Also (apparently videos aren’t posting in-line anymore?) here is my appearance on Shapeshifter’s channel, which is separate from the video that I already posted on my channel. They were filmed sequentially which is why we’re wearing the same outfits.
The problem with these studies is that they do not account for the placebo effect, which is the beneficial effect, leading to improvement in subjective symptoms, from any medical intervention. The authors, either due to profound ignorance or deliberate intent to deceive, do not mention this effect as a possible explanation for the results. The placebo effect is a real, measureable effect, which can be blocked by drugs that block opiate receptors and can be potentiated with other drugs and with more elaborate placebo treatments. I am not in any sense discounting the beneficial effects of receiving regular placebo treatments. If you are trying to manage chronic, unfixable pain, like I am, please consider that getting regular, elaborate, safe, and affordable placebo treatments are not a waste of time, nor will being aware of the placebo nature of the treatment block the effect.
But knowing you are receiving a placebo treatment means you can make choices about what placebo treatment you get. If you have a choice between two placebo treatments, one which has significant risks, and one which has no risks (reiki or actual homeopathy), the lower-risk placebo which creates the same placebo effect is clearly superior compared to the placebo treatment with risks that does not confer additional benefit. These authors are giving powerful drugs that have all sorts of risks, causing irreversible changes, causing permanent modifications to appearance that they will tell you put the patient at risk for being hate crimed, when theh benefits have not been shown to be superior to an equally elaborate placebo without these risks.
Youtubes: Ex Aisle and Isles of Ex
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