Thanks for this. I often think as you say : why aren’t these people in jail for child abuse? This “reality show” is feels more like some sad tragic crime scene footage. Your analysis is top notch and your pithy biting comments are spot on. I have to admit I LOLd at your inserts of the

“you go to jail “ clips edited in the midst of this Jazz tragedy show.

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So happy you're doing more of these. Squee!

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A pool on the beach is really fucking weird.

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btw, your skin looks RADIANT rn. and I LOVE The Scream and your artwork as the head. Amazing.

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If you didn't know the back story, that was inspired because one of my haters said that I plagiarized Edvard Munch and therefore his estate could sue me for copyright infringement (it's been in the public domain for a while, but even if it weren't, it is clearly not the same or even a similar painting or else any painting involving a screaming face is infringing).

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lmao, what a reach! ridiculous person, your hater was! (actually, all of them are ridiculous :P )

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Keep documenting this medical abuse!! Thanks for your work 💛

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Jazz is how old here, 14 at the most? Why is no one explaining how finding a boyfriend/girlfriend is not actually that important at this stage in his life? I understand the desire at that age, but I thankfully had people in my life that reassured me it wasn't a big deal and my time would come. They were, of course, right. I can't imagine if instead I'd heard basically, yeah this is important but you're weird and different and you need to put yourself out there more and be friendlier, it's YOUR fault you don't have a boyfriend.

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Yes, he's about 14 here.

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This family never ceases to amaze me. "Just put yourself out there." "Be friendlier." Are they all so delusional or are they just really really dumb? Jazz isn't your average heterosexual girl. He's not any kind of girl and his dating pool is going to be extremely limited. The mental abuse they put him through is astonishing.

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All they had to do was to leave him alone. It's painful to imagine the teenage Jazz that would have/should have been. Now he has been stunted, given developmental disabilities & arrested development that are physically based & permanent.

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I have waiting for this and I am so excited for part 2!

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I've come to absolutely despise Jeanette. If Jazz was a kid "on the spectrum", with some social anxiety and difficulty in social relationships, the endless pressure and focus of attention cannot be helpful. Then the hormones, and the surgeries...all sure to help someone who is naturally a bit socially awkward! My god, this is so tragic.

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Also, the extreme homophobia becomes more and more apparent in the Church of Trans. They genuinely believe kids are not allowed to be attracted to the same sex; if you are, then you must go through these hormone treatments and these barbaric, crude surgeries to at least mimic some of the outward appearance of the other sex. Also, as a punishment for daring to be attracted to the same sex, they make sure you will lose all possibility of sexual pleasure. Welcome to the New Homophobia, so much worse than the Old Homophobia.

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Love your work. Keep it up. If there was any justice and we had ratings based on true talent, you would be a top rated MSM show. But we all love you and the future will bring better and better rewards for your hard work.

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He could have been such a handsome gay man :(

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He/she is still exceptionally handsome/beautiful (at least the face). That's not the point to me. The point is that he could have been HEALTHY and that means both physically and mentally. The real tragedy is the ruination of his body and mind in the service of celebrating trans identity and his mother's narcissistic quest for fame and total domination over her youngest child.

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Couldn’t agree more. I jmeant they should have let him develop naturally and be whoever he was meant to be.

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The journalist Matt Taibbi recently published a scathing critique of New York Magazine's recent cover recommending "gender affirming surgeries" for practically everybody. Here is a link: https://www.racket.news/p/the-dumbest-cover-story-ever

The cover story is "Why Trans Kids Have the Right to Change Their Biological Sex" The author is a trans female who appears to believe that most males should embrace this identity. One of the comments to Matt's article states: "No rules for me--the CCP reeducation camp for thee." I think this quote refers to the possibility (inevitability) of government coercion to support trans surgery which is now supported with government funding via insurance.

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I think you once posted that these critiques were stressful for you because the damage done to the survivors of "gender affirming" treatments was so great and so likely to be dismissed that it seemed you were a modern day Cassandra preaching disasters that the majority of people would overlook--either because they had a vested interest in believing in the magic of sex change--or because it is irrelevant to their lives. I'm 81. None of my peers feels any interest in gender ID. We know our sex. We know our gender which matches our sex 99.9% of the time. End of story. But the younger generations are really struggling with this issue.

I want to let you know that I really appreciate the work you are doing. To me you are the best authority on gender treatments on the internet. You ARE making a difference.

May I ask you, suppose Jazz were to form an attachment with a kindly doctor selflessly devoted to helping him regain his health. Jazz is desperate and wants to find out who he really is. His mother recently died so he needs to find a mother substitute. He is no longer the poster child for trans success, so he will agree to any treatment--including detransition if that is possible. What would you advise?

Let's start with psychotherapy. On that, I think we both will agree. Jazz needs to be able to cope with internalized homophobia, fragmented sense of self, trauma of growing up in a narcissistic family PLUS he needs a psychiatrist familiar with the effects of drugs/hormones on the brain.

What about those drugs? Should we remove all antidepressants, estrogens, diet pills, psychiatric drugs, etc.? (Allowing of course for tapering) Do you think Jazz should detransition to remove the psychological and medical pressures (destructive drugs) and physical pressures (painful dilation) to maintain his "femininity"? Do you think he has a female gender ID? Suppose he comes to regret trying to be female. Do you think testosterone would be better for him--or at least boost his mood? Do you think his organs will be healthier if we try to give him a male hormone platform? (Less chance of osteoporosis, for example)

What about his weight? NO OZEMPIC for sure. Any treatments for Prader-Willy's syndrome?

What about tardive dyskinesia? Can detox reduce inflammation? Just attended lecture presenting evidence that lithium can reduce brain inflammation. What about anti inflammatory diet (basically keto diet with intermittent fasting)

What about his duck toed gait, difficulties walking, possible osteopenia? Physical therapy? Swimming?

What about relationships? Will he ever be able to sustain a romantic relationship? He feels as though he never fits in-because he's trans. He feels sorry for himself. HE'S NOT WRONG. He never DID fit in to his mother's notion of what he should be. That will end in a constant state of dysphoria--even body dysmorphic dysphoria. Also he SHOULD feel sorry/grief over what has been done to him.

You are doing an excellent job of pointing out all the problems with the "cure" for gender ID disturbance. NEVER rely on puberty blockers, surgery and hormones! But what if you DID rely on them--and they failed? As they are obviously failing with Jazz? What is his prognosis? What would be the best treatments that we could offer him (and all the other failed trans people) for a better life?

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