Oosh that's such a difference 😥

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Gosh. So sad that these girls are doing this to themselves. Cross sex hormones cause so much damage to every part of the body and we only ever get one body. Tragic 😭💔

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Learning a lot about a very intersting subject.

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Thank you for this, it explains a lot. The difference is huge, clearly audible and concerning. I see not remedy, it's tragic.

Transmasc voices remind me of my mother's voice as she moved through senescence to death. Over the course of three years our voices went from being very similar to hers being really, not much more than a croak. She was not ancient by any means, she died fairly young and in good health. Doctors couldn't help her. At the end she stopped eating and drinking, to make a long story short; she died of depression. So I do wonder if there is also an element of despair being expressed by a lack of will to speak and a lack of muscle tone. Either way, that voice is a marker of old age and approaching death to my ear.

Another thing, bit of a digression, I recently saw some articles mentioning studies that had been done on opera singers' voices and hormonal shifts. As a (former) singer who struggled with extreme menstrual cycles, this interested me a lot There were always times in a month when my voice would simply refuse to perform as rehearsed. This was a source of some irritation to my conductors who were relying on me as a soloist and who assumed I was just being lazy.

Ironically, now that I've made it through menopause, my voice is consistent and reliable. However, I notice, when I am tired or sick, there can be moments when it creaks.

I think you've made it clear that vocal patterns indicate a lot more than mere habit or affectation. I wince when I hear a young woman who has destroyed her voice this way. I appreciate the clarity but it is painful knowing how many young women are ruining themselves and their futures this way.

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There was a period in my life where I felt horribly tired - was it chronic fatigue? Depression? Some other illness? I never got to the bottom of it, but luckily it did go away after the better part of a year. But I remember my voice being really creaky during that time and nothing I did could fix it. (I also walked really slowly and I felt like I was swimming in molasses when I tried to go faster). Maybe it was despair dragging all my physical systems down with it.

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Anybody else see the PBS Evening News segment last night on Boston Children's Hospital?

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Yes; it is very unfortunate that the hospital has been receiving threats, which should never be part of a reasoned discourse, but here we are as a society. Another slanted presentation, as if this issue were reasonable and already decided, and the "other side" was right-wing, over the top liars. I was fascinated by the HRC representative who looked healthy and comfortable as a transman.

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I also condemn the threats against BCH. However, I am also not surprised that some people became so unhinged when they found out about the BCH healthy child sex lobotomy experiments, and their attempts to cover it up and defame their critics do not help un-paint the picture of them as protecting a cabal of essentially pedophile priests.

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I just watched part of the piece online - the reporter says "Boston Children's says it does not perform genital surgeries as part of gender-affirming care on patients under the age of 18." but the graphic of the quote they display under that statement is that they don't perform "a hysterectomy" on someone under 18. Not the same thing AT ALL, and notice how specific the actual statement from BCH is (though maybe the statement says more in its complete form). Is that the (female!) reporter conflating the two in error, or is it intentional?

As for the spokesperson, I will just say that media training makes a huge difference in how someone comes across in an interview. All the orgs provide that training to their spokespeople.

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And, double mastectomies for "gender affirmation" aren't mentioned...

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Yes. She was very credible and articulate. I agree that threats are not the way to change things, but both left and right wing people are getting whipped up over this. And children are the monkeys-in-the-middle.

I hope PBS runs some trans-disaster stories to balance this one.

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So much fascinating information here. If only the MSM would do some interviews with people who have had botched surgeries or those who have de-transitioned -- dream on, I know; too much money being made out there by those involved in this medical industry, and too much censorship.

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I know Ex. knows the difference, but this 2022 sample sounds so much like the 'vocal fry' that fashion victims were doing about 5 years ago. (I think they've stopped doing it now)

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Yes I display a lot of California vocal fry but no one calls me on it for some reason. So it may be partly due to accent when you hear it. And then some languages use vocal fry contrastively, meaning a creaky and non creaky version of the vowel can make a word a different word similar to how cat and cut are different words.

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Ha ha!😁 It sounds just daft when Scottish teenagers do it, let me tell you!🤣🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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