This just makes me sad. My youngest daughter is 22 and to think of another 22year old woman mutilating her body is horrifying. And to think of surgeons going along with this is infuriating. That’s it.

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Men used to have to be truck drivers that picked up hitchikerss to be serial killers that liked to mutilate their victims. Now they become surgeons and get paid to do it.

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So true.

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Or kink doms

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I remember the grisly story quite a few years ago about the van driver that picked up a young woman and cut off both her forearms. She survived.

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And she identified him years later, pointing his ass out with an artificial limb.


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Thanks for that. Would that our justice system would go Biblical on these guys -- an eye for an eye.

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I was 17 when the victim was sent to San Diego Children's Hospital to recover. The local news would catch up with her from time to time. The sentencing convinced me that (1) mayhem should equal death penalty and (2) the misogyny of the "justice" system. And he got out and killed a woman.

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Not sure this 22 year old understands osteoporosis properly. Sadly she may find that this mutilation does not in the long term help the "dysphoria" which is a mental illness. All of the named surgeons should be struck off for violating the oath first do no harm

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She does not understand osteoporosis. Physical therapy is not generally the same thing as the kind of activity we need to build bone. And she must have estrogen to do that. We don't know the additional hormone treatment she plans.

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She may be 22 but acts like she's doing this to spite her parents, I think body dysmorphia Maybe a more accurate description of her hatred of her body

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that's what most of these people have, body dysmorphia. as far as the parents it's obvious she is still very enmeshed with them as is typical for teenagers, being very outer-directed, in reaction to them, rather than centered in herself. we don't know them--perhaps they're very narrow christian fundamentalist sex-stereotype policing types--or maybe not at all. but either way she needs help growing into herself and building a positive sense of self instead of this spiteful rebellion. psychotherapy.

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Yes agreed

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Ironically if she takes testosterone, she's guaranteeing herself osteoporosis at a very young age. I work with 23 year olds who have been on T for 4/5 years and all but one has bone issues.

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Yeah sadly it is, she shows a lot of ignorance as to how this may turn for her. She has a lot of mental health issues and she really needs help but the cult won't give her that. I'm predicting there are going to be an awful of of detrans in the next year or so and I'm hoping they sue the medical and pharmaceutical industries into bankruptcy

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So instead of psychotherapy, in which the word "dysphoria" could be jettisoned for other more specific terms and explored, and the young woman's trauma history discussed, and relationships with parents explored, thousands of dollars were spent to change a healthy body, leaving the young woman inside still alienated.

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This newer form of human sacrifice leaves the target alive, and just takes bite after bite, for more profits. Why do modern civilized people think they’re so advanced? I think it resembles codependency more than anything else. It’s organized crime, organized brutality, but I completely fail to see what is so great about it. Drive all sympathy/empathy/concern for one’s self and others out of humans, starting in infancy, and really even before that! What a horror show. Thank you for documenting and highlighting it in the intelligent and compassionate way that you do. ☮️❤️🐾

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Self harm, self hatred, and dissociation-- all part of the aftermath of early abuse, neglect, or trauma.

Our society may be gobbling up 'trans' because people don't want to face the suffering of kids and the importance of early life in setting the templates of later mental health.

If we grappled with the real problem, we would need to change our early childhood practices, such as "cry it out," corporal punishment, or full time daycare in infancy.

Small children need to be CONTAINED by a safe, reliable, intimate 'other.' This is how they learn to self regulate over time-- by being 'externally co-regulated.' When they do not get this, they dissociate and turn against themselves.

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Very well said. It worries me greatly the way people treat children. We need to love and care for our children, keep them safe, encourage their talents and self-reliance -- then maybe they wouldn't be so susceptible to the trans doctrine.

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Wow. Think of the therapy she should have had :(

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I'm sure she'd retort that she's in therapy but there's simply no way she's had time for the kind of therapy you need to address this severe trauma to work.

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Something I'm noticing with a lot of top surgery results in the last year or two is that they have a raised bit at the interior ends of both scars - which doesn't seem to fade as the scar itself heals, and they'll always have this 'reverse cleavage'. Some trans identified girls have this so badly it's noticeable when they have a t-shirt on. I didn't notice this years ago, I'm not sure if this is sloppy scar stitching by surgeons or what!

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There are so many ways to self-harm. I’m a childhood and adult SA survivor and I have used so many methods, most of them not obvious to others. To imagine a clinical professional seeing this evidence and then proceeding to enable such gross and irreparable self-harm and get PAID FOR IT is horrifying. Immoral. Wicked. There have been times when I have tried to get out of my body, to claw off my skin, to do anything to stop feeling the feelings. This young woman will never escape her pain this way. She will only be able to escalate for temporary relief and these ghouls must know that. She needs therapy. I’m so glad I got that when I did and wasn’t encouraged down this route. X

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I mean, in principle I'm not opposed to a grown woman surgically obtaining a flat chest if that's her aesthetic ideal...just as I wouldn't oppose a woman getting a breast reduction...but getting this done because she thinks it's going to turn her into a man, that's sad, because it won't. It's turned her into a woman with amputated breasts.

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