Thanks for the update. It sounds like she was in a living hell right up until the end. 😪

How long does it take for a death certificate to be available publicly in the USA?

I see the conspiracy theorists are already out on your tweets claiming, it could be the covid vaccinations or covid itself that killed her. 🤦‍♀️ Never mind sepsis, innumerable operations, kidney failure, brain bleeds and a dozen other things it's more likely to be.

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It can depend on the State. In California it’s easy to look up online. RI where Griffin lived, I think you have to fill out a form and pay for a copy and you may need to be next of kin

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Horrifying, tragic, and outrageous. What an awful cascade of complications downstream from the original maltreatment.

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I know an 85 year old dying from kidney disease. She gets itchy. She can’t catch her breath. She’s on oxygen 24/7. Her life is very small but it’s mostly bearable because she is already very elderly. It’s normal for her world to have gotten smaller. She lived a full life.

Griffin was 24. At 24 you’ve done so little. You haven’t even met all the people you will love. You don’t know who you will become.

And this started from adolescence. Even less of a life with all the time spent in surgery and recovery. Such a tragedy.

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when i was 24, i hadn’t met my wife yet.. i hadn’t even met the woman i *thought* was gonna be my wife. i had not met my best friend or my little nephew 😢 every year my world got larger and my life got fuller. i am sorry griffin

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I’m 25 and I’ve only known the man who I think I’ll end up marrying for 2 years. I’m just starting to patch up some things with my family. I hope to at least finish a bachelors by 30 and hopefully a masters too (speech language pathology, actually, partially inspired by Exulansic, so a big thanks to her. Hearing her talk about her field really got me interested in it). I hope I can have kids, buy a house with some land, get some goats and chickens.

How heartbreaking that she was robbed of hoping for a future, whatever that would have looked like

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She was only 24, where even a normal person won't have seen a lot of life, but after starting transitioning at 13 she wasted almost half her life on this meaningless nonsense 😢

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Sounds like she probably died from catastrophic cascading failures as her body couldn't cope with the results of these experimental surgeries and hormone treatments. This sad story is exactly why so many of us are very troubled by the medical trans movement. She was only 24!! None of it needed to happen. She should still be here, a young woman learning about life and love and the joys and sorrows of being human.

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God, that is all so utterly fucked. Kidney failure is no joke, your time on this earth is very limited once you have it, even with dialysis, which in itself is a miserable existence that limits your life so much. It's so messed up that this is all the doing of doctors who profit hugely from encouraging the delusions of mentally ill young people. This started when Gruffen was a minor and ended brutally at only 24. Life saving treatment, my arse. Life destroying is more like it.

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Its not THAT bad. I started at 24 and am still kickin at 44.

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I think the issue is that she had a whole range of issues even prior to kidney failure, not least sepsis, DVT in one leg (which meant she'd had to relearn how to walk), and then in the month before her death a brain bleed.

She also mentioned needing dialysis 12-15h a week. Do you know if this is an average or above average amount?

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Dialysis is 3x/ week for 3-4 hours but she may have been getting a fourth treatment due to her deterioration.

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What suffering? You think if she never had these unnecessary procedures done, this wouldn't have happened to her. She'd be living her life. These doctors need to be stopped. The industry needs to be stopped. Sued for every penny they made! Thanks Exulansic, for bringing a light to all of this.

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These events are connected to a major hospital. There should be an investigation.

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Children's Hospital Boston

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Absolutely INSANE

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Everyone who believes in gender should know Gruffin's story. Awful :(

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Remember the mesothelioma ads? We're going to need 24/7 wall-to-wall ads for class action litigation, one day.

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I read somewhere that the medical lobby was working on immunity or a signature to prevent malpractice suits, particularly class action lawsuits. Let’s hope this case will be strong enough to bring a lawsuit and bring this insanity to a screeching halt.

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If Efrim Haim looses his case in Texas. It will be the end of Whistle Blowing. He tried to expose the atrocities at the largest children's hospitals in Texas. They want to put him in prison for ten years.

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He seems to me to be an extremely thoughtful, honorable, and moral person. It would be absolutely terrifying to see him go to prison. It's the doctors who take an oath to do no harm - they should go to prison.

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I know J&J had a mass payout just last year for users of its talcum powder who went on to develop cancers and other ailments.

I believe at some point we will see similar for "gender-affirming" use of puberty blockers.

Surgical interventions might be trickier.

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I hope I live long enough to see that.

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@ Matt Osborne ~~ My "like" function still doesn't work, but I love your idea. Seems like there are successful class action lawsuits on a lot of other things -- smoking, opoids, living on polluted military bases, baby powder and more. This could be a rich, juicy one. Sue the socks off the individuals and institutions who have done this to so many young people. Sue the parents. Make them reimburse the insurance companies that enable this, as well. This is America. Money talks.

And let me go on record as liking most of the comments on this site.

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Well put -- this is a seriously rich potential class action lawsuit, and this is America: money talks.

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Do we know any more about Ruby Fiera? As morbid as it seems, we will be the only ones keeping data on this.

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There are posts on his twitter from less than a day ago.

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He's still making porn.

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They just murdered her. Indifference resulting in death is a crime in a lot of places.

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It's a county by county thing. It usually takes ninety days.

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Wake me up from this dream. Off subject but not really. I just watched a video of a coffee shop in Los Angeles. Gay pride flags stuck in every. planter, window and table. They escorted a Jewish man off the fkn property and called him a NAZI. These people would tell you that Griffin died of natural causes. The reality denial is shocking. That only happens with cults and people entrenched in religion.

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Horrific, and predictable.

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