he just doesn't like men because they are sexually more intimidating than women and he doesn't really have a sex drive. Nobody can replace this for him.
I think the idea that sexuality is fluid has been being pushed in the lgbt+ community for awhile now, along the idea that gender is fluid why not sexuality to match?
He checked the diversity boxes, which is required of every university now. The days of meritocracy are long gone.
I think he thought it would be cool to get on TV, but when he actually had to get up close he realized how messed up it felt.
Really weird like he‘s talking of choosing classes in a way his life was depending on whereas he chose to cut his genitals easily! As if choosing the wrong classes could destroy his future life path. Is he projecting something here i e treating choice of studies as replacement for choices he can‘t change anymore and regretting but so in denial that it shows somewhere else? Or is his capabilty to choose impaired due to development suppression during puberty? Anyway, Jeanette as usual: WE have to choose classes. I almost was about to believe she‘ll go to classes with Jazz...
SRSLY, Jeanette needs to leave him TF alone.
Tell him that his BA doesn't matter so much, there's time to hone in on what he wants later. He's got a ride at Harvard - enjoy!
Great points. Jeanette had that poor kid placed on puberty blockers which destroyed the executive reasoning function in his brain, then whines about his abilility to make decisions 🙄 How is she not able to connect the dots? She and the TLC producers should be in a prison cell.
The Nile is not just a river in Egypt.
Narcissistic people think they're perfect and don't love anyone more than themselves
Unfortunately, I know the beast well.
he was never really presented with the genital surgery as a real choice. i suspect it was presented more as a medical/psychological necessity. medically indicated because of his mental condition. choice of classes does matter, but more so at a high priced place like Harvard with super competitive peers intent on future elite jobs. i don't see Jazz envisioning any future adulthood or job. indeed however as i've said, at a lower stress lower priced school its easier to fool around a bit and explore interests. yes Jeannette is fully living her life through him. yes, it's his emotional development that's suppressed, but hard to know how much is hormones and how much is toxic mom.
this show will be studied in future psych seminars as example of toxic mom.
Jazz doesn't need to be an elitist. He could write a tell all book exposing his abuse and be an instant millionaire
Goat yoga is definitely a thing in a lot of places lol.
Only 10 minutes into this, and poor Jazz! Yash says something totally bland and ordinary, and Jazz goes all fluttery and says Oh He's So Wise and Deep!! This won't go well, a serious manipulator with this inexperienced insecure person.
Or maybe not, a few minutes farther in, apparently Yash isn't responding to Jazz's contacts. Interesting.
Now -- goat yoga! What a scam! My partner and I used to have a herd of about 30 goats, we got them for brush clearing. They're great animals but they are high energy, full of mischief...I cannot imagine goat yoga as a thing. Goats and quiet calm meditation just don't mix! Florida surely IS different.
So many of them had their ears cut off...
I noticed! Horrible. I was wondering why on earth they did that.
Me, too.
Me three.
They're La Mancha goats, earless.
Thank you for that information! That makes me feel much better lol
Yes, thanks Gayle. I was wondering if they were abused and this was a sanctuary.
That is so good to know. And TIL earless goats exist.
I just looked these up, very tiny ears! They do look earless -- I had never heard of them before.
Not cut off that is tge breed of goat. 🙄
Why the eye roll? I'm not familiar with every breed of goat but I am familiar with the regular mutilation of rescues and "show" animals. It's not a crazy assumption based on what's done to everything else we raise for show.
You can do turtle yoga in Austin.
I would do possum yoga if I could.
There is a possibility they will have possum yoga available in Austin sooner than you think.
My sister did ‘goat’ yoga haha it was a couple of goats tho not heaps and she said it was fun.
I am 100% down for possum yoga, or turtle yoga. Opossums are very clean and particular about where they poop or pee, they go to a spot near running water. And turtles, well, they're turtles.
Goat yoga isn't just a Florida thing. It's done all over the country though, granted, I assume it's more common in "left/blue" areas than red ones.
Jazz is as delusional about his academic abilities as he is his supposed new "sex."
We all know why Jazz suddenly doesn't know if Harvard is the school for him, and it has nothing to do with choosing classes. He's clearly not up for it academically, and he feels guilt because he was given that place over someone else who actually deserved it because of his trans identity.
It's not mean to call a spade a spade. He was a diversity pick.
It’s not mean, it’s honest. If I may, I don’t believe he feels any guilt about taking that spot which should have been given to a well deserving woman.
He is quite possibly not emotionally and intellectually mature enough to put all of this together
I don’t know? If we’re overestimating or underestimating?
It's impossible to say. Jazz' natural development has been so completely derailed that no normal measurements really apply anymore
serious history question. Exulansic, others? what were the medieval/early modern castrato boys like as they got older? in china boys/men were made eunuchs and not all were forever childish. one eunuch became a famous chinese sea explorer and trader, Zheng He.
Some articles about Italian castrati singers mention physical and emotional side effects - although I would take any stories about them being 'overemotional divas' with a grain of salt. It has always been odd to me in the context of trans activism that music related publications will still publish pieces that describe the effects of castration on e.g. the skeleton, while society denies that the same might happen to the Jazz Jennings and Kim Petras of today.
he was a diversity pick. it's a known category of admit. Institutions like Harvard are open about wanting to create a diverse student population, but for example a native American student still will be a top top student, an unusual student. Jazz in contrast does not seem brilliant in any way. but no, he has no guilt. he's been told how special he is by adults. no, put it simply that he senses he is not like most of the other kids. He's not academically prepared, his parents don't read books, he doesn't know what he's interested in, he's never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. he's more like an eleven year old pre-puberty-sex-hormone-surge girl who's been dominated by mom and abandoned by dad.
There is nothing remotely intellectual about them.
Maybe also just the horrible discomfort of being in classes that you can't keep up with, guilt or not.
well yes. do we have factual info on his semester grades, etc.
why is this my favorite show now? it would be so fun if this was a livestream. I never would have watched this garbage if it wasn’t for you. Do you have a playlist of all your I am Jazz commentary because I would binge it?
Jazz looks and acts like an 11 year old in a grown woman’s body. It’s bizarre to watch because I’ve never seen a chronologically adult person with zero sexual development. The breasts and pseudofemale fat distribution are a hefty illusion, underneath is a naive male child. He has no mannerisms, facial expressions, behaviors or even speech that would indicate he has sexual awareness or feelings. Not even the jokes, mimicry or mockery you expect from middle school boys. As for Yash he responded exactly like a normal adult would around an 11 year old, completely platonic, older sibling type interactions with weird condescending comments sprinkled through that came across as attempts at grooming. I’ve never seen a man less interested in a potential mate. Mirror neuron or no mirror neuron Jazz was correct that Yash has no sexual/romantic interest in him. Jazz got along better with women at the speed dating thing because he was making friends.
Yes there's an I am Jazz's Waking Nightmare playlist on Odysee (
My husband had watched a bunch of Ex before and binged the Jazz episodes a few months ago. He thought it was one of the saddest commentaries on modern life he'd seen in a long time. He's right.
And what’s even sadder, is the fact that the entire Jennings family keeps promoting this shit on young and vulnerable people! At least they got money, celebrity, connections and a place at Harvard- what will the thousands of kids that believe this get?
I’ve been trying to figure out why Jazz’s face doesn’t seem to match the body. The proportions and development is “off”. Almost like a child’s head on an adult body. But, even Jazz’s arms don’t seem to fit the torso. It’s unsettling to my brain.
It’s disturbing and uncanny and obviously doing this to children should not be allowed.
also, his voice doesn’t resonate w adult power and the sentences he uses to expresse himself are childish. that contributes to the uncanniness.
Yes, this! I watched some of the show awhile ago, when Jazz was like, 16 or so, and then I jumped to these videos where he's 21, and he talks and acts exactly the same. Most people change and grow and mature a lot at that point in their lives!
Absolutely agree that it felt like I was watching a date with an adult and a child. I also can't imagine how I would feel having all my first dates televised, so poor Jazz is being sabotaged in every way. I can't imagine any woman being interested in a sexual relationship with him either.
Did anyone notice Jazz "manspreading" in the van? Boys will be boys.
He's twice the size of his grandparents, they have him jammed up in the middie.
And on the wall during his date.
Legs spread in a way I don’t see women do very often.
I noticed that and that he seems very uncomfortable at that size. As a formally morbidly obese gal, I still did the female thing of trying to take up less space, even when it wasn't physically possible. So, yes it's definitely something jazz is born with.
The date is drinking beer and Jazz has a mixed drink? A pre-poured drink? Date rape anyone?
Audience being groomed to think this is acceptable
Jazz is male so doesn't have a woman's natural instinct to be wary of males he doesn't know.
I hadn't thought of that. You're absolutely right. And the whole scene was so contrived, with both parties facing the camera instead of each other.
I remember my friend’s dad giving us advice when we were 16: if you go to a club or bar and order a drink, always and only get a bottled beer, watch the bartender like a hawk as he uncaps it to be sure he doesn’t slip anything in there, then keep the bottle plugged with your finger every moment that you’re not drinking from it. If you accidentally set it down or if you leave it while you go to the bathroom, trash it and order a new one. I was very innocent/naive and was initially totally confused about the reasons for this and needed to have it spelled out for me that men drug and rape women like it’s nothing. Sometimes the bartenders will be in on it. That was 25 years ago.
These days I’ve been reading about men in English clubs who are stabbing young women in their legs with syringes to drug them.
Jazz really doesn’t know any better. His mother is like every fairytale wicked witch who offers a cup of poison potion to drink. But yeah, TLC is actively complicit. The network should be sued into bankruptcy.
Having spent 2 summers on a Hippie goat farm in the 70s, I can speak with authority on goats. The Nannies are generally mellow and the Billies are delicious.
Yes, I had a Billy named Clyde on our horse farm growing up. He always went for my my grandmother, Moma and Aunty's bums. He would bit their bum. I loved him so much though 😍
They are good companions for horses. And there's a book called "The Woman Who Loved Goats."
I was a “poor white child “- I don’t know nothing bout horses”!🤣🤣🤣
We had ponies on my Grandparents' farm. Happy times.
Louise, maybe we can gather round and sing some Grateful Dead songs?🤣
We could go "Trucking" on down to "Maggie's Farm", have a campfire and roast some hot dogs. NOT the kind discussed on this forum!
Ha ha! I’m in rural northern California, and when I first moved to this area, I noticed that our neighbor had a billy goat that was very popular with the female goats. He was handsome (?) and super friendly with people. Neighbor said his name was Spice, which seemed appropriate, considering his popularity. One day neighbor said that Spice wouldn’t stop butting against the side of his barn. A few months later after not seeing Spice for a few weeks, I asked our neighbor where he was and he answered, “Sausage!” 🤣
Haven't had goat sausage. Stewed young goat is pretty good. The Nubian nannys I milked made good milk, cheese, and yoghurt. Ice cream, not so much.
I haven’t had goat sausage either, but I’m sure I’d enjoy goat yoghurt much more than Goat Yoga! 🤣 I couldn’t watch this series without all the humor.
Tru dat. Once about 100 years ago I was at the Children's Petting Zoo on Belle Isle (a Frederick Law Olmstead park in the middle of the Detroit River) and was surrounded by some adorable little African Pygmy Goats. I thought they were just nuzzling me about the feet and ankles. Until I stepped away--they did a number on my blue jeans and had eaten my bootlaces.
Thanks again Exulansic for serving up the sass and snarkiness for us, while we join you and watch yet another episode of these people! I also enjoy the added bonus of your food choices! lol So happy to be a member of your substack.
The pre poured date rape drink complete with umbrella, went well with Jazz's childish blue party dress! It paired well with Yash's beer and haircut fashioned after the little boy from The Dutch Boy paint can. Jazz's face hasn't matured past a middle school aged boy. All I see is young boy in a rotund body who man spreads whenever he sits down. And his ear poking out of his hair has driven me crazy for many seasons. I know, I know, such a stupid little thing to be bothered by.
What a coincidence that models and someone in a band, would show up at a speed dating event featuring Jazz. What are the odds? I wish Jazz would go to Princeton and not go home for holidays, and try and make his life there. Unless of course he can't academically cut it there, and was just admitted because he's Jazz. Whatever school he transfers to, he's still going to have pick classes and choose a major. Does he get paid for his advocacy beyond which I assume his show pays him? He won't be able to ride that bus forever. It seems like the tide is turning and more and more detransitioners are coming forward. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part.
He shouldn't be at an elite university at all. That is all just his parents' doing. He should be at university for people that aren't academically exceptional , be off the show and away from his parents for at least 2 or 3 years. With a good therapist on standby.
He should have gone to Pomona the way he actually wanted to begin with.
But if he had gone to Pomona, Jeanette wouldn’t be able to wear a Harvard t-shirt and tell the world how successful her experiment was!!!
And NOT a “gender affirming” therapist. Prisha Mosely, a well spoken detransitioner, speaks of finally getting a competent DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) therapist who was able to help her heal the trauma that was behind the vulnerabilty that unscrupulous “gender affirming” providers took advantage of that led to transitioning.
Also not a therapist who is a member of the family, like Jazz got
You are absolutely correct! Point well taken.
Not so stupid- the ears kill me too!
Perhaps he could get a job waxing bikini lines. Don't need a degree for that! I know, I'm cruel....But seriously, a morbidly obese, hormonally damaged eunuch w/o formal education has pretty limited job prospects. Mommie Dearest would blow a gasket at blue-collar work, and somehow I doubt that being a trans-rights activist pays much. Perhaps in a few years when the anger and regret kicks in he could counsel other kids NOT to follow his disasterous path. That's it! Anti-Trans Psychologist! Or class-action lawyer, suing the goat poop out of the doctors and drug companies making millions off delusions.
In the finale they try to pitch the idea that he's a massage therapist. He straddles boot disk sanders at one point.
You mean like for sanding floors?
Goat yoga instructor for people with limited mobility. Weird pseudo scientific service / therapy job is always an option. And, eventually, 'author of tell all book' (ghost writer obviously needed)
Louise, BITE YOUR TONGUE! Blue collar work??? I’m shocked!😱
Why does the screen say "Sample text" in big white letters starting at 1:00:00
Because I have an edit to make
I always wondered why it was just assumed by the family that Jazz likes men. Jeanette's face didn't look too thrilled about the women at speed date. She wanted another girl and tried to make one; in the process she destroyed a little boy and made a joke of her family. I won't be surprised if Jazz ends up with a woman and sues everyone.
I think Jeanette will hate it if Jazz dates a woman. At the moment she controls Jazz, and she thinks she can control men. Jeanette will see a female partner as competition for her control over Jazz, and a woman won't be as easy for Jeanette to manipulate.
I think she’s incredibly homophobic!
That crossed my mind too! Even though dating a woman would be heterosexual, Jeanette would see it as gay. He definitely seemed happier around the women at the speed dating.
But to the outside world it would appear “normal “- and she calls herself an advocate for gay rights???
I really believe Jeannette is homophobic! This is the reason she refused to have a gay son. This is why she turned her son trans.
Allegedly the family is quite religious and this may have played into their decision to trans Jazz - if they interpreted his behavior as effeminate at age 2 and figured they had to do something to avoid ending up with a gay son. Seen in that light it makes sense that it would be upsetting to them to think that he may have been heterosexual all along.
I understood they were Jewish. If they're religious and Jewish, the surgeries Jazz has had would be a much bigger problem than any whiff of homosexuality. There's a whole thing in orthodox Judaism about not altering your physical body. Up until the 1980's orthodox Jews looked askance at organ transplants. Even now, tattoos are, well, not exactly forbidden but decidedly not okay. Choosing to alter your body is seen as an insult to God.
My Jewish husband went a little bonkers when I came home with a tattoo on my 45th birthday!!! He got over it fairly quickly because he had to- oh, well!
There is no telling who he would have even dated if it his development wouldn't have been stunted, and it's so sad. Maybe he just doesn't like men because they are sexually more intimidating than women and he doesn't really have a sex drive. Nobody can replace this for him.
I think the idea that sexuality is fluid has been being pushed in the lgbt+ community for awhile now, along the idea that gender is fluid why not sexuality to match?
Yeah, no!