
Glitterature Review: Put it to Bed Nucleus

You may remember this Tiktokdoc from "The Bills are Alive with the Sound of Profits"

If not, here’s a refresher: The Bills are Alive with the Sound of Profits (rumble.com)

TRANSCRIPT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OikdrxxAR2QPQ0CsHu6oX5JPnak9rnzxNBC8hCsEBxo/edit?usp=sharing

In today’s episode, I respond to her perhaps unintentional misrepresentation of a piece of deer-reviewed glitterature attempting to argue that the similarity of one specific part of the brains of some males who have taken a lot of estrogen to feminize themselves should inspire us to redraw the boundaries of male and female so some males can be females. Who cares that this means we have no word for the class of people that can be impregnated by the other nameless class of people?


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