
I'm Sorry, Jon: Uhlergate Unfolds

Matt Osborne and Exulansic discuss how a con man and alleged child abuser wormed his way into the GC movement

If you missed Matt’s introductory article, you can find it here.*

The Distance
South Carolina Is Investigating Jon Uhler And So Are We
The counseling license of Jon Uhler, a self-styled expert on sex offenders, is under review by the Office of Investigative Enforcement in the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation. According to official correspondence obtained by…
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Nicole Uhler’s heartwrenching allegations detailing Jon’s purported private history of ritual child abuse in the name of pedophilic fetishism, will be live tomorrow. She likens him to Ted Bundy and suggested he belongs in prison. Here's an written excerpt of SOME of what Nicole alleges her father, Jon K. Uhler, LPC, did to her.

Jon, self-styled believer of victims and protector of women and children, who spent the week leading up to Father's Day posting Nicole’s childhood photos to suggest he was some great father who had a good relationship with his daughter (Nicole is “no contact” with Jon), had this to say about the allegations and why his daughter should not be believed:

So this trauma informed expert therapist is pushing the idea that women who struggle with work and relationships as an adult are somehow less likely to have been abused. He questions whether a woman who was truly abused would put her own happiness first by leaving a marriage. In his mind, a woman being divorced or disabled makes her a liar - even if she's his own daughter reporting abuse. He demanded the police report!

Thank you for reading Exulansic. This post is public so feel free to share it.


What Nicole describes would be a man acting out a pedophilic BDSM fetish that he enjoys so much that he's become dependant on performing his fetish on a particular schedule, like a drug. Meanwhile, Jon spent the days leading up to this article’s publication attempting to smear me as a pedophile for opposing child gender affirmation medical procedures.

He's also been trying to DARVO Matt about who exploited Jon’s daughter Nicole:

Stay tuned. Most of the content related to Uhlergate will be published in the next week or two, starting with Nicole’s testimony tomorrow. I'll keep you updated. It is my new favorite True Gender Crime Podcast. JUSTICE FOR NICOLE.


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