Glad you survived! The ironic thing about becoming a 'real man' is that most men don't think most men are real men. So women have an uphill battle there.

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Going by the amount of misogyny from RTA, most trans women don't think like real women,when father of 1 claims to be more of a woman than mother of 3 we have gone off the rails.

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What is RTA?

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Radical trans activist, 1 of many new phrases I've had to learn since Rowling asked 5 years ago not to be identified as person who menstruates, even though I try to avoid indoctrination #terfisaslur & cis ideology (also from J.K., who I've become HUGE fan of).

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I have a permanent heart rhythm issue due to the Lupron injections I had to do for our IVF attempts. I’m glad you figured it out. Doctors wrote me off as imagining things. It took years before a cardiologist listened to me.

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I know more dead people than I do living, some due to medical error & misdiagnosis, doctors make human errors. But the degree of callous indifference to their Hippocratic Oath as they perform their grotesque surgeries seems Mengelian without camps.

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Since we know doctors often write symptoms off as "the patient just imagined that", what trust can we have in the stats that are published of "side effects" of various meds? Even if patients report serious side effects, many of those reports never are included in the stats on side effects.

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My parents were killed by their doctors (transfused hepatitis during treatment for kidney failure), but the abuses that you, Glinner & surviving detransitioners base their civil suits on show NOTHING has improved, was it Rowling who said recently gender affirming care has done more harm than last century's lobotomies & false memory syndrome? Everyone should know the details of your ever-burgeoning Dead List, no matter how painful (literally) the details.

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Exulansic, the picture above…was that when you were at Berkeley?

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That picture was at SJSU gay prom my first semester, so 2012. The woman next to me is my girlfriend from Cal and I still lived in Berkeley at this time but I graduated Berkeley in 2011.

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Thank you. Did you think you were transgender before coming to Berkeley?

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My heart goes out to you. I have an adult child who is trans. They are now disabled, at the mercy of the system. The “GF” also LGBT, moved across her across the country 8 yrs ago. Just recently dumped my beautiful kiddo-who is now alone, across the country & disabled, has to give up her dog to move. I guess the GF no longer finds it fun to aid and abet in another’s demise.

I went out for a while doing my best to help-she’s not connecting the dots but the veil was ripped back violently. We are communicating but it’s a fragile & delicate situation. I just want health and wholeness for my child. What that ends up

Looking like will be a whole new genre of warriors I’m sure, but don’t quit. Hold the mental health & medical/pharmacy’s feet to the fire.

It is criminal what they’ve done & all of you should be justified and restored with whatever help is available. I’m dealing with a Chronic illness -getting better because I desperately want to get very involved with activism over this-I don’t want to see any more unnecessary mutilations, destructions or deaths.

You are survivors of a modern day Holocaust & you deserve being heard. Love & hugs to you in your journey.

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Isn’t it interesting that mirena and depo provera aren’t just birth control? They entirely shut down reproductive systems? If they described it that way, in the package insert, how many women would still take it?

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Also the progesterone only pill-it is chemical castration and given at a young age it arrests the full development of the entire body, and definitely the reproductive system 💜

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I used Mirena for birth control as a woman in my late 40s. I was on it for about 18 months. My periods ceased, but I wondered how I would even know I was menopausal when that happened. This concern was dismissed entirely by the nurses at the sexual health clinic.

I reported symptoms, especially weight gain. At one point, even though I was avoiding empty calories, I was gaining weight at an alarming rate. My body had always been slim, but I was becoming truly zaftig.

My entire adult life, save during my one full term pregnancy, I had always charted somewhat below the average for a woman my height, and if anything, I tended to lose weight when I had sudden or prolonged emotional stressors.

I kept reporting the weight gain (and mood swings, and brain fog) to the clinic and they kept insisting it simply couldn’t be the Mirena, because “it’s such a tiny amount of progesterone and it only affects the immediate area (uterus).”

This sounded fishy to me, and I was so miserable carrying around what felt like a couple of bags of groceries 24/7, I looked it up online. There were tons of women reporting the same symptoms— and the same gaslighting. “Oh it couldn’t be the Mirena.”

I got that thing removed and dropped 20 lbs in two months. My daughter thought I’d had liposuction, it happened so quickly.

I’d had the same side effects with oral birth control in 1986-7, but I thought the hormonal IUD would be less problematic. It was not. I didn’t react well. But I was told both times, “it couldn’t be the birth control. It’s such a tiny amount/low dose” etc.

I’m now on an estradiol patch for menopause. It’s a godsend. Only trouble is in my area, there are so many MEN who suddenly want to be on massive doses of transdermal estrogen that there’s a supply issue. I can tell you I’m not competing with the ladies around here for those Estradot stickers, they’re so crunchy granola they won’t go near those cursed patches. No, it’s the left-wing “trans” pretender-men. We’ve got a plethora of those, and they’re hogging all the bum stickers, damnit!!!

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Having also suffered medical malpractice, in several ways, I am so grateful to anyone who brings it to light and tells the truth! A physician with a god complex can ruin a persons health, mobility, fertility, mental well being etc *forever *…and most of these physicians simply go on harming others.

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We - women - are used to being told that it’s all in our heads, like that neurologist I consulted who offered me antidepressants for what is actually a known symptom of a genetic disorder I have

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I’m glad you published this photo, because it gives me more of an idea who you are. I started following you awhile back. By all means, keep publishing the dead names. Many of my friends are too squeamish and too lockstep-left to acknowledge the harms of gender ideology, and anytime I bring it up I’m met with the knee-jerk transphobia dismissal.

I take it personally because… it could’ve been me!

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You are bringing about so much good through what you have endured. Keep up the good fight! God loves your beautiful soul and you are so precious to him. I’m praying for you. Be not afraid!

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Thank you for bringing light. You're so spot on.

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So glad you are still with us after that, messing with your heart is very dangerous I don't think people realize how important it is & how when it isn't working right it makes you feel very shitty and can make you very sick not to mention the drugs you have to be on for it once you have problems.

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I remember being in Depo and having sudden, unexplainable tachycardia. I had never experienced it before and the Dr's tried saying I was having panic attacks.. but, it would happen when I was reading and relaxing, taking a bath with candles, or regular every day things like making supper. I had never had anxiety or anything like it..so it was super confusing to me to hear. I also had horrible nausea, vomiting, and food tasted horrible. Once the injections stopped, so did all my symptoms. I'm so happy to be free of chemical birth control and now realize just how horrible it is for people to take.

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