Ex Marks the Rot
Proud to be a Remix, Part 3: What good is a second tongue?

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Proud to be a Remix, Part 3: What good is a second tongue?

"Proud to be a Remix" is an extended discussion of my ethnic, religious, linguistic, and cultural background

Before continuing this series, I ask that you make sure that you have read or listened to this essay: Assimilation and Racialism in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century French Colonial Policy by Dr. Saliha Belmessous. This will allow you to put the following discussion of my background and identity in historical context. I thank her profusely for her work…

This post is for paid subscribers

Ex Marks the Rot
TT Exulansic reacts to various online content to bring attention to the issue of issues related to the conflict between gender identity ideology and protected categories such as religion, disability, sex, and sexuality. This podcast also explores the true harms of surgeries intended to alter a person's sexual characteristics, which involves graphic descriptions of surgeries and genitalia, with a special focus on the story of Jazz Jennings. Exulansic also categories the conflicting narratives of different gender camps, such as trans versus non-binary, explaining how these schismatic sects differ from each other.