There are myriad risks to gender-related medical interventions. I've reviewed as many gender clinic consent forms as I've been able to find. One consequence of taking these gender-deforming drugs has typically been omitted or downplayed in the forms I have reviewed: cancer. Sex hormones alter DNA and create inflammation. Many patients receiving this treatment for psychological distress will experience the suffering, expense and shortened lifespans as a result of tumors they did not need to develop.
Often the forms do not mention cancer at all; where it is mentioned, it is unjustifiably claimed that the risk that testosterone or estrogen will cause cancer is somehow not known, only associated with one or two organs, or only of concern to patients with a family or personal history of cancer already.
Carcinogenesis, the process of cancer formation, is a multifaceted biological phenomenon. The cancer life cycle begins with genetic damage. A normal, healthy cell is genetically programmed to only grow a certain amount, only divide a certain number of times, and only continue to exist until a certain amount of damage has accumulated. Healthy cells then undergo a process called “apoptosis,” or programmed cell death, in which the cell self-destructs for the sake of the health of the larger organism.
Cancer cells are different. A cancer cell does not die when it is supposed to. Its growth is not limited. It may evolve to become more malignant over time. It detaches from its home base and colonizes other parts of the body. Carcinogens can be partial or complete. A complete carcinogen is a substance which promotes the development and growth of cancer at every stage of the cancer “life cycle.”
For a drug to be classified as a complete carcinogen, it must directly disrupt genetics. This is referred to as cancer initiation. Initiation is a process which produces DNA damage. Most DNA injuries do not progress to cancer, and most cancers are destroyed in early stages by the immune system, but all cancers originate from DNA lesions, as cancer is fundamentally a genetic disease. Initiation is considered to be an irreversible change. A person’s risk of developing a tumor is permanently elevated, forever, following exposure to a complete carcinogen.
Drugs that do not create initiation can still promote the development of cancers which form through normal bodily processes which promote mutation, such as normal cell division, or other mutagenic exposures, such as exposure to a virus that changes genetics. These compounds are incomplete carcinogens, acting on the tumor only once it has formed. Once a tumor is growing within the body, it is a race against the immune system. Cancer cells may grow faster than the immune system is able to defeat them, or may produce compounds which disrupt the normal functioning of the immune system.
After initiation, the next mechanism of carcinogenesis is promotion. This means the drug promotes (accelerates) the growth of cancers. This can happen directly, such as by acting on receptors produced by the tumor, or indirectly, such as via immunosuppression. Steroids in general, including sex steroids estrogen and testosterone, have significant immune modulation effects, and may reduce the person’s ability to immunologically respond to a tumor that develops. It also may promote inflammatory states (via autoimmune disorders or simply disruption of normal sex specific function). Inflammatory states are also initiators. Indeed, puberty blockers, which suppress the production of sex steroids, were originally created to treat prostate cancer due to the fact that sex steroids may accelerate the growth of cancers.
Testosterone and estrogen are being taken to alter bodily size via creating growth of several tissue types. This is how they alter a person’s voice and increase their muscle or breast size. Drugs which promote the growth of certain tissues inherently promote the growth of cancers which arise in those tissues. Estrogen is considered a complete carcinogen. It promotes the mutations that give rise to cancer and then accelerates tumor growth and metastasis (spread). Even breast tumors which do not express estrogen (so-called triple-negative breast cancers) are still more likely to metastasize to other parts of the body if the person consumes or produces estrogen, due to the complex chemical action of estrogen. A Netherlands cohort of thousands of transgender-identifying male people taking estrogen found that the rate of breast cancers increased 46 fold.
The human body is incredibly complex, and so it would be incorrect to draw the conclusion from this, as proponents of these interventions for psychological reasons are fond of retorting, that people would be better off suppressing their natural hormones. Although some people, due to known genetic reasons may find it is in their best interests to suppress their natural sex hormones or even prophylactically remove body parts, such as people with known oncogenes (genes that create cancer, such as BRCA-1 which causes breast cancer), widespread suppression of sex hormones would disrupt other processes, resulting in carcinogenesis by other mechanisms. Such an action would also likely create other health issues besides cancer. These issues may significantly reduce quality or quantity of life. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
When it comes to adolescent gender medicine, we are providing treatments not proven to be superior to a placebo, which are addictive, mind-altering, and carcinogenic, to alleviate what may be temporary teenage angst. The children are being exposed to these ideas on social media and from peers at school. They are told they have feelings-cancer which will lead to self-harm if they do not undergo these interventions. They are given the option of a puberty that is out of their control, or a puberty that is within their control. What child would not choose a puberty within their control? They cannot imagine the horrors that now lie ahead.
Testosterone is a Schedule III controlled substance because it is considered to have a high potential for psychological dependence and a moderate-low potential for physical dependence. The psychological dependence derives from the fact that testosterone can reduce anxiety and create a sense of euphoria. Along with estrogen and progesterone, testosterone is currently being marketed as a cure-all for psychological distress. Young people have been culturally prompted to focus their distress on the material reality of their sexed body and the expectations that go along with that.
When a teenager who believes she would be happier as the other sex is given testosterone, even if she changes her mind and detransitions after a relatively brief exposure, her cells have still undergone initiation via a drug known to cause mutagenic changes and promote the development of tumors. It is an irreversible chemical process. Even if she does not yet have cancer, she is at increased risk of developing cancer at some point in her life, all because she was prescribed an addictive, mind-altering, carcinogenic drug to attempt to cosmetically modify her body in an attempt to soothe her youthful emotions.
The echoes of Big Tobacco are undeniable. The pharmaceutical companies understand that if they get a child hooked on an addictive compound early, she may never be able to quit, and this creates a more profitable long-term customer. The drug manufacturers understand they are sabotaging health, creating customers for life. The medical industry knows that these drugs create reproductive atrophy, hypertrophy, and scarring. They are creating a market by selling an impossible dream and incomprehensible nightmares
In Triple-negative Breast Cancer, Estrogen May Trigger Brain Metastasis (
Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis - Drinking Water and Health - NCBI Bookshelf (
Steroids as procarcinogenic agents - PubMed (
Testosterone treatment is a potent tumor promoter for the rat prostate - PubMed (
Uterine and ovarian changes during testosterone administration in young female-to-male transsexuals
A brief college-level course on how cancers are caused! Thanks, Ex, for this lucid explanation.
it is a crime for medical professionals to keep this information from trans people. the entire industry, for me, is tainted by this point: they all knew this was going on, but they turned a blind eye. it’s been inpossible for me to trust any doctor or nurse since i’ve awakened to this reality. they see nothing, when they look at me, but dollar signs.