Gender Dysphoria and Reasonable Accommodations
Yes, it's a disability. Yes, they are entitled to reasonable accommodations. No, it is not reasonable to require females to disrobe in front of disabled males.
With the recent court decision making explicit something that should be obvious, which I’ve said since TERFtok - gender dysphoria is by definition a disability and therefore gender dysphoric people are entitled by law to a good faith attempt by employers etc. at reasonable accommodations - it is incredibly important to remember that the key word with disability accommodations is REASONABLE.
A reasonable accommodation does not infringe upon the rights of people without disabilities. If you are a treatment-resistant epileptic, there is no way to accommodate your disability in certain jobs (e.g., pilot) without endangering my life as a passenger and therefore without infringing upon my rights to have a qualified and competent pilot. Therefore, it is not a reasonable accommodation to allow a person with a condition incompatible with safe operation of an aircraft to operate the aircraft anyway because "it's a disability and we have to accommodate disability."
I have experience as a person with disability advocating for my right to reasonable accommodations in employment and housing. I am very familiar with the law in my state as a result. There is no way to accommodate my disability in certain jobs, reasonably, without endangering other people and imposing an unreasonable burden onto employers.
There is no way to reasonably accommodate a male's disability by housing him with females because females have a right to be apart from males. Therefore, the reasonable accommodation for the male "women" is and always will be segregation from other males within the larger male facility. At no point will a man's disability reasonably limit a woman's sex-based rights.
That word— disability—shifted this whole muddy mess into crystal clarity. What a fantastic analogy.
My brother was trying to talk sense~ into me the other day and he said “Okay, you don’t believe in gender identity. Fine. For you it’s a philosophical thought experiment; for trans people it’s their *lives*.” No, it is also my life because of the Unreasonable accommodations that are being demanded. When my rights are being infringed upon, it has gone way beyond thought experiment. Thank you for your contributions in language and analogy so I can have more coherent conversations about what’s happening.