So if they're defining femaleness as inferior, then is the goal to erase women from existence and just have men and men in dresses who perform femininity to fulfill their needs (whilst havnig none of their own of course), who use either farmed women or machines to incubate? That's what I'm getting here.

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“Scientists Grow Lamb Fetus In Artificial Womb”


“Concept Incubator Would Grow Your Babies At Home” https://youtu.be/cgmdF9l7K9o

The men who envision and strive for this dystopian future don’t seem to be taking Covid or climate collapse into account. Things don’t look good any way you slice it. In their quest for immortality men have almost assured total annihilation of all life on Earth.

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I guess there has to be some way of breeding us, when we’re all living in our sterile, utopian virtual worlds. The metaverse sounds more enticing daily.

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We can look at the mmpi-2 online. “I am not afraid of mice” and “I like to repair door latches” what?

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HAHAHA I haven't actually looked at it yet. These people are BEYOND satire

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Reminds me of the saying, "Figures don't lie but liars can figure."

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Someone will eventually have to write a historiography that contextualizes "trans" within the all-American history of patent medical frauds and fads. What a massive project though.

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they definetly are targeting people with autism. In a book called "girls and women with autism spectrum disorder" the author mentions how common it is for autistic girls to be transitioned into trans men and then LOSE their autism diagnosis! somehow they are considered no longer autistic.

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That's weird. It's it's it's almost like women are given less leeway or something. Naw, couldn't be.

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No conflicts of interest listed? They must have been able to fatten their yacht fund after concocting this hideous hogwash.

"Johanna Olson-Kennedy [Mengele] of the Centre for Transgender Health and Development Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, is currently in receipt of a $5.7million [your tax dollars at work] NIH grant to study the effects of early medical interventions for adolescents with gender dysphoria. Mid-way through the study, the minimum age for cross-sex hormone treatment was decreased from 13 to 8. (This means that an 8 year-old girl with precocious puberty may be given testosterone.) The lack of a control group and a short-term follow-up virtually ensures that Olson-Kennedy will get the results she is after and testosterone use will be declared ‘best practice’ for girls in early puberty." https://www.transgendertrend.com/johanna-olson-kennedy-gender-affirmative-approach/

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None of these Hollywood Downstairs Medical College authors are MDs. Don't know if one should consider that a small favor...

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No conflicts of interest here, NONE at all... The unicorn farts are suffocating...

Oooh, look at that - another glitterature review to write! "[Colton] Keo-Meier, a 33-year-old trans man from Houston, is a medical student at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. With a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Houston, he’s already among the nation’s leading trans health researchers."


"We are pleased to announce that Sari Reisner, ScD, Affiliated Investigator at The Fenway Institute and Director of Transgender Health Research, has been named a World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Board Member-at-Large."


"Dr. Pardo is an adjunct instructor at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University. He is also a Research Fellow at the Rockway Institute for LGBT Research & Public Policy (Alliant University)." And sth in public health in San Fransisco. (I can see this person in a playgroup with Sam Brinton).

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I recently heard a scholar refer to a situation in academia he called “idea laundering.” It’s a take on the term “money laundering.” This drivel you read sounds like a product of improperly vetted ideas smushed together will the tactics of high-pressure salespeople, such as the proverbial used car salesman. Sexual lobotomy is the proper term for this, I’m afraid. 😠😡🤬

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"The Masculinity–Femininity Scale was the only scale that remained significantly elevated among transgender men compared with both male and female control groups."

Exulansic: Really? The masculinity scale was elevated compared to men?

I can't find corroboration, but I am told there used to be an ad slogan to the effect that "Diet Dr. Pepper tastes more like Dr. Pepper than regular Dr. Pepper!" I think even Plato would look askance at these statements.

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So-called therapists using a 1940's psych tool on anyone is absolutely frightening.

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