Just a heads up! This will be on Odysee. This episode looks at Finn the Finnvincible again. In this installment, she discusses having her urethra “uncoupled” due to a cul-de-ballsac. She was not warned that this was a possibility and was not educated as to what was being done to her body sufficiently well that she was able to predict this likely outcome. One of the reasons it is not ethical to do these procedures is that the individuals undergoing them often do not have an understanding of what is being done to their bodies. The ethics there change when there is a real time constraint. If a person has cancer, and it needs to be removed for the person to live to see Christmas, then that is a reason to cut the person in ways they do not understand. That is still an ethical thing to do. Cutting someone in ways they do not understand so that they can stand to pee, a function which can be achieved via non-invasive methods, such as a shenis, is a different matter. A medically healthy woman can go her entire life without a phallus.
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What on Earth is a "shenis?" The mind recoils...
Thank you for doing this