"Breastectomy" thanks for that. You know how it bothers me. It's telling isn't it, that she wasn't concerned about Testosterone and babies but flew out of state for breast milk? I know it's best, but it seems like something odd to focus on. How many more I wonder. 🙂↕️
Def WTF right there. She had breasts that would have produced milk, but cuts them off, and then wants someone else’s milk. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up
This is a complete waste of a life, and her kids now have no mum. Testosterone killed her. it's that blunt. Her child also had a cosmetic double mastectomy following her mom's example. What are we doing to the children?
I think there may be confusion. Her child didn't have a mastectomy.
When Ex says... "She had two children, at least one of whom followed her breastectomy." she's saying that at least one of her children was born after Liam had her breasts cut off.
She means a birth followed Liam's mastectomy, not that a child followed her mother's example by having a mastectomy.
Although nowadays I wouldn't be a surprised if some transhausen by proxy mom tried to do that to a toddler. 🤦♀️
Yes, seriously this whole thing is unbelievably sick!!! This did not lead to anything good. No Utopia like the left is promising everyone just a lot of pain and agony and hurt for the children
Do they hand out such papers in Canada as standard? Like EVERY parent is sent home with such "information"?? And they wonder why there's a rise of the right.
I don't have a dog in the trans fight, but I _am_ diabetic (55 now, diagnosed at 21) and kidney problems are par for the course. I also have lots of testosterone, being male. I get it tested regularly and it's in the normal to high range. I also have ED from the diabetes though my kidney function is pretty stable. 30+ year diabetics usually have renal problems, my endocrinologist thinks i'm some kind of special for having none. Some neuropathy in the feet, mostly. Anywho, I suspect a doctor might have looked at the significant body of men who have lots of testosterone and who don't have excess kidney failure deaths. I note that PCOS -polycystic ovarian syndrome - keeps on being quoted in that PubMed paper, yet there is no evidence there was PCOS here.
Thanks for describing this really sad case. She needed psychological help and obviously never got it. Then there’s the possibility of medical negligence re doctors providing testosterone for her and in affirming her mental health disorder by encouraging her to believe she can change sex. Do they hold inquests in the USA? As there needs to be some sort of enquiry into her death and the deaths of other women on testosterone.
In the U.S., the coroner reports who the person was, when did the person die, how did they die (heart attack, etc), in what context did they die (ie heart attack caused by organ failure caused by cancer, etc). If these facts yield potentially incriminating information, the family can choose to sue someone. Families of trans people killed by medical transition need $$$ to sue doctors who knowingly give their patients sham “care.” Obviously, giving any woman male amounts of testosterone or any man female amounts of estrogen etc should be criminal, bc there is a 100% that disrupting someone’s endocrine system like that will cause disease.
For example my now dead Trans then H started taking estrogen when he was 66, he was castrated at 70 (!) and he started suffering a recurrence of prostate swelling 10 years later, which was 4 years before he needed a prostatic artery embolism to allow him to pee. Unfortunately PAE ops often go wrong. His went wrong and he became incontinent. He committed suicide a few months later by slipping head first out of a second floor window onto a paved patio. He had designed the window himself, because he was an architect in private practice. He was - obviously - not a happy man/woman/whatever.
I've seen a medical paper that has highlighted that trans-identified men who take oestrogen are are at increased risk of developing a particularly aggressive form of prostate cancer. Why don't people get it into their heads that you can't overdose on sex hormones and get away with it scott free?!
My brother was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 14. He was sick all the time and it took him quite a while to get everything under control. I can only imagine how sick she was by insisting on taking sky high amounts of testosterone. I'm sure their comrades would love to sweep this under the rug and blame it on anything but her being trans. Wtf is going on with these people? Smh
How old do you think the children are? Seems to me the AMA should be swamped with cards and letters listing the causes of death of these women who were lured into this cult. I imagine no one keeps data on how many children were orphaned~
The Scandinavian national health systems have methods for researchers to mine the data. In the US, it is much more political, the "gender centers" do not report and much more actual data is needed. Ex is a helpful start with all of this hidden indoctrination.
The poor bairns have no chance. Their father is a vile narcissist who decided to trans after Liam. He claimed to be their 'mother' and was fighting Liam for custody, Ex has written about him
I hope the children get placed with grandparents or another family member.
This is horrible!! Her poor family, her poor children!! Are doctors stupid, do they not care, do they want to cause harm? Or is it just the money they want? This practice really needs to be stopped.
Silverlining: more evidence that this lifestyle is deadly. My friend's ex is a TiF. She says "whatever makes her happy". She agrees she wouldnt support me shooting dope, even if it made me happy. Hopefully we can prevent more preventable death by sharing stories of preventable deaths caused by testosterone abuse.
It's the $$$. Occasionally drug dealers are prosecuted for causing an addict's death. I look forward to the day when "gender affirming" doctors are arrested, tried, and jailed for doing harm.
Sadly, I think there will be many, many more like her. I doubt anyone will pay attention until the numbers hit triple figures, or maybe even more. This is just the beginning of these side effects starting to kick in.
As sad as this story is, I can't help but feel annoyed at "Liam" for putting her obsession first and then bringing innocent children into the mess that was her life. Two-spirit? Why not try being your own real one spirit and accepting and honoring your body as it is? Or if you're a lesbian, in 2009 or earlier, couldn't a good psychotherapist have helped you accept yourself? Not my business, not quite for me to judge, but I just don't get this kind of self-harm and self-indulgence. So misguided. She was missing good role models in life, that's probably a given. What a shame for all concerned. Thank you, Ex, for another story everyone should read.👍🏼 I plan to share. ... p.s. yes to what other commenters have said about the doctors involved. Could it be said that she became addicted to T? This is abuse of the vulnerable to the highest degree.
The narrative suggests she had poorly managed Type 1 since childhood. That is a very serious disease, and was the most important thing to develop a treatment and lifestyle plan for. I know people who have lived a very long time with that disease, but they are organized, disciplined, and have created good support--they built their lives around supporting their health. It's not something a person can ignore. We have no info here on the patient's family of origin or SA history. None of her behavior makes even short-term sense. The photograph shows a person with a dull and bloated complexion, indicating poor habits and health. She should have been refused any affirming care and sent to intensive emotional counseling from the get-go. Now there are two motherless children.
No, I don’t believe the medical staff would have allowed an active alcoholic to receive a precious kidney, depriving a healthier patient of the transplant. Not without proof of ongoing recovery from alcoholism.
i concur. the docs won't do it. i had a friend who was a lifelong alcoholic and needed a new liver but they would not do it until she truly stopped drinking.
Alcoholics/addicts are like that. They stop when they want to and not a moment before. So who is going to deny forms of care, and on what basis? That's always the question. When they do gastric bypass, they make you undergo a psych screening, but anyone who is a seasoned manipulator (like most of the people with Cluster B conditions) can get past that.
Her poor kids have no mother now. I've known more than a few type 1 diabetics in my life they have to really watch how they do everything to stay in good health, it is jaw dropping how no one bothered to take this into consideration when prescribing all this to her, we should all know who the the doctor who did this is as well as the rest who do this to these people that they are on notice.
If you don't tell doctors about your secondary symptoms, they won't know. If I didn't tell my endocrinologist about my neuropathy or ED, she generally wouldn't know. Diabetes is a self-managed illness. You get advisory help from doctors, but you are responsible for yourself. It's the only way it can be - no one else is following you around. Some forms of care are conditioned on getting good tests back on my blood or urine, but most aren't. So if they test me and find an A1C above 9, indicating i'm always running high sugar, they might not operate on me. But generally they'll give me whatever drugs I need.
When you go to a new doctor they ask you what meds you are on and what your history is, often you have to fill out many forms about not only your medical history but that of family members, etc. They do this so the doctor knows what is happening with you. All that stuff you fill out is supposed to help the physician know.
I'm telling you that until you hit end stage, there's little that they can tell about the progression of your illness. By that time, you're already more or less dead.
Diabetes is one of those illnesses where assisted suicide is really easy. Just don't reveal much. For an alcoholic, it's really easy to kill yourself with diabetes.
To soften this up a little perhaps, my grandfather was an insulin dependent diabetic who had a very similar presentation to my case. He was one of the first people to take an oral antidiabetic named Orinase back in the 50s. He was on insulin until he died. He was an alcoholic drinking about a fifth of scotch a day before he stopped drinking. He lost his leg when I was about 4 (1973) by having it amputated twice, once below the knee and once above. This happened as a result of him having a non-healing foot wound from it being driven over by a forklift while he was working the docks. He was also a cop. Anyway, the leg started to stink of gangrene - i remember this vividly as a kid. I also remember after the second amputation (within a few days of the first ...the knee was unsavable), I was brought to his hospital room at 4 and he waved that saran-wrapped stump in my face, all bloody and with bone sticking out. They hadn't grafted the skin yet. He wanted to see if I was afraid. Alcoholic, you see.
Anywho, that was all brought on by him not dealing with doctors and telling them what they wanted to hear so he could drink. He quit drinking after that and lived 12 more years. So, I know a bit about this...both boozers and diabetes.
What does this have to do with a doctor taking no responsibility for prescribing questionable "therapy" to someone? They look at them when they examine them, and they usually see that something is up. They should be doing labs regularly and other diagnostics to let them know what is happening with their patients. Even if the patient isn't being honest. And if things are not looking good they should have stopped.
All that bullshit about "testosterone is safe" pisses me off because, despite being understudied, data still exists on women with PCOS and female body builders and it all says that LONG TERM ELEVATED TESTOSTERONE WILL KILL YOU. Stroke, kidney failure, heart disease, diabetes - all have higher risk with naturally elevated testosterone. It's not a fucking game these doctors are playing, it's magical thinking that kills people.
Testosterone is perfectly safe -- if you're a man. Just like estrogen is perfectly safe -- if you're a woman. Can't put the hormones in the wrong body though... 🤔
Actually, men AND women produce both hormones, I fact, women's testosterone raises during the menstruation cycle.
However, too much testosterone can still damage a person, same with too much estrogen.
Although, women produce PRIMARILY estrogen, and men produce PRIMARILY testosterone, so while I wouldn't say it's quite, "gas in a diesel engine" thing, still producing, or forcing your body to produce far more of the opposite drug than your body intended WILL cause problems. And as we saw... It can and WILL kill people.
That's hard to tell. Many of the health problems that result from elevated testosterone are the common causes of a shorter life in men. For instance while both sexes are most likely due to die of heart disease, men feel those consequences several years earlier in life. Not that I'm saying we should start artificially lowering testosterone in men, but it's worth it to consider that BECAUSE men have 10x the testosterone as women that they lose a decade of life for the same reasons that elevated testosterone in women kills them earlier.
Society almost universally frowns on men taking testosterone for vanity reasons. “Steroids can speed the progression of cancers.” “Steroids cause heart, kidney, and liver damage.” “Steroids cause aggression.” (The last claim is disputed by Stanford neuroendocrinologist, Robert Sapolsky).
Despite this, for the trans debate, we never offer the same resistance. I guess testosterone is selective with whom it causes adverse effects.
The relationship between testosterone and pre-eclampsia is doubtless complicated. PCOS is a side-effect of insulin resistance, which is the body's attempt to avoid storing any more fat from a fatty diet. We think of insulin as a hormone that reduces blood sugar, but it also promotes storage of fat and protein synthesis from amino acids. Basically, insulin is an anabolic hormone that tells our bodies to store the nutrients we've just eaten. If your body has judged that it has already stored enough fat, it may try to resist further weight gain by resisting insulin. But then, your pancreas will release extra insulin to keep your blood sugar within normal limits. The hypersecretion of insulin can then alter the sex hormones, leading to the high testosterone that drives PCOS. This is why weight loss can reverse PCOS. For many women, even losing a small amount of weight (about 10 pounds) can be enough to restore ovulation and fertility. (It's also why many women are unexpectedly becoming pregnant on Ozempic.)
Pre-eclampsia is the result of the failure of the woman's blood volume to expand enough to meet the needs of pregnancy. All of the features of pre-eclampsia reflect either the low blood volume itself (e.g., poor placental development and intrauterine growth failure) or the body's attempt to correct the blood volume deficit (robust activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, leading to hypertension and edema). The problem is that there is not enough plasma protein to hold sufficient amounts of fluid inside the blood vessels. This is typically the result of either of two problems: either the woman is on the edge of starvation because she is not getting enough calories, or she is overfed on a fatty diet and her body is resisting insulin to try to avoid storing any more fat, so she is releasing so much glucagon that she is turning her plasma proteins into excess blood sugar. So, it's possible that Liam's diabetes was a severe case of type 2. The relationship between serum testosterone and pre-eclampsia could reflect the fact that the metabolic problem that causes pre-eclampsia also causes high testosterone levels in women. But it is also theoretically possible that exogenous testosterone could make the problem much worse because of its effects on protein metabolism.
A lot of people are confused about the names of the different forms of diabetes. If you have type 1 diabetes, it means that your pancreas is not making enough insulin to keep you alive. (The usual cause of type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, often triggered by a protein in cow's milk, that destroyed the beta cells of the pancreas. However, there is also an autosomal recessive genetic condition called infantile diabetes that causes severe insulin deficiency in newborns.) If you have type 2 diabetes, it means that your body is resisting the effects of insulin, to keep you from storing any more fat. Type 1 diabetes used to be called "juvenile" diabetes because it often arose in childhood. (But Mary Tyler Moore got it in her 30s.) Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult-onset diabetes because it typically arose in adulthood. But with the rise in childhood obesity, it's now more common than type 1 in pediatric clinics. There are also some hereditary forms of diabetes that is often mistaken for type 2 diabetes because they cause a relatively mild hyperglycemia but does not lead to ketosis, coma, and death. These conditions are called maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY). They are inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.
It is inexcusable to give testosterone to women for cosmetic reasons. It would be downright criminal to give testosterone to a diabetic woman of childbearing potential.
I'm not sure I agree if she is type 1. They are exquisitely sensitive to insulin - aka, no insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetics, their hallmark is insulin resistance. This woman was type 1.
Wow!!! I learned so much from your post!! It can be correlated to many of the issues surrounding fertility, especially in America. Do you have any medical info on the drop in testosterone levels in men?
I can never understand identifying so strongly as a male you're willing to chop off your breasts and take T to masculinize, yet you're also happy to get pregnant, and give birth the ultimate expression of femaleness? If you're experiencing gender dysphoria from having tits and a beardless face alone, surely pregnancy would be orders of magnitude more troubling? It makes me question the idea they suffer from dysphoria at all tbqh.
Helen these people are disturbed beyond human comprehension. You should be reading into phenomena like "demonic possession" to begin to get a grip on it.
Imagine being those kids, and in a few years, having to explain your mother, your father, who they probably don’t even know and she died Imagine the only pictures you have of your mother with her with a beard and mustache
Learn about Ed Gein sometime.. He's the real-life person Thomas Harris based his character Jame Gumb on.. How could someone like this do what he did, other than by demonic influence? Though I'll warn you his story is revolting..
"Current Intercessor and minister of emotional healing and deliverance prayer" ? 😱 You likely know more of these fell things then the rest of us would want to imagine.
I don’t understand it either, but I strongly believe it’s a mental illness. My niece was a prissy little girl who had everything she ever wanted handed to her by affluent parents. Her mom didn’t work and catered to her, probably too much. She had everything given to her, including a furnished apartment in Manhattan paid for by dad.
It wasn’t enough for her. She did everything to call attention to herself, including attempted suicide, getting married and divorced within 6 months time, accusing her ex-husband of rape and her father of incest, and lying about and exaggerating employment at NASA (she has a high school diploma).
Her dad paid for in-patient psychiatric care. When she was discharged, she transitioned to a man because the disillusioned therapists affirmed her dysphoria. She then got pregnant and the last the family heard about her was that she was living in a van somewhere in CA. She hasn’t contacted the family in almost two years.
It’s a mental illness for sure, but doctors and therapists are more than willing to get rich from this social illness. Shame on them.
I think a lot of it is not wanting the sexual attention from men. For me when I was younger I self-identified myself as a man but it had nothing to do with not wanting to be or disliking being a woman. It had entirely to do with how women are treated and perceived and not wanting to be subject to that.
Thanks for explaining what actually happened. I couldn’t make any sense of the article itself with all the buzz words and pronouns mixed up in my feeble mind!
These people need psychiatric treatment . This person is obviously mentally ill, and giving her all these hormones and medications is not what she needed. Of course, the trans cult will deny the reality!
What lesbian hate?
Making men out of young women who would have been lesbians in the pre-trans days is the hate. They are “trans-ing the gay away”.
Another heartbreaking statistic. :-(
"Self Destroyed"....Greek tragedy alive & well.
"Breastectomy" thanks for that. You know how it bothers me. It's telling isn't it, that she wasn't concerned about Testosterone and babies but flew out of state for breast milk? I know it's best, but it seems like something odd to focus on. How many more I wonder. 🙂↕️
Def WTF right there. She had breasts that would have produced milk, but cuts them off, and then wants someone else’s milk. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up
This is a complete waste of a life, and her kids now have no mum. Testosterone killed her. it's that blunt. Her child also had a cosmetic double mastectomy following her mom's example. What are we doing to the children?
"Her child also had a cosmetic double mastectomy following her mom's example. "?
What?! Where's that? How old are her kids?
2 and 4
I think there may be confusion. Her child didn't have a mastectomy.
When Ex says... "She had two children, at least one of whom followed her breastectomy." she's saying that at least one of her children was born after Liam had her breasts cut off.
She means a birth followed Liam's mastectomy, not that a child followed her mother's example by having a mastectomy.
Although nowadays I wouldn't be a surprised if some transhausen by proxy mom tried to do that to a toddler. 🤦♀️
Ah thanks for explaining. It confused me too that bit.
Her kids are under 5
Good god. The level of depravity is astounding. Seriously.
Yes, seriously this whole thing is unbelievably sick!!! This did not lead to anything good. No Utopia like the left is promising everyone just a lot of pain and agony and hurt for the children
Do they hand out such papers in Canada as standard? Like EVERY parent is sent home with such "information"?? And they wonder why there's a rise of the right.
Eats shoots and leaves
Great book...the Panda says NO! 😉
I read this as her second child was born after her elective double mastectomy, she still had breasts when Child 1 was born.
Her kids already had no mum. Now their fake dad is dead. They are traumatized.
I don't have a dog in the trans fight, but I _am_ diabetic (55 now, diagnosed at 21) and kidney problems are par for the course. I also have lots of testosterone, being male. I get it tested regularly and it's in the normal to high range. I also have ED from the diabetes though my kidney function is pretty stable. 30+ year diabetics usually have renal problems, my endocrinologist thinks i'm some kind of special for having none. Some neuropathy in the feet, mostly. Anywho, I suspect a doctor might have looked at the significant body of men who have lots of testosterone and who don't have excess kidney failure deaths. I note that PCOS -polycystic ovarian syndrome - keeps on being quoted in that PubMed paper, yet there is no evidence there was PCOS here.
She had one after her mastectomy
Thanks for describing this really sad case. She needed psychological help and obviously never got it. Then there’s the possibility of medical negligence re doctors providing testosterone for her and in affirming her mental health disorder by encouraging her to believe she can change sex. Do they hold inquests in the USA? As there needs to be some sort of enquiry into her death and the deaths of other women on testosterone.
In the U.S., the coroner reports who the person was, when did the person die, how did they die (heart attack, etc), in what context did they die (ie heart attack caused by organ failure caused by cancer, etc). If these facts yield potentially incriminating information, the family can choose to sue someone. Families of trans people killed by medical transition need $$$ to sue doctors who knowingly give their patients sham “care.” Obviously, giving any woman male amounts of testosterone or any man female amounts of estrogen etc should be criminal, bc there is a 100% that disrupting someone’s endocrine system like that will cause disease.
For example my now dead Trans then H started taking estrogen when he was 66, he was castrated at 70 (!) and he started suffering a recurrence of prostate swelling 10 years later, which was 4 years before he needed a prostatic artery embolism to allow him to pee. Unfortunately PAE ops often go wrong. His went wrong and he became incontinent. He committed suicide a few months later by slipping head first out of a second floor window onto a paved patio. He had designed the window himself, because he was an architect in private practice. He was - obviously - not a happy man/woman/whatever.
I've seen a medical paper that has highlighted that trans-identified men who take oestrogen are are at increased risk of developing a particularly aggressive form of prostate cancer. Why don't people get it into their heads that you can't overdose on sex hormones and get away with it scott free?!
You are absolutely right!
Really? That’s interesting. I never knew that.
Maybe do a little research and you'll see that there appears to be a link. Just googled for a couple of minutes and found these.
So sorry you had to helplessly witness all this.
Estrogen had nothing to do with the prostate issues.
Can you tell me your authority please? I have heard opposite view from medically trained person.
TESTOSTERONE causes prostatectomy cancer and prostste issues period. Why on Earth would the opposite, estrogen, do the same thing. Makes no sense
Prostates express multiple estrogen receptor subtypes that have different effects on tumor growth. Estrogen can worsen at least some prostate cancers.
Baby's heads look big or is it perspective? Every day this bs seems more idiotic
My brother was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 14. He was sick all the time and it took him quite a while to get everything under control. I can only imagine how sick she was by insisting on taking sky high amounts of testosterone. I'm sure their comrades would love to sweep this under the rug and blame it on anything but her being trans. Wtf is going on with these people? Smh
Trans activists are horrible vampires that suck the life out of the mentally ill.
How old do you think the children are? Seems to me the AMA should be swamped with cards and letters listing the causes of death of these women who were lured into this cult. I imagine no one keeps data on how many children were orphaned~
The Scandinavian national health systems have methods for researchers to mine the data. In the US, it is much more political, the "gender centers" do not report and much more actual data is needed. Ex is a helpful start with all of this hidden indoctrination.
2 and 4
Oh dear.
The poor bairns have no chance. Their father is a vile narcissist who decided to trans after Liam. He claimed to be their 'mother' and was fighting Liam for custody, Ex has written about him
I hope the children get placed with grandparents or another family member.
This is horrible!! Her poor family, her poor children!! Are doctors stupid, do they not care, do they want to cause harm? Or is it just the money they want? This practice really needs to be stopped.
Silverlining: more evidence that this lifestyle is deadly. My friend's ex is a TiF. She says "whatever makes her happy". She agrees she wouldnt support me shooting dope, even if it made me happy. Hopefully we can prevent more preventable death by sharing stories of preventable deaths caused by testosterone abuse.
It's the $$$. Occasionally drug dealers are prosecuted for causing an addict's death. I look forward to the day when "gender affirming" doctors are arrested, tried, and jailed for doing harm.
Sadly, I think there will be many, many more like her. I doubt anyone will pay attention until the numbers hit triple figures, or maybe even more. This is just the beginning of these side effects starting to kick in.
It took how long to stop Purdue Pharma peddling Oxycontin (one of the opioids which enriched the Sackler family) ?? Decades. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/10/purdue-pharma-oxycontin-supreme-court-sacklers-bankruptcy-deal
As sad as this story is, I can't help but feel annoyed at "Liam" for putting her obsession first and then bringing innocent children into the mess that was her life. Two-spirit? Why not try being your own real one spirit and accepting and honoring your body as it is? Or if you're a lesbian, in 2009 or earlier, couldn't a good psychotherapist have helped you accept yourself? Not my business, not quite for me to judge, but I just don't get this kind of self-harm and self-indulgence. So misguided. She was missing good role models in life, that's probably a given. What a shame for all concerned. Thank you, Ex, for another story everyone should read.👍🏼 I plan to share. ... p.s. yes to what other commenters have said about the doctors involved. Could it be said that she became addicted to T? This is abuse of the vulnerable to the highest degree.
Self indulgence....that's it.
Agree. They are all narcissistic, selfish pigs
Mentally ill and abetted in her illness by the horrible trans cult.
The narrative suggests she had poorly managed Type 1 since childhood. That is a very serious disease, and was the most important thing to develop a treatment and lifestyle plan for. I know people who have lived a very long time with that disease, but they are organized, disciplined, and have created good support--they built their lives around supporting their health. It's not something a person can ignore. We have no info here on the patient's family of origin or SA history. None of her behavior makes even short-term sense. The photograph shows a person with a dull and bloated complexion, indicating poor habits and health. She should have been refused any affirming care and sent to intensive emotional counseling from the get-go. Now there are two motherless children.
She bragged publicly about prioritizing alcoholism over food and yet they were ready to give her a new kidney eventually.
yes, there should be a complete investigation of her care.
No, I don’t believe the medical staff would have allowed an active alcoholic to receive a precious kidney, depriving a healthier patient of the transplant. Not without proof of ongoing recovery from alcoholism.
i concur. the docs won't do it. i had a friend who was a lifelong alcoholic and needed a new liver but they would not do it until she truly stopped drinking.
Alcoholics/addicts are like that. They stop when they want to and not a moment before. So who is going to deny forms of care, and on what basis? That's always the question. When they do gastric bypass, they make you undergo a psych screening, but anyone who is a seasoned manipulator (like most of the people with Cluster B conditions) can get past that.
Her poor kids have no mother now. I've known more than a few type 1 diabetics in my life they have to really watch how they do everything to stay in good health, it is jaw dropping how no one bothered to take this into consideration when prescribing all this to her, we should all know who the the doctor who did this is as well as the rest who do this to these people that they are on notice.
If you don't tell doctors about your secondary symptoms, they won't know. If I didn't tell my endocrinologist about my neuropathy or ED, she generally wouldn't know. Diabetes is a self-managed illness. You get advisory help from doctors, but you are responsible for yourself. It's the only way it can be - no one else is following you around. Some forms of care are conditioned on getting good tests back on my blood or urine, but most aren't. So if they test me and find an A1C above 9, indicating i'm always running high sugar, they might not operate on me. But generally they'll give me whatever drugs I need.
When you go to a new doctor they ask you what meds you are on and what your history is, often you have to fill out many forms about not only your medical history but that of family members, etc. They do this so the doctor knows what is happening with you. All that stuff you fill out is supposed to help the physician know.
I'm telling you that until you hit end stage, there's little that they can tell about the progression of your illness. By that time, you're already more or less dead.
Diabetes is one of those illnesses where assisted suicide is really easy. Just don't reveal much. For an alcoholic, it's really easy to kill yourself with diabetes.
To soften this up a little perhaps, my grandfather was an insulin dependent diabetic who had a very similar presentation to my case. He was one of the first people to take an oral antidiabetic named Orinase back in the 50s. He was on insulin until he died. He was an alcoholic drinking about a fifth of scotch a day before he stopped drinking. He lost his leg when I was about 4 (1973) by having it amputated twice, once below the knee and once above. This happened as a result of him having a non-healing foot wound from it being driven over by a forklift while he was working the docks. He was also a cop. Anyway, the leg started to stink of gangrene - i remember this vividly as a kid. I also remember after the second amputation (within a few days of the first ...the knee was unsavable), I was brought to his hospital room at 4 and he waved that saran-wrapped stump in my face, all bloody and with bone sticking out. They hadn't grafted the skin yet. He wanted to see if I was afraid. Alcoholic, you see.
Anywho, that was all brought on by him not dealing with doctors and telling them what they wanted to hear so he could drink. He quit drinking after that and lived 12 more years. So, I know a bit about this...both boozers and diabetes.
What does this have to do with a doctor taking no responsibility for prescribing questionable "therapy" to someone? They look at them when they examine them, and they usually see that something is up. They should be doing labs regularly and other diagnostics to let them know what is happening with their patients. Even if the patient isn't being honest. And if things are not looking good they should have stopped.
All that bullshit about "testosterone is safe" pisses me off because, despite being understudied, data still exists on women with PCOS and female body builders and it all says that LONG TERM ELEVATED TESTOSTERONE WILL KILL YOU. Stroke, kidney failure, heart disease, diabetes - all have higher risk with naturally elevated testosterone. It's not a fucking game these doctors are playing, it's magical thinking that kills people.
I say again: Gas in a diesel engine.
That’s an excellent analogy- I shall use this!!
Testosterone is perfectly safe -- if you're a man. Just like estrogen is perfectly safe -- if you're a woman. Can't put the hormones in the wrong body though... 🤔
Actually, men AND women produce both hormones, I fact, women's testosterone raises during the menstruation cycle.
However, too much testosterone can still damage a person, same with too much estrogen.
Although, women produce PRIMARILY estrogen, and men produce PRIMARILY testosterone, so while I wouldn't say it's quite, "gas in a diesel engine" thing, still producing, or forcing your body to produce far more of the opposite drug than your body intended WILL cause problems. And as we saw... It can and WILL kill people.
That's hard to tell. Many of the health problems that result from elevated testosterone are the common causes of a shorter life in men. For instance while both sexes are most likely due to die of heart disease, men feel those consequences several years earlier in life. Not that I'm saying we should start artificially lowering testosterone in men, but it's worth it to consider that BECAUSE men have 10x the testosterone as women that they lose a decade of life for the same reasons that elevated testosterone in women kills them earlier.
Society almost universally frowns on men taking testosterone for vanity reasons. “Steroids can speed the progression of cancers.” “Steroids cause heart, kidney, and liver damage.” “Steroids cause aggression.” (The last claim is disputed by Stanford neuroendocrinologist, Robert Sapolsky).
Despite this, for the trans debate, we never offer the same resistance. I guess testosterone is selective with whom it causes adverse effects.
And all the profit made from this is an incentive!
The relationship between testosterone and pre-eclampsia is doubtless complicated. PCOS is a side-effect of insulin resistance, which is the body's attempt to avoid storing any more fat from a fatty diet. We think of insulin as a hormone that reduces blood sugar, but it also promotes storage of fat and protein synthesis from amino acids. Basically, insulin is an anabolic hormone that tells our bodies to store the nutrients we've just eaten. If your body has judged that it has already stored enough fat, it may try to resist further weight gain by resisting insulin. But then, your pancreas will release extra insulin to keep your blood sugar within normal limits. The hypersecretion of insulin can then alter the sex hormones, leading to the high testosterone that drives PCOS. This is why weight loss can reverse PCOS. For many women, even losing a small amount of weight (about 10 pounds) can be enough to restore ovulation and fertility. (It's also why many women are unexpectedly becoming pregnant on Ozempic.)
Pre-eclampsia is the result of the failure of the woman's blood volume to expand enough to meet the needs of pregnancy. All of the features of pre-eclampsia reflect either the low blood volume itself (e.g., poor placental development and intrauterine growth failure) or the body's attempt to correct the blood volume deficit (robust activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, leading to hypertension and edema). The problem is that there is not enough plasma protein to hold sufficient amounts of fluid inside the blood vessels. This is typically the result of either of two problems: either the woman is on the edge of starvation because she is not getting enough calories, or she is overfed on a fatty diet and her body is resisting insulin to try to avoid storing any more fat, so she is releasing so much glucagon that she is turning her plasma proteins into excess blood sugar. So, it's possible that Liam's diabetes was a severe case of type 2. The relationship between serum testosterone and pre-eclampsia could reflect the fact that the metabolic problem that causes pre-eclampsia also causes high testosterone levels in women. But it is also theoretically possible that exogenous testosterone could make the problem much worse because of its effects on protein metabolism.
A lot of people are confused about the names of the different forms of diabetes. If you have type 1 diabetes, it means that your pancreas is not making enough insulin to keep you alive. (The usual cause of type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, often triggered by a protein in cow's milk, that destroyed the beta cells of the pancreas. However, there is also an autosomal recessive genetic condition called infantile diabetes that causes severe insulin deficiency in newborns.) If you have type 2 diabetes, it means that your body is resisting the effects of insulin, to keep you from storing any more fat. Type 1 diabetes used to be called "juvenile" diabetes because it often arose in childhood. (But Mary Tyler Moore got it in her 30s.) Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult-onset diabetes because it typically arose in adulthood. But with the rise in childhood obesity, it's now more common than type 1 in pediatric clinics. There are also some hereditary forms of diabetes that is often mistaken for type 2 diabetes because they cause a relatively mild hyperglycemia but does not lead to ketosis, coma, and death. These conditions are called maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY). They are inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.
It is inexcusable to give testosterone to women for cosmetic reasons. It would be downright criminal to give testosterone to a diabetic woman of childbearing potential.
I'm not sure I agree if she is type 1. They are exquisitely sensitive to insulin - aka, no insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetics, their hallmark is insulin resistance. This woman was type 1.
Wow!!! I learned so much from your post!! It can be correlated to many of the issues surrounding fertility, especially in America. Do you have any medical info on the drop in testosterone levels in men?
I can never understand identifying so strongly as a male you're willing to chop off your breasts and take T to masculinize, yet you're also happy to get pregnant, and give birth the ultimate expression of femaleness? If you're experiencing gender dysphoria from having tits and a beardless face alone, surely pregnancy would be orders of magnitude more troubling? It makes me question the idea they suffer from dysphoria at all tbqh.
It's totally contradictory, but queerness means you can do whatever you want and we're all expected to affirm and approve no matter what🤨🙄
Helen these people are disturbed beyond human comprehension. You should be reading into phenomena like "demonic possession" to begin to get a grip on it.
You are absolutely right!
Imagine being those kids, and in a few years, having to explain your mother, your father, who they probably don’t even know and she died Imagine the only pictures you have of your mother with her with a beard and mustache
I feel horrible for those kids !!!
Learn about Ed Gein sometime.. He's the real-life person Thomas Harris based his character Jame Gumb on.. How could someone like this do what he did, other than by demonic influence? Though I'll warn you his story is revolting..
I’m from WI and I’m very familiar with Ed Gein & Jeffrey Dahmer. Demonic activity is certain.
"Current Intercessor and minister of emotional healing and deliverance prayer" ? 😱 You likely know more of these fell things then the rest of us would want to imagine.
Demonic possession egged on by the trans ideology!
I don’t understand it either, but I strongly believe it’s a mental illness. My niece was a prissy little girl who had everything she ever wanted handed to her by affluent parents. Her mom didn’t work and catered to her, probably too much. She had everything given to her, including a furnished apartment in Manhattan paid for by dad.
It wasn’t enough for her. She did everything to call attention to herself, including attempted suicide, getting married and divorced within 6 months time, accusing her ex-husband of rape and her father of incest, and lying about and exaggerating employment at NASA (she has a high school diploma).
Her dad paid for in-patient psychiatric care. When she was discharged, she transitioned to a man because the disillusioned therapists affirmed her dysphoria. She then got pregnant and the last the family heard about her was that she was living in a van somewhere in CA. She hasn’t contacted the family in almost two years.
It’s a mental illness for sure, but doctors and therapists are more than willing to get rich from this social illness. Shame on them.
They broke their brains with porn and this is what they become.
I think a lot of it is not wanting the sexual attention from men. For me when I was younger I self-identified myself as a man but it had nothing to do with not wanting to be or disliking being a woman. It had entirely to do with how women are treated and perceived and not wanting to be subject to that.
A simple explanation would be that it’s not about “dysphoria” at all, but simply about vanity: they want to look a certain way
Thanks for explaining what actually happened. I couldn’t make any sense of the article itself with all the buzz words and pronouns mixed up in my feeble mind!
These people need psychiatric treatment . This person is obviously mentally ill, and giving her all these hormones and medications is not what she needed. Of course, the trans cult will deny the reality!
Either that or the Rite of Exorcism... 🙄