Where did this happen? Haven't seen it on the news yet. BTW, there was a NYT Article a day ago about a trans "man" who was held for a month and tortured to death by 5 people. The article referred to her constantly as a man--but the photograph is of a busty woman. And her family members referred to her as a male. Has everybody gone crazy?

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I followed your link. At least the reporting was honest, using quotation marks around the false name.

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Yes, everyone (hyperbole) lost their minds at the same time. The city streets here in Seattle were wild today 2/18, and everybody (hyperbole) commented on it. Nobody (hyperbole) could account for it either. Some weird synchronicity or other? Exaggerations on my part, but still, we witnessed the phenomenon.

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What happened?

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Random acts of lunacy of the inexplicable variety. Firstly, two grown men, unrelated to one another, pooped in their pants. No more needs to be said about those events, and though things went up from there, they continued unabated (and also reported to us by others, who were shaking their heads over their own observations elsewhere), until my partner Keith and I agreed we needed to leave Whole Foods and get on home. We got!

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It’s normal to use a flashlight just to focus on what you’re looking at. If you were still inside the plane, mechanics/ramp could just be there to confirm for pilots that fuel isn’t leaking, so no need for evacuation.

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As aviation nerd I might answer some questions if you have any

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Thanks, A. Nerd. Please stand by.

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My anxiety grows just listening to the airplane experience. Glad you’re safe & on the ground.

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Ok first of all,

He needs to do some gender-affirming housework.

They always live in filth..... too AGP and self obsessed to pick up after themselves.

And that poor woman!

This vile man better not be headed for women's prison.

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That’s pretty creepy.

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There is something really creepy about that video. Just...creepy. The older woman looks possibly mentally disabled, possibly injured, and very much out of it. So she sits there looking strange and distressed, while that Abad creature postures and eats pizza!? What is this? If that's one of the women he killed...horrible horrible horrible. He needs to be removed from human society, no parole. And your airplane experience...what is going on out there with all these bizarre plane crashes? So glad you got out of there safely!!!

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Did something also happen to her fingers, rendering her unable to hold the phone properly?

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It's alarming when you're in a plane and anything out of the ordinary happens. Based on the odd smell you noticed, I would imagine the worst. Glad you are over your 'first emergency landing', and may it be your last!

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