We are often told that sex is a spectrum. A spectrum has ends, by its nature, yet things lie outside of that spectrum. Sound lies beyond the spectrum of light. Temperature lies beyond the spectrum of height. Eventually there is a rubicon, and once you cross it, you are beyond.
The three fundamental laws of logic are thus:
Law of Identity: A=A
This means that a thing is equal to itself.
Law of Non-Contradiction: A != Not-A
This means that a thing is not equal to something that it is not.
Law of the Excluded Middle.
There is no middle ground between A and Not-A. You either are or are not in the category.
The distinction between A and Not-A is therefore categorical. There is a point at which A becomes not-A, and there is nothing at that point but a gap, and that point is part of neither A nor not-A. The simplest example of this would be a number line. Numbers on a number line can be either positive or negative. Zero is the point at which positive becomes negative. There are no positive and no negative numbers at 0, because 0, being the absence of numbers, is neither positive nor negative. It is the wall of separation between the two categories.
A woman is equal to a woman. A woman is not equal to not a woman. There is no middle ground between being a woman or not being a woman. One either is, or is not, a woman. What is a woman? A woman is an adult human female. The label for that category represents a point on the number line that is either positive or negative. Positive and negative numbers are not on a spectrum. They are two spectrums that are butting up against each other. And never the twain shall meet. There is a zero point between them, from which the categorical difference arises.
They know this. They call us ‘cis women’ for a reason. They say I can’t be a trans woman for a reason. They acknowledge we belong to a category to which they do not belong and into which they cannot enter. So instead, they attempt to create a node whereby adult human females and adult human males can participate in a supracategory called ‘woman,’ and relabeled the actual categories that biologically exist in such a way that males and females are no longer recognized as categorically distinct.
The purpose of this is to erase the sex-based protections female people have in law, such as our sex-based right to vote, our right to be free of sex discrimination, and our entitlement to sex-based parity in opportunities and funding in schools, prisons, and the like. They seek to achieve this by propagandizing the nation that there is only one sex category, despite the categorical difference in reproductive function. We allow them to cross our zero point at our own peril. Chaos will inevitably ensue.
I’m not cis anything- I am a WOMAN.
The Abolition of Sex is the goal of this religion; I suppose Nonbinary would be the zero point ( or maybe eunich?). Either way, completely a denial of reality and a removal of the unique and different qualities of each sex category. No good will come from this for humanity.