First things first: I edit my own videos. I don’t have a “video editor.” Just to get that out of the way.
I have already reported Mark Doyle to the FBI. If anyone else wants to make their own report, they can do so at this link:
Mark’s meltdown occurred last Friday the 13th of December. He regularly hosts Twitter spaces on his account, artofhunger75. In the past year, he's become radicalized against Genspect by other content creators and his own ego syntonic symptomatology.
Earlier in the night, Mark came into a space hosted by Maia thepeacepoet99, a detransitioner who survived 10/7, and myself, to harass us about our former trans identification. Audio begins approximately 10 seconds in.
He alleged we were frauds because we never 'truly’ transitioned, predicated on a belief that some transitions are more real than others and result in a more authentic trans person, which is required to create an authentic detransitioner, in this model.
Both Maia and I live with irreversible physical damage from our time as trans identifying young people and the trans rites we engaged in. Both of us suffer chronic pain from the impact of breast binding during critical periods of skeletal development. In pursuit of his delusions, Mark felt compelled to minimize Maia’s binder as a “vest” and claim she wore it once. He also said she only says she was trans because she wore a bowtie.
Now, fueled by various content creators’ unhinged ramblings (in pursuit of getting Genspect Derangement Syndrome added to the DSM, it seems), this man accepted the baseless and motivated slander that we are all “promoting pedophilia.” He has decided to take action by threatening to commit terrorism to act out his beliefs.
He also put his threats into writing, demanding we let him fight us with the intention of eliminating us so that he can have “release.”
Terrorism is defined as “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” Here, Mark’s political aim is to suppress the public participation and behavior of members of a private organization, by causing us to fear for our lives and the lives of our friends, because he's decided we're something we are not.
Mark Doyle is not acting alone, but even his followers are worried about his mental stability. Mark Doyle issued these threats in a space with 3 other participants. I decided to publish it in the interests of safety. Drunk men threatening violence against women are a public menace. This is a pattern for Mark Doyle. Prior to this episode, Mark Doyle threatened Dark Hegel Dialectiks on Twitter because she muted him.
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