
"Dear Gohn:" My Open Letter Response to Gruffin

Yes, I will keep waking up and choosing science.

Hi Gruffin,

You posted a video in response to my spectrogram post stating that you ceased cross-sex hormones between July 2021 and July 2022. This seems to confirm both that any change happened after hormone use, and that you were on hormones when I published my post referring to your hormone use. The changes that happen on testosterone do not necessarily stop or reverse when you discontinue the drug. I will publish any corrections as I am made aware of them. I certainly do not want to misrepresent your story.

You said that I have “tried to diagnose you with fetal alcohol syndrome in basically every video.” You seem to have me confused with someone else (commenters). What is the title of the video and the timestamp where I supposedly speculate this?

Observing that I am not a normal person doing normal person things is not hard. It’s low-hanging fruit, like if I said genital plastic surgery was a very bizarre obsession. My development was atypical, even for autism, and that makes “well-lopsided” as UC Berkeley put it. The push to normalize me, so that I could wake up, go to work, and go to sleep, is a dynamic that mirrors misogyny. Men tell women our deviation from maleness is insanity which we must seek to normalize. Men are not more normal than women.

Why am I still talking about you after a year? You have created some of the most seriously disturbing content I have seen in pursuit of my special interest of disturbing internet content. You have used social media apps to contact young people, via the stitch feature, as I included an example of in the above video. You encouraged her to “join the party” of having a placebo genital surgery, (gesturing to your post-phalloplasty arm and offering a thumbs up) even though your RFF RSVP nearly killed you, nearly took your leg, and has no end in sight. If memory serves, that girl’s profile, now deleted, said she was 15. Last tally, your care was well over 3 quarters of a million dollars.

As I also recall, you uploaded some images of the tentacle skin tube to a site that had no paywall so therefore minors and I were able to access it without a credit card. How many inches is it now? It was a bit of a shrinking violet - a far cry from the forearm scar that got 7.5 million views and 827,000 likes in your pinned video on Tiktok, bragging about the implication of length that, based on the photos, does not hold up to this expectation you’re setting. It’s fair to say that I’m obsessed with you in a way I can’t believe.

Groomed people groom people. You were groomed. You were caught grooming. It is time to break the cycle. It’s time to tell people the bridge is out and if they go down that path they’ll fall off a surgical cliff like you did. Stop beckoning people down the road to perdition. Or don’t. It’s your life. I’m just reacting to it.

In all sincerity,
