I would love to hear the conversation but the link 🔗 is not functioning.

Thank you Exulansic🌹

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Fixed it. In the past the video played through substack when you paste the link. Guess it changed

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Thank You Exulansic 👍🏾

This discussion was outstanding as well as educational.

I'm not in the LGBT but within the last few months I can now clearly see the "Double Agenda" in the United States of America to eradicate homosexuality by so-called transforming people into a process of non-binary and the medicalization of transsexualism, along with erasing Women through a method of Sharia Law‼️

But I have to say that the Politicians, Judges, Lobbyists and Legislation on both sides of the political parties are equally draconian and responsible for these inhumane acts.

Yes I do believe in God and I can tell you these Double Agenda's do not, repeat, do not have anything to do with the teachings and the word of Jesus Christ.

Conservatives have misconstrued Bible Scripture to justify their own demonic acts, while Neo-Liberals are as much an obstruction as Nazis

American Slavery in the 21st Century

Once again the United States of America is fully participating in another form of Slavery. Believe me as a Black American Women when I say this is another retreaded form of Slavery because of the actions, and the legal backings.

Let me show proof:

During Slavery of Black Americans and slightly after J. Marian Sims, infamously known as the Father of Gynecology, regularly used Black Female Slaves to conduct experimental surgical procedures while not using anesthesia or pain relief and those women were demanded to get back to work. Many died due to excessive bleeding or some results of the surgeries.

America has had an practiced Scientific Racism, and now Scientific Gender Identity discrimination.

Overturning Roe v. Wade against the will and the vote of women is allowing the use of medical Frankenstein malpractice to eradicate homosexuality, remember I'm not in the LGBT but I can see what the playbook is doing‼️

And you can also thank Social Media for promoting the medicalization as well as the Insurance legislation which surprisingly enough does come directly out of Men from the LGBT.

This was a really great eye-opener for me personally as I continue to piece together this vicious and inhumane puzzle 🧩 of slaughtering Americans.

It seems that when America can't be at war with Foreign Intities it's gonna have war with Her American Citizens.


Intentional Water Pollution

Unaffordable Housing

Lack of Medical Care for biological Women

Hormonal Medical Malpractice for Children

Intentional Drug Abuse in Communities

Just to name a few

The United Snakes of America

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You did a super job. I would have thought Peter would already have had some idea of the various surgical complications. You really grossed him out! In a good way because people should know about this.

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What are we to make of Boghossian's visit to illiberal Hungary?

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Wow! I had to take a break after 45 minutes, just to keep my sanity! And I've known most of these details. Boghossian clearly needed to hear these details. One of your best, Ex!

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It was really moving to see how he reacted to learning what “gender affirming” surgeries entail. That’s how I felt when that movie “The Human Centipede” came out and I didn’t ever watch it or even see a trailer, just hearing it described (and seeing the South Park episode about it) was so deeply, deeply disturbing to me that it fundamentally changed my view of the human psyche. Like, wow, people really do casually enjoy watching and imagining the most twisted, vile horrors for entertainment!

I’m glad you touched on the damage that’s being done to children when they’re exposed to hardcore porn from an early age, and how that makes them more susceptible to being recruited into the gender cult. The traumatic effects of viewing hardcore porn (and sexual degradation—even torture—of women and girls) must be a big part of why people under age ~40 or so are so blasé about “gender affirmative” cosmetic surgery whereas perhaps older people like Mr. Boghossian are genuinely knocked for a loop just to hear these procedures described (god help him if he ever sees the photos).

I would love to hear you talk and write more about human developmental psychology or whatever the term is. I would also wish that you and PB could do additional interviews in the near future. There’s clearly a lot more compelling discussion to be had.

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Enjoyed this. Surprised Peter B. seemed to have no clue about the surgeries and the associated complications so we got his unfiltered reactions.

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I felt like a parent watching a child take his first steps, in a really messed up way.

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Yes, in some ways getting to see his reactions was positive but it also made me a bit angry that he hadn't done his homework. So many men now joining us refused to do their homework for so long, like Michael Shellenberger.

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Finally found the time to watch this. It was great! Hopefully you have opened many new eyes to these horrors.

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Poor Peter was sooo traumatized. I had been looking forward to this conversation for months, I remember when you couldn't make it last time. 2 of my fav creators in one place. <3

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You did a superb job. Bogossian asked you incredibly personal questions and you really were brave to answer them. Lots of new information re these medical nightmares, too. Thanks!

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I had mixed feelings about him asking those personal questions. I was glad to hear the answers because those were things I didn't know about Sierra, things I was glad to know. Yet I felt this somehow put him above her and that bothered me.

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You did a superb job. Bogossian asked you incredibly personal questions and you really were brave to answer them. Lots of new information re these medical nightmares, too. Thanks!

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