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Feb 18, 2023
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I'll always remember, during Viet Nam, a little boy who had lost his genitals to a land mine. He said that he would kill himself when he got older, because "No one will ever love me." Who will ever reallly love these kids? They can't have sex with their ruined bodies.

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Wow that is incredibly depressing...

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They say the first casualy of War is the Truth. Guess that holds with Gender Wars as well.

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That whole selfie-party the night before was so lame, I just cringed. And then Mom stuck her BIG nose into everything. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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she's just a version of the upper-middle-class helicopter moms so prevalent now though. and yes, it's class--when i was a kid and college student i struggled to get any decent help/attention from my parents. they didn't have the resources. these kids are given so much, but it seems there's a price.

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Helicopter mom? More like snow plow mom — and Jazz is one of the cars on the street buried under a filthy ridge of snow and ice after it passes

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I'm thinking.. wood chipper mom.

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They're killing him with kindness.

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the core issue for me frankly is the deep homophobia and Jeanette's sure knowledge that she has doomed her son to no sexual feelings for life---and thus likely no romance, and eternal loneliness. there was a scene where she encouraged him to sing soprano notes with her. she wanted a castrato. i just cannot imagine a parent doing this to their child.

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I remember that scene! Could she really be that SICK? I’ll answer my own question- yes! Anything is better than a gay???

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And yet she tells her son that he will find a partner.

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On what planet? Straight men want women and gay me want functioning men!

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Better yet, would Greg have wanted to marry someone like his son? And I take some personal offense to this since my wonderful son is gay. And there’s nothing wrong with him!

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Planet Gen-Non. Where the inhabitants are all transgender and they clone their babies in test tubes. The girls are all named Dolly and the boys are all named, um, somebody help me out here. The male and female gametes are harvested during the waxing moon when the children reach the Age of Fertility. They are then promptly sterilized. Somebody write a book! Actually there is a story by Joanna Russ named "When it Changed" about a planet of all women. 1970s women's Sci-Fi.

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You’re right- my mom was too busy trying to keep a roof over our heads!

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There's a bit in that episode at the beach party where you can see how depressed and not engaged Jazz is. When they're doing the toast, he's not even looking at his supposed friends. I'd say he's probably feeling terrible because he knows all these people aren't his friends at all, and he probably has very few or no non-TV friends.

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The brief interaction we see between Jazz and the friend Jazz has made at Harvard reminds me of the way people from cults or deeply religious families just latch on to the first normal person who will pay them any attention.

Their emotional gestures are cartoonishly broad, their statements of friendship sound and feel insincere. They don't know how to be friends so they mimic what they've observed on TV. That's what I see with Jazz.

When Jazz is in Florida he seems utterly miserable to me. It's like he's manic in Boston and depressed in Florida. There's a lot that's obviously going very wrong in this person's life. For me, the question is, how long are we, as a society, going to collectively pretend we don't see it?

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So I wonder if these intense interactions occur when the cameramen etc. aren’t there?

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NC, the family is “so close” , they love each other more then any other family so I guess, ALL their interactions are “intense” even when there are no cameras!🤢🤮🤥

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Thanks for doing these!

The prospective boyfriend is definitely an actor, and not a very good one at that. I also thought last week that the parents are sitting against a green screen.

I can't imagine how bad Jazz feels knowing that TLC are giving him a fake boyfriend because no one in their right mind would date Jazz. Hearing that Jazz has a sense of being less smart than he was, as well as knowing how much weight he's gained, is so sad. In earlier seasons, I hated what was done to Jazz, but I thought he himself was a brat. In this series he seems to be speaking off-script more, and I've felt so sorry for him. You can hear he blames himself for everything and keeps saying that he needs to challenge himself and get over his problems... nothing will ever change as long as his toxic family are around to bring him down.

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Thanks for bringing that up. At first, I thought it was me because in my previous life, I was an interior designer and I’m totally nuts when it comes to interiors!

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He was a really cute kid. That's what got to me tonight. That cute, lively little kid, just frozen in place under a mountain of fat, trotted out to talk about sex, day after day, week after week.

He should not go back to Florida. He should run to Harvard and never look back.

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This episode had me feeling really bad for Jazz as well - moreso than past episodes. I also had though he seemed to not be that intelligent (which made me wonder about Harvard), but I think he's smarter than they let him appear - plus being at home turns him right back into a child because that's how they all treat him. (I went through the same "my house, my rules" the first few summers between college years at home, too).

I think that Jeffery Marsh guy is a total creep, but maybe Jazz could watch one of his videos to learn about going "no-contact" with his parents....

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oh, fuck no.

If Jazz wants to read about going no-contact he can pick up one of Peg Streep's books about toxic mother/daughter relationships. Jazz's biological reality isn't the primary issue with their relationship. The things Jazz's mother did to that kid were not based on biology. She did biological things to Jaron to create the avatar of Jazz in order to ensure a lifetime narcissistic supply. Whether it was conscious or not doesn't even matter. She transed her child to satisfy the needs of her own pathology. The gender shit has very little to do with Jazz's relationship with his mother, that's a straight-on narcissistic feeding situation. It's extreme, but it's predictable. The sex/gender stuff is secondary to Jeanette gaining total control of her youngest child and ensuring he never leaves her orbit.

It's a similar dynamic to an addict buying a pharmacy. Jeanette has set herself up to satisfy her addiction for life.

In any event, given the nature of the family's economic architecture it's unlikely that Jazz would be able to consider "no contact" without first understanding the nature of the surgical and chemical intervention's he's undergone. He's going to need a lot of therapy to do that.

As for "Jeffrey Marsh" that guy is TOXIC in the extreme. He's dangerously unhinged. You can't seriously be thinking there could be anything to gain by anyone watching or listening to him for any reason other than to observe just how depraved and utterly poisonous this whole movement has become.

I'm often too harsh and react to people without thinking it through but seriously. I've let this sit for five minutes and my reaction is the same..

No one should listen to that guy. Why would you even say that? You should stop watching that guy. Sheesh.

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I was being facetious about Marsh - I agree he is a dangerous creep (and I don't watch him - though I did watch the breakdown the woman from RAINN did outlining how he basically checks all the boxes as a predator yesterday).

I was not being facetious about feeling like Jazz should cut ties with the family (except maybe the older sister who seems to steer clear of all the toxicity). He seems to be in therapy, at least while at Harvard, so maybe next semester he can take some steps in that direction...

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Thanks for saying what I was thinking!

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Do these kids think that all women have 'hourglass figures'? Is this driven by porn? Lots of women don't, we come in all different sizes and shapes don't we? Also, the bit about hormones and breast growth, a lot of women experience increased breast size when they take the combined contraceptive pill don't they? I read once that basically the combined contraceptive pill 'tricks' a woman's body into 'thinking' she is already pregnant and so interferes with the natural process of egg release, etc, etc, it was a while ago though so I don't know if this is current understanding of how it works! I only know it made me feel really ill when I tried it, the POP was better for me, I'm not sure if that was related to the fact I have fibroids though which I think can be associated with high oestrogen. I don't take HRT now I'm past the menopause because I didn't feel I needed it and because I'd had read that it may encourage fibroids which shrink after menopause to increase in size again! I thought their shrinking may have been one of the few benefits of the menopause!

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At least there was some benefit for you! I endured years of torment!

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Jazz's "breasts" aren't breasts though. At best they are a combination of gynecomastia and psuedogynecomastia. They're mostly fat. They're not functional breasts. Calling them "breasts" is just as insulting to women as calling the surgical mess they made of his pelvic floor a "vagina."

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But he has his mother’s gene pool to thank for them? I almost gagged when he said that! It’s so insulting to everything we know to be true.

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I found that really offensive too.

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He’s getting older, he does know better! I lack empathy for him because at this point he’s complicit and yet he continues to push this false narrative to vulnerable kids! I’ll save my empathy for those who really deserve it.

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He has to get out of that nest of vipers. Then, maybe, if he can see what's happened to him, he will be a very powerful advocate for protecting kids from this.

I honestly do not see any other life path for him. It's clear he's never going to find love. He's never going to have the capacity for intimacy on any level but if if he is smart, and he might be, then he will be able to see this for what it is once he gets some distance.

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You look adorable in this video even though the truth is sad for Jazz. Great insights as always. 😍

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This contrived dating business for all the world to see...😬...will Jazz’s obesity be addressed? That is a factor in the real world.

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Of course NOT!

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Does anyone else think that jazz is gaining weight as protection? To keep from being "attractive " thus not having to date? And perhaps as revenge on his mother?

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That " born in the wrong body " meme is so enraging ,a huge lie which has done so much harm to many vulnerable children and young people. The FIENDS who made up this whole gender ideology nonsense ,and those who profit from it, should be made to pay for their crimes. It's heartbreaking for the victims who have to live with the consequences of what was done to them by these butchers and I'm confident there'll be a special place in H°°L for THEM !!🙏🙏🙏

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Next episode: Jeannette says, "Sander, Jazz wants to have sex with her new boyfriend and dad and I think you should be there. You're really good at keeping things from seeming awkward."

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In the years since "I am Jazz" was published in 2014, there has been an explosion in the genre of Trans books for children. This disturbing development is documented here: https://www.transgendertrend.com/trans-picture-books-little-children

We sadly will be fighting this battle for quite some time as these gaslight and confused kids grow up.

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What a great article- it made me sick!

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It's like watching a slow motion train wreck. That poor young man.

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How long is Jazz going to be under Jeanette’s thumb? There is no joy in Jazz’s life. Sander is a parasite. Greg is useless. If this show is supposed to be “selling” trans surgery, Jazz is not closing the sales.

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I had to pause- I have a question: who among us has never felt anxiety, fear, and all the rest? Am I being unreasonable to smirk and cringe at the levels of self involvement? Something is so off about this scene- and I’m only a few minutes in! I’m going baaack in- wish me luck!

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I agree with you. But you know you're just as likely to be attacked for saying people experience normal things as you are for saying something completely off the wall these days so gird those loins.

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Jazz is constantly having to repress the knowledge of what his mother did to him. Look at his face and how his voice cracks when he has to say the line about how his surgery lived up to his fantasies. He is holding back an avalanche of feelings about something so horrific I can barely imagine.

I think it's pretty fair to assume he is going through a more than average amount of mental anguish.

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munchausen by projection

Jeanette is insane.

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Yup. Her whole life is vicarious.

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To put it mildly.

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Oh lord… this is heartbreaking. This poor young man knows but he can’t bear to begin to understand what was done to him.

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I'm afraid he will have a total breakdown when he finally does start understanding.

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Bro, you dont pass.

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