Thanks for the tip. I have been wanting to get my hearing checked. I feel like I hear someone speak, but sometimes it takes a few seconds to understand what was said. Not sure if it's an attention thing or a hearing problem. That will be my next doctor appointment. Thanks again for the information!!

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Yep, got hearing loss. Costco does a free exam if you are a member. I got inexpensive hearing aids off eBay but haven't got used to it yet.

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More advanced hearing aids can be programmed to boost only some pitches FYI.

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Spent years sharing a house with a man who refused to acknowledge his hearing loss until I flat out refused to converse with him. Exhausting. I refuse to enable peoples’ disabilities unless they are willing to adapt by wearing hearing aids.

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That happens a lot sadly. It's embarrassing to have a disability if you've been able-bodied your whole life and you don't want to admit your body is degenerating. Fortunately I've always had problems.

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Unfortunately, he wasn’t the first person in my life in a similar predicament, as my birth mother was somehow considered to be competent to parent children on her own, when even children could tell she was “not quite right.” Her white supremacist mother protected her from all kinds of consequences her actions should’ve brought her! I’m all for accommodation for different levels of physical and mental ability, but am not too happy about taking responsibility for the effects of the disabilities of others. I’m not codependent and don’t like to enable that behavior. Unimpaired people should be able to refuse to interact (like I did) unless or until honest efforts of adaptation or alternate arrangements are made. Really though, the personality disordered people are the most difficult and dangerous to attempt interaction with. Beware! ☮️❤️🐾

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Thank you for this! I know I have hearing loss, had testing years ago and was told my ears are fine. But my hearing was not fine. I then presumed the impairment was in my brain, but I didn't know how to pursue that. Felicia's comment below is interesting. I have multiple possible culprits/etiologies for impairment--infection that certainly did cause brain damage, ADD, processing [I can't absorb novels via audiobooks, for example], and damage to the actual ear anatomy/hair cells from toxic medications. I need more sophisticated exam.

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Oh that's interesting. I can't absorb novels from reading. I need the audiobook. You might have central auditory processing disorder or a receptive language impairment. Definitely possible and having a hearing impairment ruled out is an important step in diagnosis.

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yes, agree. i've heard of this category, auditory processing disorder. just need to find the right professionals to get evaluated. i now have decent insurance finally.

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Which equalizing software have you tried and what's your OS?

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