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May 12, 2023Liked by Exulansic

What a treat, a whole hour! Will be settling down with a cup of tea to watch later (yes, I'm British , lol)

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May 12, 2023Liked by Exulansic

I'm so angry that they robbed him of his healthy athleticism. It's not the league or the girls victimized by trans intrusion who robbed Jazz of sports. It's his parents who stole sports from him.

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Im so glad you decided to do 2 episodes at once!!!

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May 12, 2023Liked by Exulansic

An excellent post. Thank you. I've been thinking about Jazz's "friends." Specifically about the fact that the only people willing to be his friends are those who are willing to be his friends on national television. I know some people are willing to do just about anything to be on TV, and I don't think it's at all hard to imagine that the friends on the show are a group self-selected for willing to be friends so they can be on TV. Once they have the TV experience, though, and discover how boring it is, I imagine the decision to drop Jazz would be a logical next step. Handy that, since it feeds the everyone hates me because I'm trans narrative.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Exulansic

I am so angry about what was done to this poor child. He never stood a chance. This poor, abused, little boy. My heart breaks for him.

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"vagina" .. a 3 yr old says vagina?! who taught him that ?? this poor child. this is brutal. horrifying. i cant believe Medical field continues it's ghastly experiments on mentally ill, vulnerable & lies to the others with questions.

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"vagina" .. a 3 yr old says vagina?! who taught him that ?? this poor child. this is brutal. horrifying. i cant believe Medical field continues it's ghastly experiments on mentally ill, vulnerable & lies to the others with questions.

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I watch on my computer and i keep trying to move the mouse off the screen

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May 12, 2023Liked by Exulansic

“Is it really in his best interest that his therapy session is being filmed?” That line really grabbed me. It’s easy to forget that the filming is all planned. Even if some people are cool with everything else, surely filling a minor’s therapy where he’s going to be vulnerable and talk about sensitive topics is unethical if not downright abuse. Jazz couldn’t consent to it. Outrageous that the parents would allow it.

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29:37 mom wants a little baby, she should get one of those little lap dogs that give you constant attention

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I just realized that these videos are for me the equivalent of daytime TV soap operas, but with the added bonus of intelligent commentary! Those of us who spend a lot of time advocating for women's sex-based rights and against the harm being done to children by "gender-affirmation" need a break from time-to-time. And these videos provide that. Entertainment of the "if I don't laugh, I am going to cry" sort. Thanks!

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May 12, 2023Liked by Exulansic

At one point, Jeanette says puberty is just around the corner for Jazz, but that is not true because Jazz is already on puberty blockers. Jazz never did go through puberty. Neither male, as he would have without puberty blockers, or female, which no male will ever go through no matter how much cross sex hormones they take. Jeanette is herself really stuck in a "I do not want my child to grow up" script of her own, oblivious to the fact that Jazz is being chemically prevented from growing up as other children do.

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The therapist gave me the creeps. That was not therapy. It was a follow up for her curiousity. There was nothing in it to help him deal with his social struggles and experiences around being different. She is a deeply implicated part of his story. If this is the only kind of therapy he has gotten... So worriesome.

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Oh my I thought I'd seen the worst but this is so insideous. My sympathy & empathy for this poor Boy is growing each episode.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

I continue to be struck by how much younger Jazz looks than his friends, both female and male, who are now going through puberty. They are starting to look and sound like young adults, while Jazz continues to look and sound like a younger child because of beng on puberty blockers. I wonder if some of his female friends feel like he is like a younger sibling who they let tag along out of kindness? They seem very patient when speaking with him. I wonder if some of them get teased for having him as a friend?

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