That's a pretty cool tool. Thanks for the demonstration!

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A completely new subject for me -- thanks for this.

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Thank you! I always enjoy learning what others do in the medical field.

Great visual!!

I would like to share a simple technique with everyone: how to get stones out of your liver and gallbladder (that you may not even realize are there.)

This natural process involves drinking 4 timed doses of food grade Epsom salt plus water, With one dose of organic Olive oil plus grapefruit juice between the time doses of Epsom salt water.

The 6 days prior to doing your flush you will drink either green Apple juice or sour cherry juice. The malic acid in these juices will soften your stones and they will come out painlessly.

The epsom salt causes the gall bladder to contract expelling the stones.

I had numerous stones the size of peas and larger come out. There were also black and red sand and pebble sized stones. The green stones are congealed bile salts, the the red and black salts have a different chemical makeup. All of the stones block proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder, hindering immune function and causing ill health and even death.

As a CT Tech, I routinely set up for and assisted with CT-guided biliary drainages and ERCP under fluoroscopy.

Both procedures are highly invasive, expose the patient to very large doses of radiation, risk of infection, and they are very expensive and uncomfortable for the patient.

Or you can drink green Apple juice, sour cherry juice, food grade epsom salts, olive oil and grapefruit juices, and do this procedure in the comfort of your own home.

It is recommended that we do these flushes every 4 to 6 weeks until no more stones come out.

This procedure is 100% painless.

Many medical professionals would never undergo the procedures we do on patients regularly. And unfortunately, we are not allowed to recommend natural procedures. Since I am not at work, I'm allowed to tell you all this now.


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