Did I hear this person say they are a therapist?

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om friggin toenails!

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My mother was a clinical psychologist. I moved out of the house at 16- I didn't like they way mom's very young boyfriend looked at me. I knew it would end badly FOR ME, so I split. Mom later gets a girlfriend, who is also a psychologist. Mom's GF asks to read my journals so the two of them can determine "why you're so fucked up" - those exact words were used, to my face.

This is what a psychologist looks like at home. And this is the lightweight stuff.

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wow - horrible xxxxxxxxxxx

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This is why psychology falls so frequently into pseudoscience. When there's no objective bar for right or wrong and no testable consequences for failure you get the social sciences.

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I did a spit-take at that, too.

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She explains a 'schema' as if she were an undergrad doing a presentation for Intro to Developmental Psych and NOT a licenced clinician (see how she constantly glances at her notes?). I want to do my master's to be a therapist but what's going on Psych departments at universities sickens me. I got an "pronoun info sheet" saying that we should use “ze/hir/hirs,” “ey/em/eir,” and “ne/nim/nis" and while working on a meta-analysis of RCT for child anxiety, my male P.I., who's also a therapist, was *very concerned* that no studies report on the child's sexuality nor gender identity and mentioned how he thinks there should be more of that. Anyway, love your style for today's video! This is my favorite Exulansic look so far ✨

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she sees us as naive little children who need to be educated by our superiors… girl i have literally been you, i used to make all your arguments, i had a t shirt that said “smash the binary.” that’s why we will win this one, because we are studying them like scientists, while they’re just hoping that if they keep chanting the magic words we will go away. sierra you say “5 years,” but i see a lot more nonlinearity in the oncoming decay. i think the current narrative has a half life of about 1 year, myself. because once you realize it’s all fake, you never see it the same way again. the jk growling is outta the bag.

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I still don't know what nonbinary means. I thought it might be like "bisexual" which also is very confusing, but no. Unfortunately this crazy nonsense is infecting mainstream culture and infiltrating so many arenas. I saw this yesterday and just could not believe this poor child's mother going along with it so easily as if this were the best trajectory for her child:


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Very sad. Why can’t he just be a boy who likes to wear dresses and play with girls? These people say they don’t agree with the gender binary, while they uphold it the most. What really struck me was when the child said that he was afraid that people would find out one day. That’s because he knows he’s lying about who he is. I bet puberty blockers and surgery are not too far away. 😓

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The brave new world is different breeds of WOMEN! I’m outraged but only you, Exulansic can help me wade my way though this swamp while still smiling because of your brilliant and logical take on the madness! Btw, you look beautiful!

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Exulansic does look super cute! I didn't know if I should mention it, tho. I've learned to be cautious around people with any kind of body dysphoria.

A beloved relative looked really, really great one day and I said "Wow! You look fantastic! Have you gained some weight?"

Years later she told me that my "compliment" threw her into a tailspin and she relapsed into her eating disorder. 😞

But I see that Exulansic gave your compliment a ❤️, so I'll concur! Super cute look! 💖

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Is she calling the sexes different breeds???????????????

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hehe - got to the TransPeak bit ....

* gender bread unicorn ... aha! I'm sold [not]

* gender assigned at birth ... right ... then they stick you in a box. Hmm ... ok [!]

* gender ID ... 'who you are as a person on the inside' .... someone with guts?????? .... ok listening ...

* literally impossible to know a person's gender ID - yup can see that might be true ... ok so this is where she goes from an 'is' to an 'ought' .... let's see how she does this. .... watching ... o-oh she doesnt explain .. how surprising [not]

* long hair is more feminine .... so pics of Jesus mean zhe was a zher .... ???? Not at all cultural claims then???

* gender expression has nothing to do with your gender identity. Ok. Then man with penis in a suit can be a woman genderwise [obvs this nothing to do with rare sex developmental issues nah it's all about gender]. ok - no problems with this I can see haha

EDIT - Exulansic surely she's explained it fully - you are def transphobic and need reprogramming or locking away .... ring her up as a matter of urgency and book an appt!!!!

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I always wonder how these people are going to cope when they are faced with an actual problem...

Recent headlines:

Grocery stores in Belgium have very little food for sale now due to the farmers fighting back against the green agenda, which would have them reduce food output by 30% to 70% (that's a HUGE % range, BTW.)

Germans are not going to have hot water in the evenings, because nitrogen... or maybe it's carbon.

Farms and food processing plants keep exploding.

Airlines are telling customers to just drive if their destination is 7 hours away or less.

When they stop diesel fuel there will be no anything anymore.

What will these people whine about then?

And will it still be our fault they are upset?

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Have a look wots happening in Netherlands too .... yep this 'gender diversion' stuff lookin like divide n rule [and divert] every day now.

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Divide and distract, I agree.👍

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yep and if it turns out as per Clandestine that Elon Musk knows the twitterati are thousands less than politics gives credit for, then why does the site and what's on it have so much political/judicial sway and media attention at all?

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TBF they tend to have all the survival skills of a pet goldfish so the problem might solve itself if they're confronted with actual existential threats.

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I see there's an equivalent level of knowledge to how sex works about how "tech savvy" you have to be to use Excel. These kids really need to go outside.

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Lol TIL removing facial hair or not is what makes me a woman or man. Men that shave and women that pluck are both... what now?

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If you listen carefully you can actually hear this person's brain rattling around inside their skull like a single penny in a piggy-bank.

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Why would I care? I don't care! I don't give a sh_t! I don't want to know. I don't want other people's delusions and cluster Bs forced on me. Keep them at home! Don't want to see them, hear about them. NONE OF MY BUSINESS. If I'm dying to know about your mental illness or vanity crotch, I'll ask. Trust me.

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Strange times make for strange bedfellows....

I am consistently disappointed by these arguments for abortion coming from women. The arguments sound to me a lot like the pro-trans arguments, which are self centered and anti life. I see Exulansic relies on edge case arguments, just like the gender folks do (although they consider every case to be an edge case lol).

Both movements are anti-woman and anti-life. Pregnancy and childbirth and motherhood are THE epitome of the feminine, and the most fulfilling part of any woman's life, and a quiet tragedy when unattainable for her. The prochoice advocates, currently handing out PlanB at pop concerts, sound a lot like pro-transers to an outsider.

I open with the strange bedfellows comment because the trans movement has brought Christians and prochoice atheists together. As the former, I find it startling every time to hear these bright women moan on about abortion as a woman's right and framing motherhood as a catastrophe. If having a family was held sacred and encouraged maybe this gender mutilation would not have morphed into a socially acceptable way to treat our reproductive organs.

Big fan of your work.

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